Thoughts on the HYPE!

Discussion in 'General Titanfall discussion' started by Mackslappy87, Feb 1, 2014.

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  1. Mackslappy87

    Mackslappy87 Generation 2

    Jan 31, 2014
    I love everything I have read, seen, or heard about Titanfall. I completely expect it to be a system seller for Xbox One. (full disclosure, I plan to pick up an Xbox One the week before Titanfall drops.) But hear is my question...

    Has the hype been built up to much?

    Now don't get me wrong. Again, I love everything about the game so far. But I hope my dreams of such an amazing game reinventing/reinvigorating multiplayer gaming are not wasted. I remember the hype for games all the way back to the first Fable. I don;t think anyone truly believed all the hype (except maybe Peter M.) but the game definitely failed to live up to all the previews and videos released. I still loved the game and have already preordered the HD remake for my sons to enjoy... but I have been burned before.

    The merchandising, advertising etc. make me think Microsoft is banking beyond the stars on the success of Titanfall, so hopefully they are backing a winner. time will tell. But has the Hype gotten out of control?
  2. WhoIsDo

    WhoIsDo Generation 7

    Nov 15, 2013
    I think a good portion of the hype has come from small pieces of video & lack of information. Respawn has essentially received positive remarks from just about every outlet or person that's played the game, and that's all we essentially have to go on at this point.

    Having played the alpha though, the hype is definitely warranted.
    • Like Like x 1
  3. Lateralus082

    Lateralus082 Generation 5
    Elite Pilot

    Jan 26, 2014
    I have faith in Respawn. They wouldn't come all this way for nothing.
  4. Mike

    Mike Generation 4

    Jan 27, 2014
    From what I can tell all professionals in the gaming industry seem to think this game is going to be pretty damn good. I also think a lot of this hype has been generated because Danny O'Dwyer from Gamespot kinda termed this game a "possible call of duty killer." This buzz phrase has spurred a lot of conversation and really started to help people look at it. Since I was not lucky enough to be in the Alpha I can't give you my full opinion, since its not based off much. But we are all hoping this hype train is real!

    I actually just became familiar with Titanfall about 3 months ago and boy am I glad I did! I'll admit, Titanfall swung me towards my Xbox One. But from everything I have seen, this game should, and I hope, shakes everything up.

    Also here is the video I referenced in my post:
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  5. Lateralus082

    Lateralus082 Generation 5
    Elite Pilot

    Jan 26, 2014
    Titanfall is a new hope....
  6. Mike

    Mike Generation 4

    Jan 27, 2014
    hah yes that is exactly what is is. I just can't wait till I get to load that game for the first time. Less than two weeks! :D
  7. Noah Blevins

    Noah Blevins Generation 3

    Feb 1, 2014
    COD doesn't need any help, the devs creating the games are killing it off just fine.

    Titanfall looks amazing. I fully back the idea of removing campain in the traditional sense to increase the assets placed towards a great multiplayer.

    It seems to me that they are trying to rid their game of the problems they learned to face with their experience making COD games. The game looks to be fast paced and fun. It also looks like skill plays a large factor in your score instead of just camping on hardcore mode to get kills.

    A fast paced, skill based game where killstreaks aren't ruining the fun? Yes please!

    I didn't see a single spawn kill in any of the videos I've seen. Eat that COD!
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  8. Definity

    Definity Generation 1

    Feb 2, 2014
    Great video.
    I can agree with most of his points he made in the video.

    I think the hype is only going to keep building and will probably explode right around beta time.
    The game to me, based on alpha footage, looks like stupid amounts of FUN to play.
    I've been wanting something new and fresh to play for a couple years now. I think Titanfall may be that game.
  9. Mike

    Mike Generation 4

    Jan 27, 2014
    Yeah I loved the video! I loved COD but its time to go. I've seen so much damn footage gameplay that I just want a chance to play it! Beta please come faster haha
  10. Mackslappy87

    Mackslappy87 Generation 2

    Jan 31, 2014
    I guess the best part now is knowing that so many people are excited. This can only build up the player base and lead to a tremendous launch. I, too, loved and now like call of duty. Maybe the release of Titanfall (making gobs of money on only 3 systems) will lead publishers to not simply rush "versions" out every year of some of our old favorites. Would love a downloadable "horde" type mode in the future. One Titan, 3 pilots against unending waves or some form of simple objective based missions in co-op.
  11. richyg84

    richyg84 Generation 3

    Jan 29, 2014
    The hype for TitanFall is due to everyone's hunger for something new. 2014, we are at that transition period from one console generation to the next, Valve is making a game console (sort of), and smartphones/tablets are the it-device for many. Call of Duty and Battlefield, like PS2, Gamecube-era with World War II have driven the modern era war shooter to the ground. Same DLC, same $150 for useless collectors edition that will sit along side our Rock Band/Guitar Hero instruments, the video game audience (hey, that's us!) are ready for something new. Hell, we are craving for something new, some of us have turned our attention to playing bite-sized games on our phone as a way to once again please that inner five-year-old in all of us. Remember when all of us got our hands on the first Modern Warfare? I was giddy and finished the campaign in one sitting.

    If everyone is betting that Titanfall is that next thing, they are in for disappointment. Like Valve's attempt at a living room machine, TF is the first step towards that next big game. Does it have that "it factor" that the first Modern Warfare had? Sure it does, in spades I might add. A lot of us on this forum will be losing hours and live streaming it. Game of the year contender? Sure. Personally, it will be March's flavour of the month until Destiny, Watch Dogs, and the next new idea is in our hot little hands.
  12. Mackslappy87

    Mackslappy87 Generation 2

    Jan 31, 2014
    Very insightful. My kids and I actually broke out Guitar Hero last night and had a blast... forgot how to play almost. Your point about there being something better on the way is a point well taken. I agree that I hope it lives up to the momentum that Call of Duty 4 sustained for a while. Innovation and excitement should carry us through this first year of next gen.
  13. Noah Blevins

    Noah Blevins Generation 3

    Feb 1, 2014
    Im not expecting the end all be all FPS. I only hope for a competitive game that relies on skill to win. If this is that game Im all in.