What are some good and bad things you are expecting to come in Titanfall

Discussion in 'General Titanfall discussion' started by Dishoungh White, Dec 22, 2013.

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  1. Dishoungh White

    Dishoungh White Generation 3

    Dec 21, 2013
    For me, there are going to minimal problems with this game primarily, Respawn has been working on this game for nearly 3 years now and they are the creators of my favorite CoD game. But that doesn't mean that it will be a flawless game. Successful games like GTA V, Halo, Call of Duty, Battlefield have flaws.

    Good things I expect to be in Titanfall:

    1. Pure, 100% SMOOTH, FAST GAMEPLAY: Balls to the walls action is what I expect. From what I can tell from the gameplays, Respawn is promoting rushing and they are nerfing camping.

    2. The agility: This is really innovative and they are going forward with the fast paced action concept and this, I think, will discourage camping.

    3. The balance between Titans and Pilots: I don't think that Respawn will make the Titans overpowered because everyone will have some kind of Anti-Titan weapon at their disposal.

    4. Respawn bringing back what shooters should be all about, FUN: As you can see, the FPS market is becoming very stale and everyone is getting tired of the same, generic shoot and kill aspect. I don't think that shooting people will be the only concept of Titanfall. I think that Titanfall will be all about having fun, going around to explore, and have a laugh. Today, all you hear in CoD or Battlefield is, "YOU F**KING CAMPER! Waaaa! You're using this OP gun, you're using that OP gun. STOP CAMPING! Y U SHOOT ME! I KEEP DYING WAAAAA!" That's all you hear and I hope that Titanfall will be about fun.

    Bad things I expect to be in Titanfall:

    1. The CoD Community: Now, this may not happen because I think Respawn is prepared for this and this is one of the reasons why Titanfall will fail not because Respawn didn't make the game right, it's because the CoD community. What if the same campers get their dirty hands on Titanfall and ruin the game? Finding little dark corners to camp in and ruin the game. You know the shooter community. There are a lot of people who will intentionally sit in a corner and just wait the whole game to get just 2-4 kills a game even though they're not supposed to. I'm not too worried because I'm pretty sure that Respawn will be prepared. They need to put some kind of mechanic that slows down that timer if you're camping. I hope Respawn punishes camping because camping may be strategic but come on, this is a video game. If you want to be strategic, play a strategic game like Arma, Battlefield, or just straight up go to the military to camp and wait for people the whole day. Literally, I've seen this military movie and they showed this scene where these people were camping in this one spot the entire DAY looking at ONE SPOT for ONE DUDE to come out. That's boring.

    That's really the only bad thing I expect to happen to this game. I think that Titanfall will be one of the best games of 2014. I really do. I've played CoD4 and it's a beast game. The only problem I have with it is the grenades but that's a typical flaw. I guess they put that in there to make it more realistic or probably when people are camping, people can just throw nades to kill campers I guess. What do you expect in Titanfall?
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  2. Kingkat54

    Kingkat54 Generation 7

    Dec 9, 2013
    I personally believe that Titanfall will be a great across all platforms. I really think Respawn has the intention of making this a good game. They are giving us a dedicated servers style system. (I do not know a lot about M$ Cloud to make judgments), but I think connections and optimization on PC will be good.
    I think this will improve their standing with the COD community. There are many players that are skeptical about Respawn and who they are, or were in a gaming development sense. I still believe they will get this one right, or work as hard as they can to make it better.
    As far as camping or sniping in the game, I think the game play itself will determine whether these players will succeed or not. I think this game will make other fps games want to go their way. Focus on MP and making the game play well for everyone, regardless of system specs.
    I admit I have high expectations of this game, but then again they have been at it for almost 2 years?
    I am looking forward to knowing what the PC Specs will be. (willing to make necessary upgrades)
    I am looking forward to a Beta test. Across all platforms I hope. ( heckies.I just want to play it!)
  3. WhoIsDo

    WhoIsDo Generation 7

    Nov 15, 2013
    Great lists here, guys. I'm really hoping that we see some sort of interactive tutorial that really gets people to understand that this game is NOT Call of Duty. You're definitely right when you say the COD community will gravitate towards this game, but it's important to showcase how the game is different and how to get the most out of the controls/tactics.
  4. Kingkat54

    Kingkat54 Generation 7

    Dec 9, 2013
    I am wondering if you are a Single Player, and you begin a match, does the game insert BOTS to fill out each side? It has been discussed but I do not think anything official has been said?:(
    Let's say its 6 vs. 6. It would be just you, as a human player, with a team of 5 bots against a team of (6) all bots. Then would other single players be able to join and take the place of the AI Bot? Being placed alternately on each side to make the teams even. I began to think about this while playing "another" military fps:rolleyes:. It will not begin a match until at least 5 human players are presento_O. I eventually quit because I hated to wait so long just to play. :mad:
  5. WhoIsDo

    WhoIsDo Generation 7

    Nov 15, 2013
    It seems like there are going to be a LOT of the bots in matches, but they don't count for nearly the amount of XP/points that regular pilots (humans) do.

    There won't be a single player portion to the game, but they do have a story-driven mode within multiplayer.
  6. Kingkat54

    Kingkat54 Generation 7

    Dec 9, 2013
    That's fine. Lower XP/ points in a bots only match makes sense.
    I am hoping that players will be able to enter and exit from a match at will. That way a 32 player server won't just sit and wait for all the slots to fill. Always hated that . Never had all the time in the world to play..........maybe an hour or so.