Which weapons are top tier or need to be rebalancing?

Discussion in 'General Titanfall discussion' started by Omega82, Dec 31, 2016.

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  1. Omega82

    Omega82 Generation 5

    Dec 21, 2016
    Yea that's what it feels like , the gun kinda feels useless now . Was the volt THAT overpowered? I don't think it was anymore overpowered than the hemlock , devotion , or G2 so I don't know why the nerfed it.
  2. ThirdGuyver

    ThirdGuyver Generation 6
    Elite Pilot

    Apr 12, 2015
    It may have come from the pc side? It wasnt op in console form I wouldnt say, but on the pc it was a hip fire laser by all accounts, (would i be right to say the pc version has the capacity for pinpoint accuracy?)
  3. Omega82

    Omega82 Generation 5

    Dec 21, 2016
    Yea your right it was more dominant on the pc. It's to bad because this gun was very fun to use but now it seems like a bad choice to use it.
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