Titanfall 2 can't find matches

Discussion in 'Titanfall PC' started by msterquilt, Feb 22, 2017.

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  1. msterquilt

    msterquilt Generation 1

    Feb 22, 2017
    Whenever I do a "find game", it just shows a constant search like there is no one there. It's only when I chose attrition that it finds people. I just got the game recently, and hate the fact I can barely use the multiplayer. I've contacted EA and did a bunch of their troubleshooting. I disabled my firewall and additional ports for the game as well. I tried also changing server regions, but still no luck. Am I just going to have to accept the fact that I will only be able to get "attrition" games? Would it have anything to do with their skill related matchmaking? Should I try and get a refund or should I just wait it out?
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  2. brazzjazz

    brazzjazz Generation 1

    Jan 27, 2017
    Hi msterquilt,
    The PC playerbase is the smallest of the three platforms, and unless you play Attrition, it can take a while until the matchmaking has found 12 players to start a match with. Depending on the daytime, it may be rather quick or take forever. I don't think it has anything to do with port settings or the like, as you are able to join Attrition games. Also, you can see how many players have been found by the matchmaking system (something like 4/12, 5/12, 3/12 as players cancel matchmaking etc.). Alternatively, you can try to join up with other Titanfall 2 players from a Discord group of your region in order to circumvent the matchmaking problem to some extent or altogether (if somebody sets up a "Private Match"). Let me know if you have any further questions.
  3. ensc

    ensc Generation 7
    Elite Pilot

    May 29, 2016
    Yeah, unfortunately, most of the lobbies other than Attrition were dead on the PC within the first 2 months, which infuriates me, because I really only care to play Amped Hardpoint.

    Also it has nothing to do with their skill related matchmaking, because it is very obvious that they make no attempt at even creating an algorithm for skill based matchmaking. They do try to have a full game from the start, but as I explained here, this is actually worse than TF1, because it is just sneaky backdoor mismatchmaking.
  4. azumashima

    azumashima Generation 1

    Mar 2, 2017
    I tried yesterday and I could not play. The game only searching matches but find no one.
  5. BattleReadyPB

    BattleReadyPB Generation 5

    Feb 10, 2016
    This game's multiplayer flopped faster than a soccer player faking an injury.

    Since the last update Respawn has hidden the number of active players in each game mode which I find to be a horrible idea. Modes such as CTF would often have 0 players. Hell even LTS would have 0 players in the wee hours of the morning.
    Pretty sad.
    I was playing TF1 the other day, more people playing CTF in TF1 than TF2 bahahaha.
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    • Funny Funny x 1
  6. ensc

    ensc Generation 7
    Elite Pilot

    May 29, 2016
    My daily dose of Battle humor is good for my health. :)

    Yes, this is the answer. Please pay attention here everyone. TF1 has been out for 3 years and you can still get a CTF game better than in TF2 that has been out only for 4 months. What does that tell you?

    Also, I only care to play Amped Hardpoint, but can never get a game in TF2. At least on the weekend, I can still get a Hardpoint Domination game in TF1. So again, what does that tell you?

    TF1 is a FAR SUPERIOR game to TF2. Everyone who is struggling with TF2 for any reason should just say screw it and either go back to TF1 or buy it for only $10 if you've never had it. For $10, you get 24 large, well designed maps that were obvioiusly a labor of love. Even after 3 years, you can still get an Attrition game any time of day. You can also get a Multiplayer Campaign game any time of day as long as you are willing to switch servers. The Multiplayer Campaign gives a predictable 9-game pattern of Hardpoint Domination (HP), Attrition (AT), AT, AT, AT, HP, AT, HP, HP. So think about that, 3 years in you can still play Hardpoint any time of day, where with TF2 the Amped Hardpoint lobby was dead inside of 2 months with NO alternative. For $10, you also get a fully developed and well-designed coop mode called Frontier Defense, which by the way you can get a game of at almost any time of day. For $10, you actually get challenges you are required to complete before you can Regenerate. For $10, you also get a Rank System to challenge yourself against other players. For $10, you get Burn Cards instead of Boosts and a Black Market where you can purchase and sell them. For $10, you actually get titans that are fast and strong that have regenerating shields and allow you to fully customize their loadouts.

    I mean c'mon guys. If you are frustrated or struggling with TF2, what are you waiting for? You get a FAR SUPERIOR game than TF2 for a measly $10.
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