Forum GamerTag

Discussion in 'Feedback, Issues & Suggestions' started by HyperBeamSamus, Mar 2, 2017.

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  1. HyperBeamSamus

    HyperBeamSamus Generation 1

    Mar 2, 2017
    I understand that teams need to be able to differentiate team members and enemy members. But having your gamertag highlighted above your head enemies can easily spot you if you trying to hide in bushes, trees, on top of buildings and antennas. I believe that the gamertag should be removed and replaced with colored outline only when your crosshairs highlight over the enemy.
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    DARK BAWGS Generation 5
    Elite Pilot

    Sep 19, 2016
    I absolutely agree Samus, in addition on the PS4, unlike the Xbox, there is no symbol indicating "Parties" so you often get in a game and are against a 6 member team party. I like to know that before I go into a game. Often they are not all in the same "Network", which is itself a joke and serves no useful purpose in the game.
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  3. HyperBeamSamus

    HyperBeamSamus Generation 1

    Mar 2, 2017
    I wonder if respawn, get these suggestions or are we just ranting off and it doesn't matter....smh
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  4. ReedyChannel146

    ReedyChannel146 Generation 2

    Jan 1, 2017
    But if you can't see the gamer tag how do you hunt down the guy that just T- bagged you for the tenth time? :p
  5. ensc

    ensc Generation 7
    Elite Pilot

    May 29, 2016
    I do understand your point, because I don't like anything that gives away my position either. However, I'm mixed on this one, because I do like the gamer tag being there. Perhaps they could make it visible only to enemies 50 feet away or more. I don't know, but I like it and don't like it at the same time.

    There is something I would really like to see, which I believe DARK is kind of alluding to here. I would like to know, which players on my team as well as which players on the other team are grouped together (whether in the same Network or as Friends). For example, the way you can see your Friend's names appearing green. If there were 3 people in a Network together on the other team, I would like to see them one color (blue, let's say), then if the other 3 on the other team are linked as Friends, I would like to see them another color (green, let's say). And the same thing for anyone on my team as well. I think it would really help to understand the entire makeup of both teams to help you decide whether it's a game you want to invest your time in or not. I think we deserve to know this information and just going by the clan tag of the Networks doesn't cut it.

    Well, Samus, it sure feels like we are talking to the wall for the most part.