Game is great...would like more content.

Discussion in 'General Titanfall discussion' started by Erik Bundy, Mar 12, 2014.

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  1. Erik Bundy

    Erik Bundy Generation 1

    Mar 12, 2014
    Listen, the game is great, I love it. However, I am a tad disappointed with the amount of content offered at launch. Titanfall wants to dethrone COD (which I'm all for), but comparing the two games, COD has tons more content to keep players occupied for longer periods of time. Compared to BF4, it has a pitiful amount of guns and attachments. As I said, I love the game, and will be playing it for a long time to come; I wonder why they lack certain features that are almost expected in today's AAA FPS games.
  2. Bumsonfire

    Bumsonfire Generation 3

    Feb 12, 2014
    I kinda understand what you mean, but Titanfall is the first of its franchise unlike COD and Battlefield. And Plus, when you pre-order the game, you do get quite a lot of content, and there is deferentially much more to come. New DLC'S a new game mode and etc. Give it time, the game isn't even a week old.
  3. P0pSh0t21

    P0pSh0t21 P0p them all!
    Elite Pilot

    Mar 10, 2014
    Yeah like said above this is the first of it's franchise COD and BF4 has been around for years give them a have it's an amazing game for it's first go.
  4. Knighty

    Knighty Generation 2

    Mar 9, 2014
    What would you like to see in the game that's not in there now?
  5. Virtual Agony

    Virtual Agony Generation 2

    Mar 11, 2014
    i would rather a game with minimal content that works almost flawlessly than a game with tons of content that is riddled with issues cough BF4 cough. content will come with time. hopefully just as you are getting bored with current content.
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  6. Clarkeh

    Clarkeh Post-Patch Generation 6 Pilot
    Elite Pilot

    Feb 17, 2014
    Time will tell whether Titanfall ends up being around in the long run or ends up in the bargain bin in 6 months time, Concerning game modes is that mode they were talking about Hunted is that in release version? (basiclly attrition cept bots don't count for points)

    We do have 3 DLC Pods on the way so who knows whats going to be in them? We know maps are on the way but it would be foolish for Respawn not to address the bad development of Multiplayer Campaign and expand on the story and lore a bit.
  7. KaotikOnslaught

    KaotikOnslaught Generation 5

    Feb 2, 2014
    Well after putting in 12hrs the first day I can honestly say this game is amazing. Although I do have a couple issues with the game and I hope these get addressed. These are my opinions on what I think needs to be added to the game

    1 - Map voting. Maybe have like a choice of three maps to vote on between matches.

    2 - Weapon customization (I just love having the option of changing the looks of my gun and being different on the field)

    3 - The generations system needs to be changed in my eyes. At first I liked what I was reading but now not so much. I don't feel as if going the "generations" is rewarding enough. To lose everything, all weapons, all attachments, all challenges, all stats, just to get a colored dog tag beside your name just doesn't really give me a reason to move on. I rather keep everything.

    4 - Game modes, I think we need a couple more. I'm not trying to turn this into cod by any means but there was one game mode in Black Ops 2 that kept me coming back for more. Hardpoint, (I know Titanfall has a hardpoint) I loved that mode and it made it feel intense, and very competitive. I would love something like this in the game. It would draw everyone to one point and make for a huge battle

    Again these are my opinions and just something I would like to see changed
  8. Virtual Agony

    Virtual Agony Generation 2

    Mar 11, 2014
    i'm sorry kaotik, but i disagree with everything you said. instead of making this game like all others, make up new things.

    1. this ends up being the same few maps over and over. it gets very boring. instead of maps maybe change the mode for some variation.

    2. as far as weapon customizing are you referring to aesthetics or equipable stuff like scopes?

    3. if you go on to another generation you should start over that's the fun of it. you will have better knowledge of what you are doing and will able to change any regrets you had from before.

    4. again come up with different game modes than whats out there. hardpoint sounds like teamdeathmatch with a place for campers to focus on. i wouldn't enjoy it i feel. i enjoy the modes they have now and will be content with them for some time to come.
  9. KaotikOnslaught

    KaotikOnslaught Generation 5

    Feb 2, 2014
    No need to apologize these are just something that I would like to see in the game.
  10. Crozmosis

    Crozmosis Generation 2

    Mar 12, 2014
    I'd really like a game mode similar to Rush in Battlefield.