Great game. Already bored.

Discussion in 'General Titanfall discussion' started by cmoshdotcom, Mar 14, 2014.

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  1. cmoshdotcom

    cmoshdotcom Generation 2

    Mar 11, 2014
    Anyone else getting bored with first person shooters?

    I feel like that they're the only game on the market right now worth putting time in to, but they grow stale incredibly fast. Its always the same rinse and repeat mechanics (though Titanfall makes the hit detection in BF4 look like a sad, pathetic joke). Though this game would be new and intriguing, but, for me, its just fallen short.

    Maybe my time with shooters is coming to an end.
  2. aynrandsucks

    aynrandsucks Generation 2

    Mar 14, 2014
    nah. i am tired of COD though.
  3. Chaz

    Chaz Generation 6
    Elite Pilot

    Jan 15, 2014
    I kind of feel the opposite. I grew weary of FPS' and Titanfall has actually rekindled the fun/desire I used to have for the genre back in the COD 4 days. Still, everyone is allowed to feel whichever way they want. :)
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  4. Pilot_KC

    Pilot_KC 6th Gen Pilot
    Elite Pilot

    Feb 22, 2014
    I share Chaz's sentiments. The last MP game that I enjoyed for any length of time was Frontlines Fuel of War back in '08. After it died out, I hadn't played any MP FPS' games for a while until Titanfall came along.

    I 100% understand where you're coming from cmosh. I feel the same way about MMO games and everyone just feels the same even though they're all different. The way you get over it is to go back and play an older game than come back and embrace the new and improved titles.
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  5. Virtual Agony

    Virtual Agony Generation 2

    Mar 11, 2014
    Cmosh, what are you expecting, a new way to shoot a gun? any type of game can only deviate so much from the basic formula and still be considered that type of game. a shooter is a shooter. you pull a trigger on a gun and it shoots. you can't get much more different from that before its not a shooter any more.
  6. Bardiel18

    Bardiel18 Generation 5
    Elite Pilot

    Feb 23, 2014
    You could say that with almost any genre, truth be told.

    Most JRPG's run with the same mechanics, with slight tweaks to try making themselves unique. Sure, those at least have more complex stories, but you get the picture. In Fighting games, you fight. In Shoot-em-ups you shoot and dodge and shoot. In Stealth games, you try your darnedest to stay hidden and move on.

    Like @Chaz said, Titanfall has done something different - and this might only be a "slight" difference for some people, but a lot of us here feel like it's done more than enough to make the FPS genre feel fresh again.

    I mentioned this in another thread:
    In Titanfall, you have fun.
    In CoD, you get pissed off.
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  7. cmoshdotcom

    cmoshdotcom Generation 2

    Mar 11, 2014
    I dunno, I've been a battlefield diehard since bf2. BF4 drops, and its a fucking joke.
    I play this, for a breath of fresh air, which it definitely is, but there is little to no teamwork, at all.
    Not to mention, the hit detection in this game makes BF4 seem like a cruel joke.

    Not to take anything away from this game, amazing as it is, but BF4 would be AMAZING if bullets actually registered.

    edit: i haven't played cod since mw2, which is the only reason i gave this game a chance.
  8. Arch3r

    Arch3r Generation 2

    Mar 11, 2014
    i love FPS games bf2 and bfbc2 are the best bf games out there.i got bf3 and was like wtf is this shit.its bf and cod mixed into one game.thats why i never got bf4.

    i do like titanfall.its a good fun game.again its just a sci fi cod.and i will still play this.lvl up way to fast but the bots in the game just put me off.

    arma 3 is great its god lots of mods as well.arma 3 breaking point is just class great game play great gfx
  9. megabeast37215

    megabeast37215 Generation 2

    Mar 15, 2014
    I haven't enjoyed an FPS since Black Ops 1.. this is the first one I've really gotten into since then. The vertical aspect, the parkour, the giant robots.. all very fresh.

    Still.. I wish there was something more. Like, more weapons, especially Titan Weapons.
  10. LDG_JordanRetro

    LDG_JordanRetro Generation 3

    Mar 10, 2014
    They made titanfall a simple and easy game to a just to ...a lot of these gamers played halo halo 2 and 3 and there were at most 8 types of guns ...and no halo person complained there.....I like that there not a lot of weapon and the focused on the online play and how it me it fun when I'm with my clan..we run as a team and use teamwork to win...we have 76% win percentage ...everything about this game to me is fun..that what matters to me...not ranking up or what gen you are...that just shows how Much of a real life you only thing that wrong with this game is you lol should go on skill not..xp and how Much you play..that's just my opinion
  11. OujaStrike

    OujaStrike Generation 4 Level 50
    Elite Pilot

    Dec 8, 2013
    #11 OujaStrike, Mar 15, 2014
    Last edited: Mar 15, 2014
    been playing since tuesday not anywhere near bored, with cod i get bored about a week into it
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  12. MissMayhem

    MissMayhem Generation 3

    Mar 15, 2014
    After playing a lot of Mass Effect and Dragon Age games, Titanfall was a breath of fresh air for me. Never was able to play CoD and become good at it. I have CoD:Ghosts, but that got stale quickly for me (It's what made me go into ME1,2,3 and DA again)
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