Vortex Shield and MT Missile Systems are must haves for your Titan

Discussion in 'General Titanfall discussion' started by DangReed, Mar 15, 2014.

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  1. DangReed

    DangReed Generation 2

    Mar 15, 2014
    If you aren't using both of these, then you're doing it wrong. ;-)
  2. GeneralArmchair

    GeneralArmchair Generation 2

    Feb 17, 2014
    My cluster munitions missiles and electric smoke say otherwise.
    • Like Like x 5
  3. megabeast37215

    megabeast37215 Generation 2

    Mar 15, 2014
    It's not quite that simple.. game type and primary weapon selection have quite a lot to do with it. For instance.. if you're using the Plasma Rifle, 40mm, Arc Cannon, etc. You might now have a very easy time hitting a pilot charging at you with crazy parkour moves trying to rodeo you. The solution is one of the two missile systems that don't require a lock.. Rocket Salvo particularly is quite good at this..Or you can electric smoke him once he mounts you. I feel I can always win a 1v1 Titan fight.. I find pilots much more troublesome.
  4. GeneralArmchair

    GeneralArmchair Generation 2

    Feb 17, 2014
    Part of the reason I like the cluster munition missile is that it is versatile. Pilot rodeoed me? Shoot it into a nearby wall and present my back to the explosions. One dead pilot. (you only have a few moments to do this after you hear the "kathud-thump"....and don't forget to leave before you shields collapse.)
    • Like Like x 2
  5. DangReed

    DangReed Generation 2

    Mar 15, 2014
    I use the chain gun in addition to the MTMS, so pilots are no biggie ;-)
  6. DangReed

    DangReed Generation 2

    Mar 15, 2014
  7. DangReed

    DangReed Generation 2

    Mar 15, 2014
    I found the cluster bomb to be useless against other Titans....effective vs pilots, but too one dimensional.
  8. D2ultima

    D2ultima Generation 4

    Feb 3, 2014
    By all means, try if you see me online =D.
  9. GeneralArmchair

    GeneralArmchair Generation 2

    Feb 17, 2014
    The cluster bombs are actually extremely painful to titans. That AOE damage adds up fast, and the animation is pretty easy to overlook and quite honestly doesn't look very threatening. Half the time my opponents are so busy fighting me that they don't realize that they're standing in it. Before they know it, their shields are down and their health is chipping away.

    The fact that people like to cluster up in last titan standing group fights is just gravy. Catch them all in a tight spot, and you'll strip the shields and some armor off of 2-3 titans as they're busy tripping over each other.
  10. Kaeldian

    Kaeldian Generation 2

    Mar 14, 2014
    Sorry, I prefer Electric Smoke and Missile Salvo myself. Missile Salvo is quick, easy, and always puts the damage where I want it. And electric smoke has so many uses that I keep discovering.

    Titan or Pilot locking? Smoke breaks that.
    Getting Rodeo'd? Smoke solves that
    Need to eject without getting ripped out of my cockpit? Smoke discourages that
    Need to cover to make a getaway? Smoke gives me that.

    The list grows the more I play.
  11. aynrandsucks

    aynrandsucks Generation 2

    Mar 14, 2014
    electric smoke and cluster are my go to. electric smoke not only combats rodeo pilots, but it also is great in cornering titans. and cluster is the best way to kill pilots in lofty places.
  12. ZJP

    ZJP Generation 5
    Elite Pilot

    Feb 20, 2014
    I echo electric smoke. Gets pilots off you. Confuses other Titan drivers. Takes out grunts like nothin' else.

    And does all 3 at the same time while you've completely moved away from it.

    I spend a great deal of time dashing to the side of vortex shield bullets being sent back at me....then SLAM the opposing Titan while it's waiting for that crap to recharge :)
    • Like Like x 1
  13. Rōnin Rick 831

    Rōnin Rick 831 Generation 2

    Mar 16, 2014
    I will agree that the multi-target missile is generally the best choice for ordnance. You can do massive damage to a titan if you hit them with the full salvo without them seeing you.

    Sometimes though the cluster missile is real useful. Maps with choke points where titans get caught up on each other? Shoot it at their feet. Grunt/spectre pod drops in? Fire and forget for 3-4 minion kills. Pilot taking pot-shots at you from a window? Shoot one in there with him. Got rodeo'd by some scrub? Scratch your back with one.

    And the vortex shield gets you killed as often as it saves you. You lose your situational awareness focusing on a particular enemy(-ies) and other titans/pilots creep on you and fuck your shit up.

    I use electric smoke. As soon as I hear the clanking sounds of a pilot scrambling on my hull, I pop smoke and crouch down in it, laughing. And it's perfect for beating a hasty retreat; if your shields are down and you're trying to get away, lots of people are afraid of running through the smoke after you. Additionally, pilots with Archers can't lock onto you through the smoke.

    Favorite set-up:

    Chaingun with accelerator
    Electric smoke
    Multi-target missiles
    Regen booster

    I stay extremely mobile and survive for extended periods, sometimes the entire match. It's all about making the most of your dashes and damage core, and knowing when to hit and run and when to stick and fight.
    • Like Like x 2
  14. D2ultima

    D2ultima Generation 4

    Feb 3, 2014
    I like how the above poster realizes that titans can crouch XD. So many people don't.

    Also, the Stryder's strength is its mobility, which is sacrificed with a shield up. Once I found out smoke hurts titans things got a whole lot better XD.
  15. GeneralArmchair

    GeneralArmchair Generation 2

    Feb 17, 2014
    Keep in mind that a vortex shield can buy the stryder enough time to recharge its boosts or engage its dash core.
  16. D2ultima

    D2ultima Generation 4

    Feb 3, 2014
    Very true, however it only works for head-on, physical attacks. Anything from the side or behind (especially in pilot + auto-titan vs piloted stryder) will still hit, Plasma Railgun and charge-up anti-titan weapon will deal (lots of) damage still, and Arc Cannons sap the shield. I'm not saying it doesn't have its uses, but it's a defensive use, and the Stryder isn't a defensive titan. The Atlas or the Ogre are more suited to shielding as far as I've noticed. I've been hit a single blow at full shields from a charge-up laser or maybe a plasma cannon which has dropped me down to under half health. Unless those people were hacking or I got hit twice/thrice and didn't notice, the less time I move slowly with a stryder the better.
  17. Tankhunter

    Tankhunter Generation 2

    Mar 16, 2014
    Clusters and smoke are the way to go. Coupling Smoke and Nuke Ejection are a way to put the hurt on bunched up enemies.
  18. Kaeldian

    Kaeldian Generation 2

    Mar 14, 2014
    Started playing with particle shield and cluster bombs today - I'm not sold on the Particle Shield but the Cluster Bombs are freakin' dope.
  19. Smoking_Jackal

    Smoking_Jackal Generation 2

    Mar 17, 2014
    Electric smoke, cluster missiles and triple threat

    F*** this area in particular