Um... Where is the Campaign!!!!!!

Discussion in 'Titanfall 360 & Xbox One' started by CJ obaS, Mar 11, 2014.

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  1. CJ obaS

    CJ obaS Generation 1

    Mar 11, 2014
    :mad::cool: After participating in both the Alpha and the Beta I am surprised to see so little new. This games lack of campaign takes it from a 5 out of 5 star to a 3 maybe 3.5 stars tops. Tomorrow morning I am going to try to stomach what's left... If I can't I will be returning it before GameStop closes tomorrow.

    CJS Gamer tag StrikeHere
  2. LDG_JordanRetro

    LDG_JordanRetro Generation 3

    Mar 10, 2014
    See they avertised titanfall as only an multiplayer right on the cover and the back it's says need xboz live gold to play ..the have the co-op campaign that they Thur togetherness cause everyone wanted something.Just remember that this is there first big release and hopefully by titanfall 2 we will get a campaign
  3. Lannik

    Lannik Generation 2

    Mar 3, 2014
    Granted I personally don't mind the lack of a campaign, but I don't understand how people would downrate a game intended to be multiplayer due to the fact that it has no single player. You don't see that sort of thing in reverse... Portals 1 was a single player game that received critical acclaim... but no one griped that it had no multiplayer did they?

    Also a touch confused about how someone who followed Titanfall through its Alpha stages did not pick up on the fact that it was always intended to be multiplayer exclusive with no traditional single player campaign. Anyway, back to Titanfall!
    • Like Like x 2

    TYPOGRAPH1C Generation 3

    Jan 31, 2014
    #4 TYPOGRAPH1C, Mar 11, 2014
    Last edited: Mar 11, 2014
    REALLY? I mean, REALLY?

    This has always been heavily marketed as a "always online multiplayer next gen experience" which uses the cloud at all times to power the AI in the game. Have you ever played Unreal? It's campaign is basically MP modes with a shallow storyline and cutscenes.

    The last game to be 100% multiplayer only that I can remember was Shadowrun, in 2007. And guess what? It was a full-price tough pill to swallow.... but competitively was the bees knees for even a brief period on the MLG circuit.

    Exactly! No one ever criticized Portal 1 for not having multiplayer. And I remember this "funfact" being way out of left field in 2001: Portal 2 won "best mulitplayer" at the VGA's the year it was out versus MW3, BF3, and Gears 3. To me, that's more "co-op" by classic definition, but I digress...

    The point of Titanfall's single player campaign is to be scripted MP maps/modes to offer a crossover to get those who solely enjoy single player more inclined to try MP. Why? Because multiplayer is crazy fun, and some people are really shy, lol. By giving them a basic knowledge of what the heck is going on, the hope is to steer more and more "shy" gamers towards playing online and enjoying the spectacular multiplayer experiences that Respawn has crafted for us to enjoy for years to come.

    Love it or hate it, I don't think anyone who buys this game... aside from someone who has never purchased an XBL gold subscription and bought the game off a recommendation with zero prior knowledge going in, even with the obvious red flags all over the box art, really can't complain about the lack of campaign.

    Think of the campaign as a remedial summer school course, where the developers would hope you'd learn the basics of long division to pass and move up to 9th grade with the rest of the cool kids fighting each other in wicked awesome mechs and having a freaking blast... minus the algebra.

    - TYPØ
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  5. Bumsonfire

    Bumsonfire Generation 3

    Feb 12, 2014
    Unlike most games, Titanfall was made for its multiplayer. It's fresh new idea to the first-person shooter world is the main reason why the game is popular. And its pretty stupid to buy an FPS game just for the campaign. Think about it, the only reason people by bf4 or cod is because of its online features. The campaign is just a one-time thing that people do just because they are intrested on the story behind it or to unlock acheivements or a couple in-game things that might become useful in future. Try not to focus on the campaign, the game was developed mainly for online.
  6. BloodShot9001

    BloodShot9001 Generation 3

    Mar 13, 2014
    Honestly, it reminds me of how Brink used to go. It was more or less just the same matches you would play online, but with a little story thrown in. However, the difference with Titanfall is that, like everyone else here stated, it was meant to be multiplayer only from the beginning. When people complained about the lack of a campaign (not specifically a singleplayer mode, mind you), they accommodated. And guess what? People bitched about them adding a campaign too. Honestly, I think people just wanted a reason to complain about the game, and won't be happy unless it's "perfect" and won't take the game for what it is (which is STILL amazing if you ask me).
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  7. Force58

    Force58 Generation 2

    Feb 23, 2014
    The post had to have been written to get a rise out of the community, it had to. Like most of you have stated, its been advertised as a MP game from the beginning, so to complain that there's not a traditional single-player campaign makes no sense. I like that Respawn integrated a co-op story mode that plays out for both the IMC and Militia. It forces everyone down the path to complete both before you can enjoy the benefits of the other 2 Titan classes, which by the way, the Ogre is badass!!!!!

  8. Jestershat

    Jestershat Generation 1

    Mar 13, 2014
    I agree OP the game contains very very little for the price point, a few modes and some maps. Woopie! Looks like more money was spent on the PR propaganda machine to advertise this, than the actual game. No doubt we'll see more maps and modes (cut out from this release no doubt) soon enough for $$$.
  9. BloodShot9001

    BloodShot9001 Generation 3

    Mar 13, 2014
    Actually, in addition to the season pass (which is MUCH CHEAPER than most other Season Passes), Respawn has said they're going to periodically release free DLC, about 1 or 2 maps, but that's still more than you get from most other games.
  10. The Kleaner

    The Kleaner Generation 2

    Mar 15, 2014
    I agree with everything you said but I just wish that Respawn had found a way to pull me more into their world. The gameplay is phenomenal and it will keep me coming back but I wish I cared more about the Titanfall universe.
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  11. ZJP

    ZJP Generation 5
    Elite Pilot

    Feb 20, 2014
    Many young folk say this and you couldn't be more off. This game can be played from anywhere to 60 to 200 hours. At a dollar a minute, you've just made out like a bandit.

    You pay $13 for a movie and that only lasts 2 hours.

    A weak story mode for a MICROSCOPIC slice of the community was not needed. Why focus on making that when so few would actually invest time in it. Multiplayer was the draw. If that doesn't appeal, the game is not for you.
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  12. Force58

    Force58 Generation 2

    Feb 23, 2014
    The game released with 14 maps available. Far more than most of the other shooters on launch day.

  13. ZJP

    ZJP Generation 5
    Elite Pilot

    Feb 20, 2014
    HAAHAHHhahahah oh you kids.
  14. Force58

    Force58 Generation 2

    Feb 23, 2014
    Got that right? The comedic value is incredible on this forum!!!

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  15. ZJP

    ZJP Generation 5
    Elite Pilot

    Feb 20, 2014
    :D My favorite part was "PR Propaganda machine" ...the same machine that convinced hundreds of thousands of us all over the globe to like the game as well as tricking all the reviewers out there that it's a 4 out of 5 or 9 out of 10...... ITS A CONSPIRACY! THE MAN IS COMING TO GET YOU.

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