Installation issues, audio installer loops

Discussion in 'Titanfall PC' started by Wafflesquad, Mar 26, 2014.

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  1. Wafflesquad

    Wafflesquad Generation 2

    Mar 26, 2014
    So I got this game last night on a disc, tried to install it, and everything went fine until the audio finished installing. The message I got was "Installation complete. Ready to install." Hitting "install" puts it at 20% for about five minutes, at which point it goes to 31%, boots the audio installer, goes through with that, then hits 99%, tells me installation is complete and requests another install. I'm sure I can run the game (Vista SP2 x64, with more than adequate hardware) and I've tried repairing the files, which didn't work. Anyone with this issue know how to fix it?
  2. Pilot_KC

    Pilot_KC 6th Gen Pilot
    Elite Pilot

    Feb 22, 2014
    I got to be honest Waffle, I haven't heard of your problem before.

    Have you tried uninstalling and doing a completely fresh reinstall? I know its a pain in the ass but it sounds to me like files haven't transferred over from disc to hard drive properly.
  3. Wafflesquad

    Wafflesquad Generation 2

    Mar 26, 2014
    I can't uninstall it because the system claims it's not installed. Should I just manually delete the files?
  4. Wafflesquad

    Wafflesquad Generation 2

    Mar 26, 2014
    I tried "uninstalling" it by deleting the local content, and now it won't reinstall. I hit "install" and nothing happens.
  5. Wafflesquad

    Wafflesquad Generation 2

    Mar 26, 2014
    I reinstalled it, and it's still not working. Any other ideas?
  6. Slickdevil08

    Slickdevil08 Generation 3

    Mar 19, 2014
    hmm this sounds odd. is anything else running in the backround that could prevent the game from installing somehow? and what are the pc specs?
  7. Wafflesquad

    Wafflesquad Generation 2

    Mar 26, 2014
    Nothing running in the background that I know of- at least, nothing that would disturb this. PC specs: Vista SP2, x64, 100gb free (before install). All other specs are more than necessary to run this game.
  8. Pilot_KC

    Pilot_KC 6th Gen Pilot
    Elite Pilot

    Feb 22, 2014
    That's really weird to be honest Waffle. I'm starting to think that perhaps the disc you're installing off isn't functioning properly. I've had bad discs and I've just had to go take them back to where I bought it from for a replacement.

    The only other suggestion I can offer is you get in contact with the Titanfall EA Support and speak to one of the EA Reps. They might be able to shed some light on what is going on.
  9. Wafflesquad

    Wafflesquad Generation 2

    Mar 26, 2014
    If the disks were bad, wouldn't there be a problem in data transfer, not installation? All the data's making it onto my PC just fine; it's the installing of that data that's the problem. I'm going to contact EA's support directly tomorrow, so that should fix this.
    • Like Like x 1
  10. Slickdevil08

    Slickdevil08 Generation 3

    Mar 19, 2014
    Please make sure to update us on what they say incase someone else comes along with that issue
  11. Wafflesquad

    Wafflesquad Generation 2

    Mar 26, 2014
    Okay, so after I talked to an EA support rep, I got it fixed. All I had to do was:
    1. Manually Uninstall Origin. Get rid of all files that are Origin (except Origin Games, that can stay). Delete origin registries using the regedit Windows program.
    2. Use a complex series of network commands to reset network things.
    3. Reinstall origin.
    So yeah... the solution was unconventional and rather complex. If you have this problem, it can be fixed, but you're better off talking to a support rep than looking through forums, because the steps are weird.
    • Like Like x 1
  12. Slickdevil08

    Slickdevil08 Generation 3

    Mar 19, 2014
    good to hear they got the problem solved for ya
  13. tribeltec

    tribeltec Generation 1

    Mar 31, 2014
    I'm having the exact same problem, contacted customer support and they were no help. I also can't install the game when I download it 100%, the install button does nothing, similar to when disc 3 is "complete" at 99%. I'm running 64bit Windows 7 with a a NTFS hard drive so I don't see what's the problem.

    I've had this game for two days now and haven't been able to install it either way. I know I'm late on this one but if you could maybe tell a few more details about the network things they had you do, that could be of help to me.
  14. marthiFiC!

    marthiFiC! Generation 4

    Mar 28, 2014
    Put in your serial key and download through Origin. Unless your trying to avoid bandwidth limits. I don't even have a disc drive and I still buy discs sometimes In case of nuclear apocalypse... Or something.
  15. Wafflesquad

    Wafflesquad Generation 2

    Mar 26, 2014
    I honestly doubt the network stuff helped. It was the manual uninstall of Origin that did it, I think.
    > Start
    > Type "regedit" in the Run bar and hit Enter
    The registry editor should show up. Use the search function to find all Origin registries and delete them (except Origin Games, that one can stay.)
    > You're done with that, now go into the standard windows filesystem and delete all Origin files (C:/Program Files x86/Origin) (again, you don't need to delete Origin Games). Reinstall Origin and the game. This should work.
    You may want to make a backup of the registry before you delete the Origin registries. Good luck.
  16. SixBladeszzz

    SixBladeszzz Generation 1

    Mar 22, 2014
    Havent rade all comment but look over the web on installation issues, iv seen that 31% is very common and there is a fix for it (iv also seen 20% or 90% cant remember)
  17. pdXjoe

    pdXjoe Generation 1

    Nov 14, 2014
    I fixed the install problem by creating another PC user log in account. I struggled w/this install issue for months till yesterday, when I made a new log in, installed Origin to that user and everything downloaded, installed and was playable! Finally. Hope this helps someone! BTW Seems lotsa peeps w/ vista ultimate 64 have this issue.