Hello Pilots

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by FailProne, Apr 7, 2014.

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  1. FailProne

    FailProne Generation 1

    Apr 3, 2014
    I am FailProne and came here looking for like minded titanfall PC players who want to team up, use voice chat, and kick some ass. You will have to excuse me sometimes because, in video games, I have been known to fail pretty spectacularly. This is doubly true when I have satchel charges in my loadout. I cant seem to not blow myself up with them.

    My pilot setup lately has been Eva-8, sidewinder, and the RE-45 with stim and satchel charges (cause I like to kill myself) with an extra power cell and warpfall transmitter.

    My titan setup is the Atlas with the 40mm cannon with extended mags. Electric smoke cause I hate those filthy rodeo clowns. I got the fast autoloader for my Slaved warheads which is great for shooting titans over their particle walls. And lastly, the core extender for the Atlas' damage core.

    Im currently Gen 2, lvl 28.

    If you want to play some titanfall with me, my id is "FailProne". Im located in northwest Indiana, so that is CST. My work schedule is a little weird though, I work day shift Friday and Saturday, and night shift Sunday and Monday.

    Add me, please!
  2. WhoIsDo

    WhoIsDo Generation 7

    Nov 15, 2013
    Welcome, @FailProne! Have to admit.. I really like your avatar. Where's it from?!

    Great to have you here, and hopefully you find a good group of people to play with!
  3. FailProne

    FailProne Generation 1

    Apr 3, 2014
    I found it on kotaku. Its actually an animated gif that was inspired by titanfall and metal slug.
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