What do you find frustrating so far?

Discussion in 'General Titanfall discussion' started by Popcornchikn, Apr 9, 2014.

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  1. KillerSwift7

    KillerSwift7 Generation 2

    Apr 12, 2014
    Just the lack of content right now.....I am happy with everything else.
  2. ridic89

    ridic89 Generation 1

    Apr 13, 2014
    No Single player/missions.

    I've played COD since the beginning....literally beginning, Call of Duty 1 for PC(Came out in 2003). I remember playing the campaign and it got me hooked on every Call of Duty game after that. I even stopped playing Mohaa(Medal of Honor Allied Assault) because COD1 was so amazing!
    However, as time went on I saw a casual laziness start to follow COD's success and this by far is the laziest thing I've seen! There is no single player in this game, if my internet goes down tomorrow I have a cool looking icon on my screen....that's it. No missions, nothing! This is highly irresponsible and show's the rest of the gaming community and producers that the minimum is the bar now! Gone are the days that we understand why the IMC and Militia are fighting. Gone are the days that we know where this solar system is or even why we're fighting over it.
    Look I don't usually care about story lines, I played WOW(World of Warcraft) for a long time and skipped most of the story events and ignored the lore. However, this is highly irresponsible in my opinion and should be fixed swiftly with missions and/or better overview of WTF is going on in this game.

    I do enjoy the multi-player, but this was a swift kick in the nuts to veterans like myself of these games.

    *Rant over*
  3. Sgt_rawk

    Sgt_rawk Generation 7

    Feb 4, 2014
    I wonder about people who buy something with the full knowledge that it doesn't have that particular component and then complain about it not being there. Like buying a red car and complaining its not blue. If a single player campaign was important why did you sign up?
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  4. ridic89

    ridic89 Generation 1

    Apr 13, 2014
    Troll some more kid.
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  5. Sgt_rawk

    Sgt_rawk Generation 7

    Feb 4, 2014
    Hey Kidd, I am 45 years old, far from a trolling kid and am asking you what I believe to be a patently obvious question. If you don't like the question merely ignore it and move on. Ok?
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  6. ridic89

    ridic89 Generation 1

    Apr 13, 2014
    Lmao. You're finding all of my posts and trolling right now.

    You heard already what I stated buddy. This game does not feel complete without some form of single player.
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  7. ridic89

    ridic89 Generation 1

    Apr 13, 2014
    I've played these forms of games for years. I never did the research to see if these guys would have a single player. I've bought their games for years....I fully understood I would end up getting my money's worth. However, when I found out there was no single player I had a knee jerk reaction.
    It's not a huge ass deal, just very annoying if my internet ever goes down!
  8. LedFlinga

    LedFlinga Generation 4

    Mar 26, 2014
    Think of it as being a soldier, our's is not to reason why, our's is to do or die. As for Internet dropping out. Easy, get better Internet:)
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  9. Sgt_rawk

    Sgt_rawk Generation 7

    Feb 4, 2014
    Wonderfully diplomatic of you, I shall take a leaf from your book :)
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  10. LedFlinga

    LedFlinga Generation 4

    Mar 26, 2014
    Just a new train of thought. I could have said that respawn entertain is not infinity ward. So all the cod games have nothing to do with it. And also taking in to account that cod has a different developer every other year is something I could have point out. And also I could have enlighten him to the fact that respawn only had 70 programmers at the the time of making TF. That no doubt being under half of IW who made the best cod games. And not to mention the money. Cod being an established brand and TF being a new I.P. And also seeing as only 60% of people ( a rough estimate ) complete the singleplayer campaign.respawn made the choice to focus on a multi player only game. And I my humble option the best multi player shooter made. Yes there are a few wrinkles but still I keep coming back. CLASS DISMISSED!
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  11. LedFlinga

    LedFlinga Generation 4

    Mar 26, 2014
    BTW I'm drunk so I it doesn't read right. It's your fault! :) jk
  12. ridic89

    ridic89 Generation 1

    Apr 13, 2014
    So you're pretty much saying; you're okay for every future FPS to come out and it's okay to have no clue what is going on in the game?.....SMH

    I have pretty good internet and it has never gone out. However, in the event that it does go out....you have a worthless game.
    At least with Counter Strike I can play against bots.
  13. TtargetPractice

    TtargetPractice Generation 2

    Feb 22, 2014
    The most frustrating for me is when I try to move a certain way and fail. I'm sure the pilot can do it and I can envision it but I ham fist it and bump my head on a small ledge while trying to get speed with a wall run or jump to either side of a window two or three times or whatever. Obviously poor teammates are frustrating but that goes without saying, it's not really a problem with the game so much as the players, and it's pretty much the same for any team based activity.
  14. The Juggernaut

    The Juggernaut Generation 7

    Apr 2, 2014
    I've read your other posts and dayum you sound annoying as hell.
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  15. BallisticDad

    BallisticDad Played the very first FPS! *Duck Hunt*
    Elite Pilot

    Mar 29, 2014
    Sorry, but I disagree! This game was made perfect. There is no need for a campaign at all!

    Lets all be honest... How many times has your internet gone out and it wasn't because of a power outage????
    No power = no xbox = no playing at all! lol

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  16. BallisticDad

    BallisticDad Played the very first FPS! *Duck Hunt*
    Elite Pilot

    Mar 29, 2014
    HAHAHA Just read this! #LoveIt
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  17. teedgejnz

    teedgejnz Generation 2

    Mar 22, 2014
    Besides Titan Assists, crap teammates and lag I only have two complaints.

    I feel that the parkour movement can be inconsistent at times. Maybe I just lose my flow sometimes, but it seems like I can wall run flawlessly on a certain spot during one game and then the next game it just doesn't work and I'm just jumping at a wall aimlessly.

    My other issue is probably true for all FPS/multiplayer games but I hate when enemy teams play too defensively. I played CTF and the enemy team was just camping their flag. Once they got their titans, forget about it. Didn't let anyone score, including themselves. Ended with a time limit draw. Don't see how that's fun. Why can't people just play...
  18. The Juggernaut

    The Juggernaut Generation 7

    Apr 2, 2014
    WAIT WAIT WAIT... do you mean you brought RESPAWN games for years? Titanfall is their first game and Respawn has existed since 2010 but Titanfall is their first game so it's kinda impossible to buy their games for years
  19. teedgejnz

    teedgejnz Generation 2

    Mar 22, 2014
    Lol, he was probably talking about Infinity Ward but this still made me laugh.
  20. The Juggernaut

    The Juggernaut Generation 7

    Apr 2, 2014
    Sorry if I misunderstood xD. The entire time I was making that post, I was thinking 'I might be fukking up a meaning or misunderstanding' but im too lazy to delete my post so.... oh and 5 bucks the next time that guy comes on, he's gonna call me a dumbass for posting that.