TITANFALL online Stability

Discussion in 'General Titanfall discussion' started by vudu, Apr 23, 2014.

  1. yes

    0 vote(s)
  2. no

    4 vote(s)
  3. not really/lack of game options

    2 vote(s)
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  1. vudu

    vudu Generation 2

    Apr 16, 2014
    a great game with a new idea behind online shooters!!but there was a xboxlive online conversation...about gamers feelings about the game and a few observations also..here they are:-a lot of them got bored of the game,some stop playing it,some actually sold it..and just about all of them have gone back to battlefield/cod,gears of war 3&even crisis 3 which some said these shooters have a better online experience for them&that titanfall was overated&hype up for no reason..the servers have become imbalance with lack of (players not bots) on some teams to get a good game also.not to mention the lack of youtube uploaded videos compared to other games.some even lost motivated interest after regen rank 3,they felt like trying to regenerate became pointless&just played the game for fun.now this actually happen to me so I don't care for regen rank anymore,but I actually stop play it&went back to battlefield...this also stemmed from a youtuber posted video/topic asking is TITANFALL DEAD..What are yourl opinions/experience soo far..honest answers plzz..
  2. MediocreScrubs

    MediocreScrubs Generation 2

    Apr 10, 2014
    There's always those that will back out in anything they don't like at first. Once the game starts getting really nice and their favorite youtube commentator starts liking it to, they'll come back to it. Let's not forget when COD Ghost came out. I thought it was the most depressing thing and after one million updates now people and loving it. IMHO...

    I don't have connection issues and never did(360). Apart from the little things they need to patch. I think I am having a problem with the updates they released. I contacted EA and we wen't through a trouble shoot. Took about an hour. A specialist ended up emailing me back saying there's nothing they can do since Microsoft send's the updates and not EA. I actually might post this issue up to see if anyone has experienced it. Once I solve it with Microsoft.
    • Like Like x 1
  3. Tony at Home

    Tony at Home Generation 5

    Mar 16, 2014
    I'm not sure how one can find Titanfall boring, but CoD exciting, such that they'd leave Titanfall entirely for CoD.

    My experience is definitely different if people are having trouble finding competitive matches.

    While I do run into alot of lopsided lobbies, after a couple games the server matches us up with another team. I have plenty of very close Attrition games that come down to 25 or less points. I've had a surprising amount that have come down to less than 5 point differences.

    Maybe this is a gamemode-specific issue? I don't play hardpoint much, but from the games I have played it felt that the score and balance between teams was often more lopsided and extreme.

    I don't see how the game is stagnating at all. Especially with a map-pack on the horizon.
  4. Bumwhiskers

    Bumwhiskers Generation 2

    Apr 11, 2014
    I was a CoD fanboy before Titanfall, now I can't play CoD. It's horrible. The connection is terrible.

    I have never been shot around a corner on Titanfall. Or watched a killcam and seen a completely different version of events.
  5. Bumwhiskers

    Bumwhiskers Generation 2

    Apr 11, 2014
    Also, CoD has truly lost the plot. They no longer rely on their own product for success. They've now recruited Michael Myers, Predator and Snoop Dogg.

    They're desperate.
  6. MassivePayload

    MassivePayload Generation 2
    Elite Pilot

    Apr 12, 2014
    Cant play CoD Multiplayer. Titanfall is more my speed instead of having some kid camp in a corner waiting for someone to walk by.
  7. Sgt_rawk

    Sgt_rawk Generation 7

    Feb 4, 2014
    There was a high level of expectation, therefore many bought the game on launch, many played, many left, many stayed. Many thanks.
  8. Superdude10

    Superdude10 Generation 1

    Apr 24, 2014
    You know Titfall was down the other night, so I thought I would visit my family....


    ( •_•)>¬¦-¦

    ... there nice people...


    • Funny Funny x 1