Why is the Plasma Railgun so horrible? Any how-to tips?

Discussion in 'General Titanfall discussion' started by Sulq, May 1, 2014.

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  1. Sulq

    Sulq Generation 5

    Mar 16, 2014
    #1 Sulq, May 1, 2014
    Last edited: May 1, 2014
    I'm really struggling guys. Any tips would be appreciated. The thing is just so goddamn awful.

    And when I say awful, I mean absolutely awful. The grind begins.
  2. Drunken_Jedi

    Drunken_Jedi Generation 2

    Apr 29, 2014
    I had similar thoughts of the Arc cannon while using the arc cannon in gen1, that it was awful and when I found out of the generation requirements and killing 50 titans, I was just dreading it. But I was using it last night and really ain't that bad, just gotta know it's strengths and weaknesses, and the same goes for the Plasma rifle. Where you need to be relatively close with the AC, you need to keep some distance with the PR.

    I suggest you use the Stryder until you unlock the insta-shot at least.

    Idea for a set up and after why:

    Cluster Missile

    The cluster missile is used over the lock-ons because you will need something that isn't the PR to take out infantry, and the salvo requires you to be close. I suppose you could go with the lock-ons for LTS. P-Wall is used to his behind and charge up after you land your first shot from a distance and they charge, or to leave behind you as to protect you back as you make a run for it using your accelerated (or even prolonged if Accel isn't unlocked) dash to reclaim some distance between you and the other titans. Cluster missile also lets you get away with not having to use smoke and the auto-loader lets you use the cluster missile on random infantry on a regular basis.

    NYCIDDY Generation 3

    Apr 9, 2014
    Like Jedi said... this is a distance weapon... two full charged plasma shots will just about doom a titan... so your best bet is to play in the back while the slayers distract him.... Currently im doing the critical hit challenge with it.. although annoying its not bad... if your like me and use to being in a titans face this will be a long and frustrating challenge.... but just be patient with it pick your shots and stay away you will be fine.. treat it like a sniper unless your fighting an auto titan...
  4. DigitalCore

    DigitalCore Generation 2

    Apr 3, 2014
    Sorry to say that but it's the only real viable strategy for the railgun.
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  5. vaguecmac

    vaguecmac Generation 2

    Mar 15, 2014
    Nope, its just awful.
  6. markforza

    markforza Finally got to Gen5
    Elite Pilot

    Jan 30, 2014
    It gets easier after you Kill 10x Titans to unlock the Instant Shot attachment but be aware that the Instant Shot DOESN'T do as much Damage! So what you gain by not needing to charge it is taken away by Less Damage! It was the Plasma Railgun CRITICAL HITS that took the most Effort, but just keep an Eye out for Titans with Low Health & be Sneaky & Doom them as it counts as a Kill with Full Charged shots!
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    NYCIDDY Generation 3

    Apr 9, 2014
    very true.... let the others whittle them down
    Tell me about it... the critical hits... such a slow process!! I chose to do this one before the chaingun.. chaingun is easy and fast.. plasma.. a grind but instant shot does help!!
  8. PokeChika

    PokeChika Generation 2

    May 2, 2014
    I'm also pretty terrible with the plasma, which is all the more infuriating whem I get crit by it by some dude far away :p
  9. Deac2010

    Deac2010 Generation 2

    Apr 23, 2014
    I'm going to agree that it is awful. I FINALLY finished this requirement to regen, and it was certainly a grind.

    What I Found that works:
    Plasma Railgun (w/ Auto Charge)
    Particle Shield
    Cluster Missile
    Regen Booster

    Just know, you WILL be taking lots of damage and go through a TON of titans for this.

    Find weakened titans. Stalk them. Deploy the particle shield. Use the cluster missile. Then fire away. Make sure you aim for the red places on the enemy titan to get maximum damage. If you need to eject, wait as long as possible and keep firing. This will be the biggest help for you.

    Now, that I've passed that regen requirement I will NOT return to this weapon.
  10. ghosthound360

    ghosthound360 Generation 2

    Apr 14, 2014
    PR Is basically the titans sniper rifle just hold back let your teams titans do the work and you take potshots from the back
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  11. BMFKgamer

    BMFKgamer Generation 2

    Apr 23, 2014
    It is horrible. To me it seems like a support weapon best utilized when playing with a full team. To get kills with it I went into Last Titan Standing and used the Ex Mags attach. Either way you do it it's not going to be easy.
  12. BlackhorseACR

    BlackhorseACR Generation 2
    Elite Pilot

    Apr 5, 2014
    I forgot how much I hated this gun and now have to use it for Gen 9 . I feel like I have a bb gun.
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  13. Iron Man

    Iron Man Generation 4

    Apr 13, 2014
    Hmmm interesting comments. Odd that so many are having difficulty.

    Essentially the Railgun is a sniper rifle/class for the Titans.

    I'd recommend playing with caution and staying back, withdrawn from the action. Be aware of your surroundings and pick your targets. Do not rush in and unplanned. Always be on the look out and use your eyes, spot and move.

    I would not recommend a Stryder, you need to move quick yes but you need to be able to last in battle.

    That is why the Atlas is perfect. Stay away from the Ogre it's atrocious; too slow and I've never found it takes more damage.

    When the Railgun is used correctly it's absolutely lethal and deals a massive punch into enemy shields & armour.

    At first yeah you will need to zoom to charge, and whilst this hampers your maneuverability, you can boost to get around. If turning is your problem, switch up your aim sensitivity, just remember to lower it when you're done! lol

    The Railgun has an annoying reticle for sure and does have a curved shot that dips down, so be sure to compensate for it, but not much, just if they are fairly far in the distance. Critical hits are a must, I know it's obvious but the weak spots are there for a reason and called critical hits as such because they destroy a Titan fast, especially with a Railgun. So you know them most likely by now, the back or the cockpit.

    What gen are you on by the way? What are you working towards?

    In my personal opinion, the instant shot mod is great for firing off rounds quicker, which for instance will make getting critical hits regen requirement quicker. Essentially if you can get critical hits with the instant shot they will drop too, but the charged shot is definitely worth the reward with the damage it does.

    Definitely Last Titan Standing to get the kills done quicker, only thing is obviously everyone else is going to be killing Titans too. You can get kill steals of course, but definitely fastest way to get challenges done specifically for killing Titans.

    Hope anything helps. Good luck!
    • Like Like x 1
  14. The Juggernaut

    The Juggernaut Generation 7

    Apr 2, 2014
    I finished all my Gen 3 challenges before I hit level 50. Play LTS
    Orge/ Atlas for LTS Stryder is too weak and Atlas/Orge take more damage. Atlas is most likely the best for the 2 dashes but Orge survives to get more kills. Just switch it up depending on the situation.
    PR+ Extended Mags InstaShot is absolutely horrible in LTS and anything besides attrition. Too weak, you reload often, still gets wrecked by other titans at mid range.
    Particle Shield (duh) it protects you while you charge or run away. I sometimes use electric smoke in attrition since the railgun cant kill pilots effectively at all. InstaShot ( if you use it in attrition) should have vortex shield. LTS extended mag PR with vortex shield is bad. Shield= you stop charging
    Multi Target System gets shields down for you to get extra damage on those crits. It helps fighting in general since it stops enemy titan shield recharges. Cluster missile is also good since it is manually aimed for pilots and does good continues damage against titans.
    Fast Autoloader or Tactical Reactor. If using MTS then use tactical reactor for the P wall. Cluster missiles need to be shot more frequently since they don't slowly recharge like MTS.
    Big Punch- many enemies will think since you are using the railgun they can dash up to you and pwn your ass. But with this you can fend them off. Plus, Orge+ BP= No shield titan. 3 BP= dead titan
    I got almost every single one of my PR kills legit. Just stay back or know when to push. I wrecked a lot with this set-up. Only 2 games I did absolutely horrible with this set up in LTS. One was when I just kept dying charging up. Next was the last 3 kills I needed to finish the challenge at level 45. Those last 3 kills took me a entire game of LTS. I got 4 titan kills at the end and 13 assists. Railgun sucks btw. My best game with PR in LTS was 16 titan kills 9 pilot kills no deaths.
    -----If going for Criticals, use instant shot-----
  15. D4u2s0t

    D4u2s0t Generation 3

    May 4, 2014
    Treat the PR like a sniper rifle. Use cover, and distance to your advantage. Every gun in this game has serious potential, if you use them right. You don't run into battle with a PR and expect to win, unless you are a very strong player. Just like you wouldn't take a Kraber into a shotgun battle and expect to win.
  16. JasonC

    JasonC Generation 1

    Jul 2, 2014
    Does anybody know if u can get a critical hit on infantry. I moved to gen 9 this morning and after 1 round I got 30 critical hits using the chaingun. I killed about 2 or 3 titans but shot loads of infantry. the critical hit logo shows a pilot getting hit in the head so I wasnt sure if head shots count as well. Like everyone else I do not like the pr and will be glad when this challenge is over an done with
  17. vaguecmac

    vaguecmac Generation 2

    Mar 15, 2014
    Nope its just on Titans in the crit spots. And the 20-30 crits with chaingun is normal. Ive gotten well over 100 crit hits in a game with it before. Its not very hard.
  18. Iron Man

    Iron Man Generation 4

    Apr 13, 2014
    Actually... there's more and more players using the Kraber for quick scoping and annoyingly it works. I've done it myself in the Gen9 (was it Gen9?) requirement. I know the point and yes the PR is essentially the Titan sniper rifle as I said in my previous post.

    @JasonC, no. Critical hits are on Titans only. It's when the reticle glows red confirming you hit the enemy Titans "GLOWING RED" area on the front or back of THEIR TITAN. With the chaingun requirement, it goes flying by.
  19. A green sofa

    A green sofa Generation 2

    Jun 26, 2014

    Last titan standing. Hang back and steal kills. Capture the flag has A LOT of auto titans. I think a team of 6 titans all with rail guns all shooting the same titan would be the most devastating thing ever seen. And hilarious troll tactic
  20. RedGhost211

    RedGhost211 Generation 4

    May 5, 2014
    Agree points and likes are raining from the sky for you!