Discussion in 'General Titanfall discussion' started by TeeTotalpilot2, May 3, 2014.

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  1. TeeTotalpilot2

    TeeTotalpilot2 Generation 2

    May 3, 2014
    Hey guys so I'm making this thread to get new ideas out there that we want to see later in Titanfall DLC or updates!

    Ideas can range anything from map, titans, game playlist, weapons, perks, customizations, and abilities

    I will be contributing and going out to see if I can't get the players ideas and see if we get the ideas in the game so ask around and see what we can get
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  2. TeeTotalpilot2

    TeeTotalpilot2 Generation 2

    May 3, 2014


    Light frame
    Decent speed
    Normal shields
    High health
    All mêlée
    Can use ordinance and abilities
    Based off movement and skills of the pilot the EXO surround the pilot in sensors allowing him the capability for better titan hand combat. This titan follows the basic movements of the pilot at fast rates to minimize reaction lag. If the pilot crosses his arms he can cover the body of the titan using its arms to deflect projectiles and incoming mêlée attacks. The pilots is also able to kick into buildings to kill hiding pilots or kick titans away.

    No ideas right now


    Pilot can now ride friendly titans with a stabilizer that reduces the sway of the titan while riding for better accuracy

    Pilot can now dual wield side arms but cannot look down sights

    Pilot runs faster

    Picks up dropped ammo from dead pilots (only pilots)

    Ultra HUD-
    The pilots HUD now shows more information on screen and highlights enemy and friendly titans, specters, and heavy turrets.
    The colors of the HUD also indicate your health

    Arm blade-
    Retractable blade that replaces the normal mêlée with a better one. Pilots now can assassinate multiple enemies in one swing and can assassinate enemies below

    Tactical abilities-

    Sends out a small sentry to nearby surface (including walls and ceilings) which with fire small weak burst at enemies that come in range for 15 seconds

    The pilots rocket pack now can be fired to give that little extra distance on the ground or in the air

    Breath control-
    When activated the pilots suit will take blow back from the gun in use getting rid off excess kick and increasing accuracy for 10 seconds

    That all for now please add in new ideas and give feedback
    • Like Like x 2
  3. Rambotiger

    Rambotiger Generation 3

    Apr 24, 2014
    I would LOVE to see more Titans. I think one or two more would be great. I have no ideas as of right now.. I'll get back to you.
  4. The Juggernaut

    The Juggernaut Generation 7

    Apr 2, 2014
    #4 The Juggernaut, May 4, 2014
    Last edited: May 4, 2014
    Pilot can now ride friendly titans with a stabilizer that reduces the sway of the titan while riding for better accuracy
    Pretty useless if you ask me

    Pilot can now dual wield side arms but cannot look down sights
    Cool but dual wingmans would be instant kills...

    Pilot runs faster
    A downgraded version of stim or prosthetic legs? This would be better then warpfall transmitter actually...

    Picks up dropped ammo from dead pilots (only pilots)
    Useless since you get more then enough ammo at the start and getting into your Titan refills all your ammo

    Ultra HUD-
    The pilots HUD now shows more information on screen and highlights enemy and friendly titans, specters, and heavy turrets.
    The colors of the HUD also indicate your health
    Downgraded map hack/ Radar Pulse? Doesn't seem that useful

    Arm blade-
    Retractable blade that replaces the normal mêlée with a better one. Pilots now can assassinate multiple enemies in one swing and can assassinate enemies below
    You're trying to ENCOURAGE people to one- hit kill panic knife? Even though melee kick is already annoying?
    Yout tactical abilities are actually pretty cool but dash would need to cover a lot more distance than Halo Reach evade...
    I say add special effect pistols.
    1.) Arc Pistol - Charge up the pistol and disorient titans for half the usual time a arc grenade disorients titans. Can instantly kill a Spectre and chain off to hit other Spectres.
    2.) Hack Pistol- Shoot a data pulse/ data knife whateva to instantly hack things. 2 firing modes. Tap it for normal pistol for engaging pistols or hold to shoot hack.
    3.) Amped amped wingman= double barrel match trigger wingman...
    4.) Rodeo Pistol- kinda like a cowboy revolver but holds 8 shots all Slammer Modded for increase damage while rodeoing, faster firing then wingman but takes 3-4 shots to kill
    5.) Stealth Pistol- silenced hammod
    6.) Mini smart pistol- like a regular smart pistol but requires 4 lock ons to kill pilots. Maybe requires charge?
    7.)Plasma Railgun Pistol- charges up, is hitscan, and a instant kill when fully charged. No charge shots take 6-7 shots to kill pilots.
    8.) Explosive Pistol- 4 bullets in mag, shoots 2 explosive rounds at a time.
    9.) Grenade Launcher- replace secondary with a grenade launcher that shoots frags with a total ammo of 3.
    10.) Extra XP gun- full auto, takes 6 more bullets to kill then a regular auto pistol, so weak it rewards extra XP for each kill.
  5. ShapelessHorr0r

    ShapelessHorr0r Generation 2

    Apr 26, 2014
    Primary weapons:

    1. Crossbow or bow + arrow - 1SK to pilots



    1. Virus Injector: When you rodeo a titan, you can inject a virus into the titan (permanently, but it takes something like 3-5 seconds after pulling that cover off). Effects include a scrambled sight (not as bad as the arc grenade though), occasional loss of shields, occasional HUD malfunction (like a part of the screen going black or inability to discern between friendlies and enemies), and the inability for your titan to fight by itself (as in it will just sit there derping until you take manual control).


    1. Pilot shield: Works like the Vortex shield except it is smaller and doesn't deflect bullets back. No sprinting with it.

    2. RC heli: Once you deploy it, it will follow you automatically. Only looks where you're looking. If it sees an enemy, it will tag them for the rest of your team. Dies in one bullet from anything. Green/red light to indicate it. Highly susceptible to arc weapons and titan electric smoke.

    3. Laser Designator: Allows you to designate an enemy titan so that your teammates can fire guided missiles at it from anywhere on the map. If the designation is lost mid flight, the missile will simply fly straight until impact with an object.


    1. Electric grenade: Has an extreme effect on spectres and will drain the shields of a titan (like 1/4), but does virtual nothing to pilots and grunts.

    2. Flack grenade: Opposite of electric grenade.

    3. Motion sensor: thrown motion sensor

    AT weapons:

    1. Arc Javelin: Destroys the Titan's shield, good for Titan vs titan support

    Will get more as they come to me.
  6. CosierZeus

    CosierZeus Generation 2

    Apr 20, 2014
    For some reason I always think of a gun that shoots a projectile that flies for a while then buckshot sand spreads at a certain distance. Like a semi automatic 2 shot short distance kill before spread and 3 shot after spread but shoots about as fast as the wingman. You have to be deadly accurate close range but efficient vs groups any midrange. Idk just a thought
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  7. Unuseful_Idiot

    Unuseful_Idiot Generation 3

    Apr 22, 2014
    some burn cards that affect whole team would be cool

    and a karate-chop!
  8. iMonocyte

    iMonocyte Generation 2

    May 6, 2014
    I second this.

    Maybe some heavy armor for the pilots as well.
  9. The Juggernaut

    The Juggernaut Generation 7

    Apr 2, 2014
    Heavy armor imo should be the Spectre Camo burncard, since it is useless in its current state.
  10. TitanWet

    TitanWet Generation 2

    Apr 3, 2014
    A bit of a pointless thread.Respawn have stated there will be NO new titans and there is unlikely to be any new weapons or perks,this has been brought up a few times in different threads...sorry to be a killjoy but there is no point discussing something that isnt going to happen.
  11. DinosaurXL

    DinosaurXL Generation 2

    Oct 16, 2014
    #11 DinosaurXL, Oct 16, 2014
    Last edited: Oct 16, 2014
    So I'm thinking a teensy bit big but I think some useful new animations and stuff would be nice.

    The ability to open up your front hatch and move and aim your titan like normal, but be able to toss a grenade or shoot your gun to kill an enemy pilot or if you feel lucky, open the hatch while terminating an enemy while they are going nuclear to like mash large buttons and fiddle with stuff to even disable the nuclear explosion.
    You could open your hatch with a simple tap of the "Disembark" Key. I think, default is X or E, and press Down on the D-Pad or press the Down arrow(Press the disembark key again to cancel out the action). Best part about it is it could be used while your titan is performing things like reloading. The titan OS would take over the action.


    Your titan can kick, and grab things which I would love. What do I mean?

    Your titan can hold the melee button to grab something.
    Double tapping it would make your titan go in for a low kick to kill multiple grunts or specters at a time.

    Grabbing has specific animations.
    Atlas: Atlas grabs a pilot in the air or on the ground, pulls on the top half of the pilot's body with his left hand, the right hand gripping the pilot's legs, which breaks the pilot's spine. Atlas then drops them on the ground and stomps on them.

    Stryder: Stryder grabs a pilot, moves its thumb to press on the head like a quick lunge to decapitate the pilot, then does a fierce underhand throw that ends with its right hand over the left shoulder in a hard curve.

    Ogre: The ogre grabs the pilot with his right hand gripping the pilot's legs, starting to squeeze, then punches the top half of the pilot's body, smashing it off of the pilot, then throws the pilot's legs like the atlas currently does in the first person view.

    Also, the termination of Atlas changes.
    It relates to what it looks like to others.
    He pulls the pilot out of the titan, moves his hand back, looks at the hand holding to the pilot's leg, then tosses it forward hard like a football. Also, they go further, carrying the momentum instead of awkwardly falling after 10 feet.

    Also, a titan can go into a prone looking pose to grab a pilot hiding in a building, but when doing so, he could be stomped on or kicked, risking like a quarter of its health.

    Also, with the atlas, you can open the hatch by pressing the "Disembark" Key, I think it's X or E and press Up on the D-Pad or the Up Arrow, (press the Disembark Key to cancel out the action) and look out of it and throw grenades or fire your anti titan weapon as well as your normal weapons and a Atlas OS Priority Targeting System or AOSPTS to command priority upon pilots, or titans, or locations, making him go over there to that location (Down on the D-Pad or the Titanfall drop key for computer, I think it's F to activate and cancel) and maybe even fight good battles, like opening vortex shield at the correct time, fire weapons accordingly, go in for melee at the right time, etc,. Also when on the hatch, you're protected by the shield but still vulnerable to rodeo, but you can directly headshot them as they can to you.

    When rodeoing, you can use your data knife along with your pistol to hack titan OS to power it down in cases of automatic things, like AOSTPS and Auto-Titan target acquiring, and offhand titan rocket targeting systems, i.e. Slaved Warheads and Multi-Target Missile System. Also random vortex shield power outs. However, if they deploy electric smoke with the data knife inside the circuitry, you will die instantly. Also, you can't dismount until the data knife hacking is complete and it takes 5 seconds. But you can still fire with a pistol during this duration, but you can't reload.

    Also, slash the circuitry to hurt the titan moderately but mainly cause shield to not regenerate an extra 1.5 seconds per slice, and decay of shield. It stacks up to like 15 seconds of shield decay + Not regeneration.. Also, you can LAY DOWN A GRENADE IN THERE to deal high damage to the titan. However, you will take damage when you lay the grenade inside from electricity, and if you are hacking while laying a grenade in there, you will electrocute to death, as well as if you lay an arc mine or an arc grenade in the circuitry, you will die from electricity. However, you can ride your own titan when the hatch is opened, and then jump off of it for an extra boost, as well as being able to take a grenade or satchel charges out of the circuitry when riding it.

    Also, when near your / a friendly titan's arm, you can grab onto it using the "Ride" Key, I think it's X or E and do the squat thing while on its arm, also able to shoot your guns as normal. If you jump during this phase, it will be extra tall. If the titan punches, you can rodeo the enemy titan shadow of the colossus style and run along the arm to their back by just pressing the "Ride" Key facing them. If you want to get in your titan, just press the "Embark" Key to get in. If the titan fires, you'll face a bit of camera shaking. You can also get onto the titan's arm while riding their back. If they use a vortex shield, you'll be protected. You can also directly get into the arm pose by opening your front hatch and then just pressing X, then Left / Right on the D-Pad or The Left / Right Arrow keys on your keyboard, which will make you mount the right arm no matter what. Also, if you're riding your own titan's arm, you can use AOSTPS

    So suggestions. If there's stuff you like, look over it. I spent 2 hours working on this.
    Good luck out there, men.
    Also, the ability to salute in both a titan and pilot mode.
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  12. DinosaurXL

    DinosaurXL Generation 2

    Oct 16, 2014
    Also, a semicommon burn card called "Amped Jump Kit" That gives you a jump kit that doubles your parkour abilites (Stacks with advanced parkour kit) And adds a boost ability to when you're airborne that takes your momentum and blasts you toward something, like a rocket blast.
    Press sprint then jump quickly to blast toward wherever you're looking.
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    CLONED BOBAFETT Generation 3
    Elite Pilot

    Sep 3, 2014
    Maybe they should have a titan that can do double leg takedowns, move to sidemount, throw elbows, and then move in for an anaconda
    choke. LOL Just kidding I wouldnt mind a titan that can throw a believable kick but I don't want it to do anything that looks ridiculously unbelievable. Not trying to spoil the party just trying to be practical. I think some weapons like maybe a laser pistol or maybe a cannon that shoots out a steel net to disable a titan for maybe 6-10 seconds so a pilot can get away or a friendly titan can try to destroy it.
  14. The Juggernaut

    The Juggernaut Generation 7

    Apr 2, 2014
    I just looked over the entire thread. Awesome ideas in here. And to my past self: Pistol variations ftw
  15. Bruvas

    Bruvas Generation 7
    Elite Pilot

    Jul 17, 2014
    I don't agree with my own post here, but if it keeps the cretins happy...

    Smart pistol is a single use burn card only. There. I've found a way to keep the weapon in the game but stop all the butt hurt about it.
  16. Sgt_rawk

    Sgt_rawk Generation 7

    Feb 4, 2014
    Dude, I spent the weekend in some really competitive lobbies and more than half of the lobby was using a smart pistol at some time or rather...and I gotta say it really started getting on my nerves...and I couldn't for the life of me work out what it was that annoyed me but I pinned down that its the insta-death part of it, that and invariably when they get you, it's in the back which only adds to the indignity of it all.

    Also a couple of times when I ejected and so did the other dude and he had a SP and just locked onto me, it ain't that easy to shoot a dude with an SMG when ejected but for him it was just easy. I will admit, I swore for a moment after that one. Aaaaaaaand to top it off, my shot was like crap all w'end. I was really struggling, don't know where the kids with no thumbs were but they must've been playing something else. I did not have one easy game all w'end and only got MVP maybe twice.

    And just a quick question...Do Smart Pistollers show up on the mini-map, could've sworn they weren't OR maybe I am just paranoid because I was getting dominated :)

    A qualification for others to this post. I am not supporting the discussion around weather it should be there or not. I don't like dying in game at all whether it's the smart pistol or not.
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  17. Bruvas

    Bruvas Generation 7
    Elite Pilot

    Jul 17, 2014
    I feel your pain man, and know what you mean about the weekend. Wtf was going on!?

    My pet hate is the silenced 101. The accuracy, power, and the fact the bastards don't show on the map makes it a massively op gun.
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    CLONED BOBAFETT Generation 3
    Elite Pilot

    Sep 3, 2014
    I know Im throwing my two cents in but my buddy online (also known as SUMOTACULAR) loves the silenced 101 and does great with it, but I just can't give up the 101 with extended magazine and quick reload kit. Normally you can take out two sometimes three people w/out reloading. The downside is it gives up your position but I try not to be close to a teammate when i open fire (I know I've pissed off my buddy giving up our position even though he won't admit it).
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  19. Bruvas

    Bruvas Generation 7
    Elite Pilot

    Jul 17, 2014
    Completely relate to that post. I change to the CAR or 97 now and again, but when I turn a corner to face a 101 user, I'm beat 4/5 times, so I swap back.

    This has always been my smart pistol argument. I'm never beat head on when they have that pea shooter. From behind, sure, but someone with the 101 or CAR would have still killed me, only quicker.
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    CLONED BOBAFETT Generation 3
    Elite Pilot

    Sep 3, 2014
    Every time I use that silenced 101 I start liking it and then i get into one or more scenarios where i get my ass handed to me because of it having less power in certain situations (normally close range). My current setup is loud but I try to constantly be on the move and stay away from other teammates. Just like you said, the smart pistoleers normally get me from behind while being cloaked or if they do the
    perfect ballerina dance and bust a cap while im trying to dial them in.