K/D Ratio

Discussion in 'Titanfall 360 & Xbox One' started by VenserTheExiled, May 1, 2014.

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  1. ThatTitanfallGuy

    ThatTitanfallGuy Generation 3

    Apr 19, 2014
    I also want to mention that I just launched my new Youtube Channel where I will be giving you all Tips, Tricks, and Suggestions to make you all better pilots.

    Mind you, I dont claim to be the best Pilot out there. But the stats I posted above speak for itself. Even I can learn a thing or two every now and then from all of you.
    Hell, I learned that the DMR is great with ACOG and Stabilizer thanks to this community.

    I would also take questions from you guys and create videos based off of those questions to hopefully help you.

    So it be great to grab the support of this community!
  2. BMFKgamer

    BMFKgamer Generation 2

    Apr 23, 2014
    Checked your channel, nice stuff. Good stats as well. I'd sacrifice my KD a bit in favor of higher scores and leveling up faster but my win %, almost entirely solo, is just 10& lower than yours. You aren't MVP as often as you could be. MVP type of play IMO requires a bit more risk than focusing on KD too much.
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  3. Bumwhiskers

    Bumwhiskers Generation 2

    Apr 11, 2014
    ^ I agree.

    A low MVP % definitely takes away from a high kd, IMO
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  4. Bumwhiskers

    Bumwhiskers Generation 2

    Apr 11, 2014
    I also want to state that I am absolutely against the publication of stats in-game.

    The minute you are able to start viewing other people's stats, that's when the community turns into the CoD community. Selfish players, who only care about kd
    • Agree Agree x 7
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  5. ThatTitanfallGuy

    ThatTitanfallGuy Generation 3

    Apr 19, 2014
    Yeah. I said Im not the best guy ever, and going for the challenge requirements each generation has definitely hindered opportunities to be MVP.
    I just want to provide an opportunity for people to get better. And I know that multiple people will probably teach me a few things here and there along the line.
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  6. TitanWet

    TitanWet Generation 2

    Apr 3, 2014
    A long diatribe purely designed for a stat padder to try and brag.and a load of nonsense to boot,noones impressed by your numbers.
  7. TitanWet

    TitanWet Generation 2

    Apr 3, 2014
    Totally agree,hit the nail on the head there!
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  8. SHAN

    Elite Pilot

    Feb 22, 2014
    I AGREE!

    i love jumping into the game and just playing. The fact that it's not stats oriented like COD is very refreshing. i play with a friend that hardly ever gets MVP and dies often...BUT he is very supportive, rodeo'ing the hell outta Titans, get's ample assists,etc. I'm glad he doesn't have to worry about other players downing him because of his stats. In TitanFall, there isn't a way for another player to examine and judge you before you start a match. So i feel it's very friendly for average players that aren't super competitive. Everyone can enjoy the game on the same level and that's why i love the system.
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  9. BMFKgamer

    BMFKgamer Generation 2

    Apr 23, 2014
    Funny, @ThatTitanfallGuy we've played the same number of games, you've got me by a bit in just about everything. KD is what it is. People pay attention to it if they are into stats but stats can be skewed. I'd say my KD isn't very impressive especially after coming from CoD where I could maintain a 2.0 easily enough. The difference is, I actually don't sit and scream at my tv when I'm playing Tfall.
    Screen Shot 2014-05-04 at 9.54.47 AM.png Screen Shot 2014-05-04 at 9.54.30 AM.png
  10. GammonMaster

    GammonMaster O.G. Original Gamer Before Platform Shoes, Baby!
    Elite Pilot

    Jan 27, 2014
    When I was younger, with better reflexes and sharper eyesight, K/D would have mattered to me more because I was in the league of players with most of thier gaming abilities at full tilt. For me, when you are in your teens and even into your 30's, K/D I can see as important as you are challenging yourself at the game and still have everything physically working well enough to be competitive.
    So I get that K/D will matter to some of those players personally. Not sure why someone elses would matter unless you wanted to pick your own squad based on it, which does not happen in MM unless you are playing with your friends or clan mates.

    When you get older and your reflexs natural are half of what they used to be and you find yourself having to go to the drug store to buy reading glasses so you can see the little guys on the screen, even when your TV is 65 inches, you realize that you better learn to play the game for fun and be happy you helped your team win.

    Keep in mind, many pro gamers feel they are past their prime at 25. WOW! LOL!

    If you are really wanting to be proud of your K/D, get those points playing against others like yourself in a league, where all the competitive players are, then it is really impressive. Playing against a bunch of kids and older players on XBL, does not make you a true beast, just better than average against less or average players. Example, I was a hell of a basketball player, could have went pro but choose another field, but I would never play with guys that had lesser skills than I did and feel good about it or even find it challenging. When I went against semi pro's like myself, I was a trash talker with good reason when I scored and they could not stop me. Playing out of your league is just padding points in reality and a lot of the guys with high K/D's on XBL, I have seen get killed and rage quit in league play. If you have a great K/D be happy about your time and effort in the game but don't make others seem less because they do not, is my point to K/D threads. BTW, at 56, I can still school a lot of the younger guys at B-Ball but they will run me to death in the long run, but I feel good about my moments of old my glory and they learn a bit of humility... ;)

    Have fun gaming! This is just one's Mans view who has watched video games come up from the very beginning and formed his views from an older gamers perspective, so I could be totally wrong about everything I just said! :confused:
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  11. Kirbys Back

    Kirbys Back Generation 2

    Apr 28, 2014
    image.jpg image.jpg Every stat could have been higher but getting to gen 10 less than a week of game release took a toll on my stats. -.- Also, if you guys are less than 7th gen and say you have better k/d and win los ratio.....think about this.....reach gen 10 than talk crap because I've seen many gen 2-4's think they're the shit because they have good or better k/d than me. Doing the challenges and regening have their consequences.
  12. PaperMask

    PaperMask Generation 2

    Apr 27, 2014
    #32 PaperMask, May 4, 2014
    Last edited: May 4, 2014
    I agree with this also. TF is a fun, addictive and fast-paced sci-fi shooter that doesn't need stat-tracking or a Battlelog type app in order to enjoy it. And I don't need to compare my stats to anyone else's to enjoy it, either.

    As for K/D, I really don't think it matters so much in this game compared to "real-world" efforts like BF4. I've been MVP quite a few times now in Hardpoint simply by capturing them and moving on to the next, sometimes with a K/D of around 0.7. Rather like Conquest in BF4, but with big robots.

    And I agree with Kirby's Back above concerning Regen requirements affecting K/D. I have never used a sniper rifle with any regularity in any FPS until the DMR challenges in TF. Got them done, felt good for doing so, did I care about my K/D? Nah, because it was, is and should be a secondary consideration. As now I can use a sniper rifle in an FPS better than I could before.
  13. TuffMeetsClassy

    TuffMeetsClassy NYC Native, OIF VET, Trainer, Professional Muter
    Elite Pilot

    Mar 22, 2014
    S*** ,man. Gen 10? I got to admit that's pretty impressive @Kirbys Back . Mind if I ask how old you are? That's a Mighty Healthy(any Wu heads in the building?) KD. I have a full time job like most of the guys here and I thought I was beasting until I peeped yours lololol. Not even going to front:D
  14. undeadunderware

    undeadunderware Generation 4

    Apr 28, 2014
    Can I have a link for your channel, I need all the help I can get!
  15. Kirbys Back

    Kirbys Back Generation 2

    Apr 28, 2014
    @TuffMeetsClassy I am 21. I got gen 10 in 3Days 5 hours in-game-time. Yes I did sleep. -.- (Note: this is for xbox 360. )
  16. LoneSoldier021

    LoneSoldier021 Generation 2

    Apr 22, 2014
    I've been trying to fix my K/D from letting my friends play on my account. (Trying to convince them to get the game) But I'm hoping to get it up to something good like a 7-10. Putting up games like this definitely helps out...=)

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  17. D4u2s0t

    D4u2s0t Generation 3

    May 4, 2014
    I want to say that I generally don't put a lot of emphasis on k/d, especially in objective gametypes. Points per game is usually a better indicator of how someone plays. I really like that stats are private, public stats only starts unnecessary arguments. I had a titan burn card earlier, got titan at start of match, went about 48.0 total and 17.8 against pilots. The playing field is not always even, so many times stats will be inflated in this game.

    My overall kd is about 8 or so, and I often go 30-0+. vs pilots I'm around 2.0 lifetime, been going 5.0-10.0 mostly. Big time Gears player, have good 1500 hours in Gears 3 alone. Titans instantly felt comfortable to me(silverback) and wall running came naturally as well (wall bouncing)
  18. Sgt_rawk

    Sgt_rawk Generation 7

    Feb 4, 2014
    Yay...I am kind of bad...wooo hoooo
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  19. Sgt_rawk

    Sgt_rawk Generation 7

    Feb 4, 2014
    The KD debate...

    This is one the most beautifully written pieces on the subject. I was just about to launch into a long piece sharing my opinion on the subject which is almost invariably irritating for everyone else because I am invariably right.

    But I will say this-I would like to thank Titanfall from rescuing me from the hideous merry go round that is creating and preserving a KD/win loss ratio. I have spent many years and many dollars (Astro mixamps, AKG headphones, Audio technica headphones for godmode sound whoring, A50 headsets, A40 headsets, monitors, kontrol freeks, scuf controllers...the list is long) creating a reasonable KD. Titanfall taught me that the game is the end in itself, it whispered in my ear that the game is where the ecstasy lay, the inscrutable ecstasy that comes from turning on a player and just f**king destroying him across the map, beating a stryder into utter submission with my bare hands in an ogre, destroying an ogre by running rings around it in a styder and killing with death by a thousand cuts from a 40mm cannon, dropping a satchel at the feet of a sweaty tryhard who has been destroying me for 4 maps, hearing the crisp crack as I break the neck of roof dwelling sniper who cares not look around, these...these are the clean and crystal clear moments...where my existence is transcended by the overwhelming joy of it all...I am free, released from the weight of a such a dry and lifeless statistic, to run wild like only one who has been there and found the rewards of KD's and Win loss obsession altogether.....numb.

    Here endeth the lesson.
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  20. Achmed is here

    Achmed is here Generation 4

    May 5, 2014
    a good game i finish off with over 15 pilot kills and maximum 1-2 deaths and the really bad ones are 8-10 kills and 2-3 deaths