last book read

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Lobby' started by Unuseful_Idiot, Apr 30, 2014.

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  1. Unuseful_Idiot

    Unuseful_Idiot Generation 3

    Apr 22, 2014
    As the philosopher said: "lol bro, do you even read?"

    We have a thread about movies, I didn't find anything about books so far though.
    So as the topic sais. What was the last book you've read. Can you recommend it?

    Maybe we will hear(read) some good advices here?

    For a start: I've just finished Huxley's "Brave New World". Second time actually (I needed repetition for a book club i run) and... Well I do recommend it, but it proved to be quite boring in few momments, and anachronic too. However, still very interesting novel. Quite a different dystopian approach (anti-capitalistic, contrary to other famous - "1984").

    What did you read lately? Anything good?
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  2. iMonocyte

    iMonocyte Generation 2

    May 6, 2014
    The Martian! Its amazing. Its now my favorite book. A dude gets accidentally left on Mars (after NASA has landed multiple manned missions there) and he has to try and survive. I guess the author did a ton of research because there is a lot of hard and plausible science in it.

    And did I mention the protagonist is hilarious?
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  3. daennika

    daennika Generation 5
    Elite Pilot

    Mar 29, 2014
    Who is the author?

    I, for one am reading Daniel Dennett's "Breaking the spell" a scientific and philosophical study of religion and its effects on human psychology and civilizations as a whole. It's extremely methodical and precise with a wide range of examples from facts. It's also thought-provocative and opens up more questions about the need for religions in society and personal life.

    The other book I was reading before was Asimov's Robots of Dawn.
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  4. NukeInbound

    NukeInbound Generation 3

    Mar 16, 2014
    The Ultramarines Omnibus
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  5. iMonocyte

    iMonocyte Generation 2

    May 6, 2014
    Andy Weir is the author. Breaking the spell sounds fascinating. I might go and pick it up.
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  6. Kingkat54

    Kingkat54 Generation 7

    Dec 9, 2013
    Double Down by Mark Halpern, and John Heilemann.
    The "insiders" view of the 2012 Presidential Election.

    Same author of Game Change similar book about the 2008 Presidential Election
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  7. Sulq

    Sulq Generation 5

    Mar 16, 2014
    I'm an uncultered swine and do not take part in this whole 'read books for fun' thing.

    Last book I read for fun was Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets in highschool about 7 years ago.
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  8. Junaid

    Junaid Generation 1

    Mar 13, 2014
    I had to read Animal Farm for school a couple months ago. That was my last I believe.

    The last I read out of free will was Zlatan Ibrahimovic's autobiography last year. 10/10 would read again
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  9. Jimmah

    Jimmah Generation 5

    Mar 17, 2014
    Fiction : Invasion by Eric L Harry

    Pretty much World War 3, China takes over the world and invades the US. Good light reading.
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  10. KennyHass

    KennyHass Generation 2

    May 13, 2014
    (Novel) Starcraft 2 : Flashpoint
  11. UKCowboy74

    UKCowboy74 Generation 4

    May 9, 2014
    Assassin's Creed Brotherhood Love all those Books
  12. boise

    boise Generation 4

    May 1, 2014
    The last book I (re-)read was The God delusion by Richard Dawkins. Dawkins is one of the one of the most known and vocal atheists and anti-theists in the world, so you can guess what the book is about :) I like it a lot and recommend it if you are into this kind of stuff, but somehow I get the feeling that this forum won't find it very interesting ;)

    So I'd like to recommend my next to last read instead: Wool (Omnibus edition), by Hugh Howey. It is the first part of his Silo Saga series of science fiction short stories. Wool consist of the first five stories, then comes Shift (story 6-8) which is a prequel to Wool (have just started on that one), and Dust (story 9) which presumably brings it all together (haven't read it yet).

    I really like these stories, but I guess I'm a bit older than most people here so you might want to take that into consideration :)
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  13. daennika

    daennika Generation 5
    Elite Pilot

    Mar 29, 2014
    I did give it a read! Richard Dawkins was my main inspiration for expressing my views on religion and lackthereof. The God Delusion presents a good criticism of not only religions, but of civilization too. I want to read it again because the first time around I was in a really bad place and held a lot of resentment against a certain type of people with whom I had to work with. But that's off-topic!
    • Agree Agree x 1
  14. boise

    boise Generation 4

    May 1, 2014
    I would like to really recommend doing that. The first time I read it there was a lot of "Why didn't I think of that?!" and "Really? Wow!". The second time I gave what I read a lot more thought, and felt like it gave me a lot more.
  15. Unuseful_Idiot

    Unuseful_Idiot Generation 3

    Apr 22, 2014
    i've just finished the C.S.Lewis's Space Trilogy (yes, he wrote something more than Narnia tale). It is a great story of fighting good and evil forces. Of course, this is Lewis, so good are christians, but there is so much more in those books that even a hard atheist (as myself) can enjoy. Lots of refferences to anchient England's history(or mythology), like Pendragon, Meriln and King Arthur. And huge amount of philosophy too.
    I definitely recommend to all.

    Anyone read the World War Z? I've seen the movie but heard that this shit has nothing to do with the book so I want to give it a try now.
  16. fallout20xx

    fallout20xx Generation 2

    May 20, 2014
    The las scifi book:
    Old Man War. by John Scalzi

    The las fantasy book:
    A song of ice and fire: a dance with dragons.

    I have to continue reading both autors. they are prettty cool, Martin is god, Scalzi play in other category.
  17. FattedShark3084

    FattedShark3084 Generation 2

    Apr 13, 2014
    The modernist cuisine. Bought the whole series with 6 ridiculous large books. It's basically the new bible for cooking and modern technics used in restaurants and hotels, has a lot of historical stuff in it as well, like how everything came to be in the gastronomy of the 20th century. Real interesting if your into cooking and you want to make crazy stuff like spherefications, or icecream with liquidgas. Had to read certain stuff 3 to 4 times but it was worth it. Use most of the stuff I got from there daily.
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  18. RedGhost211

    RedGhost211 Generation 4

    May 5, 2014
    I'm currently reading Lord of the Rings, Allegiant and Halo: Cryptum, I usually pick one or two but lately I have been jumping from one to the other because I feel bored and I'm trying to get back into reading.

    I have 3 Halo books but I don't like the way they are written, they have an excess of useless details on things I don't really care about (like the range of the rifle X used in year X and what someone thinks about that), also because I don't think the translators did a good job with the spanish version (my first language is spanish). Sometimes they give me the feeling I'm reading a wiki about fictional weaponry.

    I totally recommend the Divergent series, I read the first two books already, the first one was really good but the second had some long and boring parts. The third one seems fine, but I'm on the early chapters. I'm reading this series in english.

    LOTR wasn't exactly what I expected, it has the boring monotony of traveling and sightseeing which I think are no good for the brick sized book it is. But taking a step back it is has a very unique story, there is a lot of creativity put on the parts where something is going on. I'm on Chapter 5, haven't read past the first quarter of the book. It's very different from its predecessor The Hobbit in almost every aspect.

    Also The Holy Bible everyday, my opinion varies depending on the book, none of them is like the other, some are poems, stories, historical data, prophecies, songs, etc.
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  19. Ik0n88x

    Ik0n88x Generation 7
    Elite Pilot

    Jan 25, 2014
    I just finished up the Maze Runner series by James Dashner and was looking to dive right into his next book "The Eye of Minds". For some reason I just love his style of writing.
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  20. Fra200

    Fra200 Generation 2

    Jun 18, 2014
    I have read as last book is The Emerald Atlas of John Stephens. I say that this book I like very much. If you like book fantasy I recommend it . :)