Video Titanfall Montage: The Second Month, music by TOOL & Childish Gambino

Discussion in 'Titanfall Creations' started by DangReed, May 12, 2014.

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  1. DangReed

    DangReed Generation 2

    Mar 15, 2014
    Hey everyone, over the last couple days I've been compiling, editing, watching and rewatching my best clips in the second month of release. I consider myself to be a pretty good player and I think you'll appreciate most of these clips! I decided to add music and some better production to follow up The First Month. I would appreciate any feedback, likes, or views! Thanks!

  2. DangReed

    DangReed Generation 2

    Mar 15, 2014
    Here's the video without music, if you're not a fan of the music...and want a more immersive experience