Having problems with sta5chel charge..

Discussion in 'Titanfall 360 & Xbox One' started by DaRkAbYsS257, Apr 30, 2014.

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  1. DaRkAbYsS257

    DaRkAbYsS257 Generation 1

    Apr 9, 2014
    any easier ways to get kills better with em? trying to complete my challenge for gen requirment.
  2. undeadunderware

    undeadunderware Generation 4

    Apr 28, 2014
    last night I got killed 3 times by rodeo pilots who also then satchel charged me when I disembarked..pests
    • Like Like x 1
  3. AXE Coolossus

    AXE Coolossus Generation 2

    Apr 14, 2014
    Be patient and always on alert for the opportunity. Instead of meleeing enemy pilots then C4 them instead. Use active radar pulse and when you see one about to enter into a building that you are in you can put it by the entrance then blow them up. I got a lot of kills when I took fire but didn't die and would retreat around a corner and then turn quickly and drop the C4. Active radar pulse gave me the heads up for when they were turning the corner and boom! You can even bait some people if you are behind them but they are too far away to throw C4 on. Fire a couple of rounds at them to get their attention and then retreat back around the corner. Most of the time they will follow you and get blown up when you spring the trap. C4 while rodeoing a really damaged Titan also netted me some kills even if I died in the act. Finally, if you are in a game with a lot of Gen4s, there is probably at least one sniper in a building. You can often throw C4 into or beside the window and get a kill there too. Happy Hunting and leave me alone. I hate to get C4ed.
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  4. MenaFace

    MenaFace Generation 3

    Apr 10, 2014
    Load up on Satchels. Use that with explosive pack, and Dead Man's Trigger, Play hardpoint and capture the flag. Drop satchel charges all around flag areas or hardpoint areas, watch, wait, and blow those Pilots up. Takes awhile but once you get the hang out these charges, its pretty easy. I would average about 4 or 5 pilot kills each match with the satchels. Just keep grinding at it.
  5. ThatTitanfallGuy

    ThatTitanfallGuy Generation 3

    Apr 19, 2014
    Yeah, basically this and patience.
  6. chejose

    chejose Generation 2

    Mar 24, 2014
    They have become my goto ordnance, i use it with the x-ray version perk, find out where an enemy is then pop a few his way. BAM - all good and dead.
  7. Sgt_rawk

    Sgt_rawk Generation 7

    Feb 4, 2014
    Are you kidding me? Actually good on you sir for not knowing how to use them. You clearly have some semblance of sportsmanship about you. I, on the other hand, have no such compunction and hurl these suckers as hard as I can. Using satchels is sorta like learning to knife or any other new activity. In the first instances you have to think, but basically any time you see someone, hurl one. A bit of trial and error will get you on track. Your first instinct must be to get one off as soon as possible and double x them as soon as they are airborne, just not so close to kill yourself with them. Fortunately for you they are extremely overpowered. They have a wide blast radius. As others have mentioned, OBJ based games make your life easier. Hardpoint in particular. To get kills quickly they have to be dispensed dynamically, not merely placing and hoping for someone to rock by. Lobbing satchels is a wonderfully rewarding thing to do.

    Probably the most useful manoeuvre with satchels is rodeoers. If you are rodeoed, exit titan, turn and hurl one at your titan...dead. If they are smart they will leap off the titan, hurl at offender...dead. I love them so much. A cheap kill in someones books but a wonderfully meaty way of ending someone. Always run the explosives pack as has been mentioned and use them as an integral part of your gunfights, if they haven't seen you hurl one, if they have hurl anyways...good luck...;)

    Addendum-Groups of grunts are also a great target and will expand your numbers quickly. Run minion detector and hang out in the enemy spawn...you'll be through the challenge in no time...and perhaps you will move to the dark side and continue to use them. They are just like grenades only they are lowbrow and everyone hates 'em. Thats the fun.

    2nd Addendum-They do an extraordinary amount of damage to a titan as well, run explosives pack, lob three on the back of a titan as they goes by. It really knocks them around.
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    • Agree Agree x 2
  8. undeadunderware

    undeadunderware Generation 4

    Apr 28, 2014
    I have just started using them on rodeoing pilots, they are great but as per my earlier note, I have been killed many times by rodeo pilots. Wall hanging satchels. Are good in some maps to, hang from a wall and drop away at passers-by
  9. Sulq

    Sulq Generation 5

    Mar 16, 2014
    Play Hardpoint. Wait for Pilots to try and capture Hardpoint. Throw Satchel Charge. Detonate Satchel Charge. Earn Pilot Kill. Meet Regen Requirement. Regenerate.
  10. Karma Cop

    Karma Cop Generation 2

    Apr 21, 2014
    OP it felt like I was wearing clothing that didn't belong to me when I first equipped them because of the Gen Requirement, but about an hour later they fit like a fine tailored suit! Dead Man's Trigger and Hardpoint certainly excelerate them, but they are beastly. For beginners, sophmores an experts a like.

    This is, after two full months now...my least favorite component to this ENTIRE game. It is the only thing that makes me irrationally angry and I refuse to do it myself it's so easy. Luckily it hasn't happened recently, maybe people have realized it doesn't make all that interesting a clip anymore since their toddler could pull it off. What a pandemic it was for a while though.
  11. Paddy

    Paddy Generation 1

    Apr 28, 2014
    The hardpoint tip is a good one. I drop them and then make my way to the next one. Assuming I do not die on the way I detonate when I get the message that we are losing the hardpoint.

    I completed this challenge and still equip these on most of my loadouts. Really handy now I know how to use them,

    As soon as I complete the plasma gun challenge though I will never ewuip it ever ever ever again.
    • Like Like x 1
  12. chejose

    chejose Generation 2

    Mar 24, 2014
    Must add the satchel charges are very overpowered, they have become my goto when in sticky situations. Takes a bit of time to get used to using it, but using this with the active radar pulse you can destroy pilots quite easily.
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