'Shield Core Online'

Discussion in 'General Titanfall discussion' started by Drunken_Jedi, May 18, 2014.

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  1. Drunken_Jedi

    Drunken_Jedi Generation 2

    Apr 29, 2014
    Hey all,

    Starting using the Ogre last night and I have some inquiries about the shield core and hoping some ogre vet can help me out.

    What does the shield core effectively do? Does it give you another shield to replace the diminished or does it add on to existing shield strength? Would it be useless to use with full shields?

    I'm trying to figure out the best way to use: Before going into a Titan fight or when your shields are already gone.

    Seems like either way, Core Extender is pretty much useless kit with the ogre, unless you find yourself prematurely activating.
  2. Sgt_rawk

    Sgt_rawk Generation 7

    Feb 4, 2014
    Its purely a bigger badder shield...
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  3. Crazy wee man

    Crazy wee man Generation 2

    Apr 25, 2014
    It also fully recharges, even if you have no shield.
  4. Benorahh

    Benorahh Generation 2

    Apr 15, 2014
    Use the "Shield Core" before entering a Titan fight, if however, you attempt to use it when your shields are down, your enemy Titan may possibly down you before it even activates (it takes 3-5 seconds to kick in after you press "Down" on the D-Pad).
  5. SnoSurfer

    SnoSurfer Generation 4

    May 10, 2014
    As it fully recharges your shield the best use is once you are taking shots, so you get your normal shield and the shield core, just needs to be timed well to prevent you taking damage.
  6. kalidor

    kalidor Generation 2

    Apr 4, 2014
    It's basically a backup shield. If your shield is down it recharges if it's up you get a boost. But it takes about 5 Seconds to work.
  7. skinNbonez27

    skinNbonez27 Generation 2

    May 8, 2014
    ^^^ Yeah! What they said!!- Just wait and get you're shield recharged- activate it and get an over shield..... Then you can grind other titans down.
  8. Jedi Minds ABZ

    Jedi Minds ABZ Generation 2

    Apr 9, 2014
    Give it a boost so harder to kill
    Also it you wait till your shields down it take it back up again
  9. Atlasdominator3

    Atlasdominator3 Generation 2

    May 15, 2014
    Let me tell you how I use it. While I have it ready to be activated I run into a Titan fight taking the enemy head on. As soon as my normal shield is gone I throw up the vortex shield as the core is activating (takes like 2-3 seconds to activate) once activated I release my vortex shield and get back to work. Albeit this isn't the greatest strategy ever, but it works well for me.
  10. Drunken_Jedi

    Drunken_Jedi Generation 2

    Apr 29, 2014
    How do we know we get the base shield recharged? All it shows os the core shield. Sometimes I wish they would just give us the real numbers to the mechanics in the game instead of bars for weapon stats and what seems like vague descriptions.
  11. The Juggernaut

    The Juggernaut Generation 7

    Apr 2, 2014
    Here is how it works ( Orge Vet.. leaning toward other titans though)
    The shield core takes 3-5 seconds to activate ( very very long In combat)
    It is best when you are in a Titan fight and your shields are ALMOST down. If you activate it when your shields are completely down, those couple seconds with no shield give you major hull damage and might doom you (which sucks)
    I recommend using it when you get into a titan fight 2 v 1(1 v 1 you shouldn't need a overshield) and activate it when you start shooting or take shield damage.
    If your shields are down, it instantly replaces it with a overshield.
    You don't get normal shields over the overshield. The overshield BECOMES your full shield.
    It just increases shield strength, Once it gets taken down, you start taking hull damage. I think you might be able to recharge the overshield if you don't get hit.
    ---again, base shield gets completely replaced with overshield with becomes your base shield----------
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