Titanfall K/D?

Discussion in 'General Titanfall discussion' started by DiirtyRed1, Mar 20, 2014.

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  1. Karma Cop

    Karma Cop Generation 2

    Apr 21, 2014
    I think one of the greatest Shakespearean tragedies to many shooters is the free-range unbridled joy gamers could achieve that evades them because of K/D worshipping. It often warps the way one plays a game, or shapes the way one measures results/improvement/skill.

    That said, this is far from an attack on the OP. Sounds like a good guy, and well done on the KD! I think I'd be remiss if I don't occasionally suffer/wonder about it. Plus in the right hands, it can be fun. I do like it as a metric to measure 'some' self improvement. But again needs to be taken with a grain of salt.

    Not sure what mine is, but this was my first FPS ever. After 2/3 weeks it was dangling at .6 or something (It may have been higher, seems low but I was good at objectives/strat but never finishing kills)...I do know now that it's about even (1) and when I look at the last 10 games it's rarely below 1.5 or so.

    So that is about as much satisfaction or credence I'll lend it as that clearly reinforces my journey in the game...but ultimately it doesn't matter and if you bluntly looked at mine it wouldn't tell you half the story of the legendary player I am (<---last part to be read with sarcasm lol). Cheers pilots.
  2. TitanWet

    TitanWet Generation 2

    Apr 3, 2014
    YAWN!!!!!..not cod
  3. undeadunderware

    undeadunderware Generation 4

    Apr 28, 2014
    I must have some form of computing disability as I cannot be consistent enough to be above 1.4 against pilots. I am probably the player who occasionally is near the bottom of the table, my excuse the good players killed everything and in my quest to score few attrition points i got squashed. One gripe with the scoreboards is that it does not show assists as I seem to spend my time getting that assist score. I do okay against titans with 9 being the most i have doomed in a match and average of about 4 playing attrition. I enjoy this bit the most but would add to do well in this game you have to have a fairly good team and when someone does have a bad match then don't complain, they were probably doing their best. One reason i die a lot is that i get carried away jumping over the map like an ADHD squirrel.
  4. undeadunderware

    undeadunderware Generation 4

    Apr 28, 2014
    oh yes another bad habit is to get picked off by someone in a room and I can't help but go back to the same room and get got by the same person (through a different route obviously) usually someone with a shotgun and c4:(
  5. THE_oldy

    THE_oldy Generation 2

    Apr 24, 2014
    If you think about K/D too much it can make you play too safe, and staying in your comfort zone skillwise.

    I find it more rewarding to try anything tricky I can think of and refine my play by fire. It takes lots of deaths to know what you can get away with.

    That being said, I just naturally play a more conservative style in most FPSs. I only want to go full aggression when I think I could get away with it, or am forced to.

    This makes my K/D a little inflated, but I have to not get sucked into that. A death can burn sometimes, but it makes you learn. I almost feel i keep a quota of getting punished for derpy try hard plays, or get in a rut.
  6. chejose

    chejose Generation 2

    Mar 24, 2014
    LOL my KD has taken a beating ever since I started on the generation challenges, I went down from from around 4.0 KD against other players, to 1.5, 1.6 LOL.
  7. skinNbonez27

    skinNbonez27 Generation 2

    May 8, 2014
    Soooo your saying, (being at a 1.4 currently) when I regen.... I should just abandon all hope now? lol
    • Like Like x 1
  8. Ciryadin

    Ciryadin Generation 2

    May 20, 2014
    My Stats
    - Gen 10
    - 100% Solo - Attrition / Hardpoint
    - 82% W/L
    - 90% Top 3
    - 70% MVP
    - Pilot KD: 3.2 (will increase faster when i'm done with doing 100% challenges)
    - Overall KD: 10

    upload_2014-5-20_10-23-58.png upload_2014-5-20_10-25-38.png
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  9. TuffMeetsClassy

    TuffMeetsClassy NYC Native, OIF VET, Trainer, Professional Muter
    Elite Pilot

    Mar 22, 2014
    well put
    • Like Like x 2
  10. undeadunderware

    undeadunderware Generation 4

    Apr 28, 2014
    without challenges what would be your ideal set up for pilot .and titan just out of interest, I think you must be the player on the opposition. Who spoils my evenings sometimes!
  11. undeadunderware

    undeadunderware Generation 4

    Apr 28, 2014
    I got punished a lot trying to get onto hardpoint had to give up in the end, got tiring chasing points and when I did try and talk to others was met with silence. I may try again with friends when they get the game
  12. Ciryadin

    Ciryadin Generation 2

    May 20, 2014
    | Rape Setup |

    CAR w/ HCOG + Counterweight
    Stim + C4
    Power Cell + Minion Detector

    Stryder + 40mm cannon
    Smoke + Cluster
    Nuclear Ejection + Auto-Eject
  13. undeadunderware

    undeadunderware Generation 4

    Apr 28, 2014
    a get in close approach then, how does the car with counterweight do with range, i had some fun with it but kept losing out on ranged gunfights. Thanks for this, now if I could just improve my reaction times........
  14. Ciryadin

    Ciryadin Generation 2

    May 20, 2014
    CAR can still fight effectively on medium range; hence the HCOG but if you're aim is off stick to cqc fights. Counterweight is good for hip fire in case you get caught of guard and don't have time to aim down sights (or will doing jump or hang maneuvers). Basically the Stim in combination with power-cell lets you fly around the map at top speed most of the time (about 50% more then without power-cell).

    You can also switch out power-cell for run n gun; you won't be able to stimboost as much but you'll use counterweight to full potential while 'running'.

    Also stimboost + jump + c4 and you'll throw a satchel half across the map. ^^
    Especially good for surprising roofcampers. =)
    • Like Like x 1
  15. RedGhost211

    RedGhost211 Generation 4

    May 5, 2014
    Why don't you play Pilot Hunter? Its not my favourite but I play it.

    My kills right now are usually 13 for 10 deaths or so since the matchamking system changed but I still keep getting the first and second place in the rankings. But there are times when I get very unlucky and end up with more deaths than kills at the bottom of the rankings.
  16. undeadunderware

    undeadunderware Generation 4

    Apr 28, 2014
    Just one more question, when you play a map as a pilot do you have an opening route or do you play it as it comes, I am playing mainly attrition and want to improve my game. Now gen 5 sad to admit only really now getting okay with the movement plus combat style,
    thanks for this and now I know how to really lob that c4!
  17. The Juggernaut

    The Juggernaut Generation 7

    Apr 2, 2014
    Ok i want to make sure im doing this correctly.
    I am using the Companion App.
    Under stats it shows pilots killed
    Pilots killed: 2094
    Titans killed: 864
    I took 2094 and divided by my kdr ( don't want to say)
    and i got ...a number. I took that number and my titan kills and did this:
    864 divided by .... a #.... and i got
    1.1966. Rounded to 1.20
    So i kill 1.20 titans each life. Something seems wrong lol.
  18. The Juggernaut

    The Juggernaut Generation 7

    Apr 2, 2014
    Or do you suck so much you're secretly avoiding the question ;). jk :p
  19. THE_oldy

    THE_oldy Generation 2

    Apr 24, 2014
    Nuke + Auto eject!?!
    With such a rape titan why are you planning to die?
    Play dash quick charge and you won't go back.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  20. undeadunderware

    undeadunderware Generation 4

    Apr 28, 2014
    there is a certain comedy. Value in taking other out when you go, i have been lucky using this myself especially when joining a match at the end and wading into a group of damaged titans and have got double and triple titan kills, i have been on the receiving end when trying to dash away only to find myself stuck against someone else