Gen 8 all i do is win

Discussion in 'Titanfall 360 & Xbox One' started by GravE IzNt MLG, May 19, 2014.

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  1. GravE IzNt MLG

    GravE IzNt MLG Generation 1

    May 19, 2014
    I'm new to the forums but I read stuff on here all the time. I'm looking for some good players to game with so I can finally be a 9th generation pilot because it is a pain getting MVP in almost every match but losing because my team pulls me down. I still have 50 more wins to go and its been way past a month. Add me if you want to play my gamertag is my username for the forums :). Oh forgot to add I'm on the Xbox one <3​
  2. Jedi Minds ABZ

    Jedi Minds ABZ Generation 2

    Apr 9, 2014
    Add me I am level 8 but only need 19 wins to gen up. Feel like I been level 8 forever
  3. VenserTheExiled

    VenserTheExiled Generation 1

    Apr 13, 2014
    i have 81 MVPs just turned regen 3. add me, if i play attrition im usually in the 80-130 point range. hardpoint ive gotten 21-30 kills a few games in a row, here and there... titans np
  4. GravE IzNt MLG

    GravE IzNt MLG Generation 1

    May 19, 2014
    Cool! I'll add you two after work today so around 5pm and hopefully we can play. And I'll play anything. I'm not sure how to add on the Xbox one. I guess adding is the same thing as a follow? But either way I'll message both of you.
  5. chejose

    chejose Generation 2

    Mar 24, 2014
    Same here guys, gen 4 about to hit gen 5. Tend to go top 3 in my team in most games if anybody wants to play. Game tag djchejose
  6. Sgt_rawk

    Sgt_rawk Generation 7

    Feb 4, 2014
    Do you need to be the best player in your team or overall to get MVP? I play mostly hardpoint and I play early in the morning on weekends, usually the players aren't that good and don't tend to play the obj. I am the highest point scorer more than half the time. I just rotate the map constantly, always attacking the opposing hardpoint, easy points.

    The need to rename this to "sweaty tryhard challenge" ;)