No new weapons but what about new attachments?

Discussion in 'General Titanfall discussion' started by Virge Trotter, May 12, 2014.

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  1. Virge Trotter

    Virge Trotter Generation 1

    May 12, 2014
    I feel that attachments could potentially change a weapon so much that it is almost a new weapon.
    Example. Armor Piercing rounds for the 40mm Cannon. Removes the explosion radius but increases damage to titans by 40%.
    Nitrus Fuel for the quad rocket. Increases the speed of rockets by 100% but one less shot in magazine.

    I feel like these would be easy to implement and add variation of weapons to the game without adding new weapons.
  2. B_3_A_N_Z_

    B_3_A_N_Z_ Generation 2

    May 11, 2014
    to be honest your very right. i'm sure this would be pretty easy to put in the game too right ?
  3. Sgt_rawk

    Sgt_rawk Generation 7

    Feb 4, 2014
    Any new weapons must be carefully considered so as not to disrupt balance. Part of the beauty of this game is the balance that exists with what are essentially non-compatible elements. So anything added has to be added carefully. I would love to see new weapons and attachments however I also understand why they are not doing so quickly. They will aim for a two year cycle I am thinking and as this is an online game only they need ways to extend longevity.
    • Agree Agree x 4
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  4. BlackhorseACR

    BlackhorseACR Generation 2
    Elite Pilot

    Apr 5, 2014
    I think that would be hard to balance. On your recomedation for an armored piercing round with no splash is like the plasma railgun. The fast rockets are the multi target missiles.

    I want to see new weapons and mods too, but I do not want the weapons to nullify existing.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  5. THE_oldy

    THE_oldy Generation 2

    Apr 24, 2014
    Yes new attachments would be a nice way to add more variety to weapon choice with out needlessly ly cloning guns.

    The basic types of guns are covered, so any additional guns would likely just be tweeks of existing guns anyway. Gun attachments would be a much cleaner way to go IMO
  6. Drunken_Jedi

    Drunken_Jedi Generation 2

    Apr 29, 2014
    What's another attachment the AC could have? I've been trying to think but stumped, I suppose the developers were as well because it only came with the 1 where all the others had 2.
  7. skinNbonez27

    skinNbonez27 Generation 2

    May 8, 2014
    ^^^^ Agreed with the above. It would have to be very balanced and carefully planned. And not just weapon attachements, how bout some new ordinance's or abilities or a new titan class? I think jump jet's for the Stryder classes would be rad- To balance- you wouldn't be able to shoot while in the air but you also take less damage. As well the recharge time would have to adequate to prevent ppl from jumping all over the place.; you could then get something that improves dashes for the other too. Just my two cents
  8. Sgt_rawk

    Sgt_rawk Generation 7

    Feb 4, 2014
    Jump jets? I smell a Mechwarrior veteran...;), cool idea btw. That would be really awesome. I'm gonna tweet that @ Respawn.
  9. skinNbonez27

    skinNbonez27 Generation 2

    May 8, 2014
    Hahaha. Sgt Rawk... I may have played a couple Mechwarriors. And thank you sir, awesome of you to tweet it @ Respawn... That is one social media I refuse to subscribe to.

    Now if we ever see jump jets- you can legit take some credit for it! :cool:
  10. Drunken_Jedi

    Drunken_Jedi Generation 2

    Apr 29, 2014
    I saw a video where the author decompressed the game files and noticed some coding that lead him to believe more attachments are on their way. The video was for the 40 and had like 3 different attachments coded.
  11. Castle Ogre

    Castle Ogre Generation 1

    May 22, 2014
    i was thinking of maybe something called a "Pre-Charged Cell" and have the arc cannon work in reverse instead of charging it up and releasing a blast as it does now it would be fully charged and release a stream of electricity like an electric chaingun but with diminishing returns as it starts out with high damage and slowly gets weaker and to prevent spamming of the high damage you could have it recharge faster when fully depleted vs. say using half the charge kind of like a reverse capacitor instead of firing when fully charged it would recharge faster when fully depleted just an idea
  12. skinNbonez27

    skinNbonez27 Generation 2

    May 8, 2014
    ^^^^I like it....

    So thats the Arc, 40mm would have armor piercing rounds (but there's less in a clip), Chain gun.... let's just put a laser pointer on it so it looks cool and 'increases accuracy'.... Railgun anyone? I think for the Rocket pod.... there should be an attachment that lets you load up and fire 5 at once or you can just launch one at a time.