Titanfall Balance Issues

Discussion in 'Feedback, Issues & Suggestions' started by Colonel Ham, Feb 19, 2014.

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  1. Colonel Ham

    Colonel Ham Generation 2

    Feb 19, 2014
    Hey guys. Just wanted to start my first thread with a broad issue that is the most noticeable to me. Any sort of balance issue you have, whether it be titans, guns, burn cards, whatever, just talk about it. I thought the shotgun might be a little OP myself. Please be respectful and honest in this thread. See ya later.
  2. SecurityRake

    SecurityRake Generation 2

    Feb 21, 2014
    I am a person who thought that the balance in COD was generally pretty poor in most iterations. Probably because early on, multiplayer was not the main concern, and after MW they were on a very tight and restrictive release schedule, and didn't do an overabundance of support after launch. However I quite like how it was balanced in the beta. The one real complaint I have is that they still have one-hit-kill for Melee. To be clear, I think the behind-the-back execution is fine, since if someone manages to do it you probably would have been easy enough to kill literally any other way. But one hit kill on melee in a game with so much speed is annoying, especially with the absurd reach it sometimes seems to have. When I am killed by someone by being KICKED after putting several bullets into them with a pistol and they just kick me, that feels absolutely horrible. If it did 50% of health that would be fine. Hell if it did 90% of health I'd be ok with that, as long as it's not a one-hit-kill. Not when you don't even have to have a melee weapon out.

    An interesting solution would be to have relative speed be a factor where damage is considered. A one-hit-kill if you are moving fast enough relative to them would be a very cool way to highlight the mobility and make it more fair.
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  3. Zisha

    Zisha Generation 4

    Jan 25, 2014
    I think that the anti-titan weapons were too "nerfed". They didn't do too much damage to the titans at all :S. But that can be me only, I really don't know. But other than that, better balanced then I ever thought it would be!
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  4. Clarkeh

    Clarkeh Post-Patch Generation 6 Pilot
    Elite Pilot

    Feb 17, 2014
    The sidewinder needs the player to be in safeish place to unload its clip to do some serious damage, If your out in the open or ontop of a roof and you start opening up on a Titan its safe to assume either the titan will pick you off or an enemy pilot will come up behind you.

    The 1 shot rocket seems balanced enough takes near enough all of the titans shields away and deals serious damage to hull when no shields are present and you can easily jetpack away to safety while reloading and then resume the fight.
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  5. Monolyth

    Monolyth Generation 10
    Elite Pilot

    Feb 12, 2014
    The "chain" melee attack needs a nerf. In one particular game a guy literally chain jump kicked and killed three of us. He wasn't running stim or a burn card, just normal melee non-stop spam. I think after you jump kick once you should get slowed for a moment and unable to melee again for a second. Things like stim & adrenaline rush burn card should reduce that cool down, remove the speed reduction, etc.

    The Sidewinder could use a slight buff. When used against me in my titan I had plenty of time to turn and kill the attacker before losing too much of my shields / armor.
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  6. SecurityRake

    SecurityRake Generation 2

    Feb 21, 2014
    I wouldn't mind a slight sidewinder buff, but the nice thing about the sidewinder is that you can easily use it to tap titans from far off, keeping them from getting shield regen while you position or reload.
  7. OrigJoker

    OrigJoker Generation 1

    Feb 21, 2014
    I agree with both of the above comments about the melee. Always annoyed me that it's a one-hit kill in most of these games yet it takes 5-7 bullets to down someone.
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  8. Chaz

    Chaz Generation 6
    Elite Pilot

    Jan 15, 2014
    That's actually a pretty good idea. The purpose of melee is that there's a downside to getting up close if two people are heading straight on one another. However, I do notice there is very minimal (if none at all) momentum loss after kicking. I do agree that needs to be changed a bit.
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  9. Clarkeh

    Clarkeh Post-Patch Generation 6 Pilot
    Elite Pilot

    Feb 17, 2014
    Hopefully the melee rushing will be addressed either by slowing the player when using it (forced to walk a bit afterwards) or its made into a two hit kill from the front/sides but from what i heard Respawn find the one hit melee kill hilarious and aren't looking to change it (i heard this from when of thier twitch streams).
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  10. xX 7heGuy Xx

    xX 7heGuy Xx Generation 2

    Feb 22, 2014
    Agreed, melee should be tweaked. As for the sidewinder though its fine. Its great at preventing shield recharge and can be used without exposing yourself for to long unlike the archer. 2 pilots with arc grenades, one with a sidewinder and the other with the archer and you can easily rip a titan to shreds before it can even locate either pilot.
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  11. TtargetPractice

    TtargetPractice Generation 2

    Feb 22, 2014
    I kind of feel like if three people are close enough together to get jumped kicked to death by one pilot and unable coordinate fire during this time, it's not a problem with the "chain" melee, it's a problem with the three guys who aren't paying attention or standing in one place for too long.

    I think this is an amazing idea and would love to see this implemented. Slower kicks could do small damage and maybe make the pilot stumble and be unable to return fire for a second.
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  12. Colonel Ham

    Colonel Ham Generation 2

    Feb 19, 2014
    Wow guys, I am glad to see all the feedback and discussion going on here. I do agree with pretty much everything in here and ill post another thread soon. If you have an idea for discussion please let me know and ill start the conversation. Feel free to continue talking about balance issues if you would like. See ya.
  13. CuzMe

    CuzMe Generation 1

    Feb 11, 2014
    While the melee can be annoying my main concern is the shotgun, it's simply OP. With the range it has and the pilot movement speed+ stim it's way too easy to get close and 1-shot (or even 2-shot as the fire rate is pretty damn high), the effective range of the shotgun is just too high.
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  14. SecurityRake

    SecurityRake Generation 2

    Feb 21, 2014
    Ugh I didn't have a problem with the shotgun before, but it's getting a LITTLE dumb. I have to agree that either the fire rate, damage dropoff, or overall damage need a nerf. I'd say just make its one-hit-kill range about half of what it is and it's good.
  15. Bull ADK

    Bull ADK Generation 2

    May 4, 2014
    The kick is killing my enthusiasm for playing the game. I just find it so stupid that you can run through a hail of bullets to kick someone to death with a single touch. I haven't played nearly as much in the last week and may move on if this isn't fixed in the next patch. I can't get over the stupidity of it...
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  16. yi3o8

    yi3o8 Generation 2

    May 17, 2014
    Hello TF fans of the community,

    I'm glad this post exists to let me vent. I like a lot of the balance in this game, they did pretty well. Here are my biggest concerns when trying to tell people it's worth playing.

    • Jump kick - Almost unforgivable they don't balance this. Someone 3 feet away can kill you with a kick. It's like, 'what? I got shot in the face a few times but kicked your arm. I win.' Needs to either be reduced to something like 75% damage or use your jump pack thrust making it believable it could kill you and benefit from a recharge that prevents you from double jumping for a second.
    • Satchel Charges - This needs to be changed to satchel charge. I appreciate it enough to know nerfing it would be the wrong direction, but giving a pilot two (2) per life is unbalanced. Maybe speed up the respawn time for bottomless charges.
    • Regeneration - Needs to do something more. Can be something simple like extra titan paint, a free weapon unlock next gen, or an extra slot for your burn card deck. That way, the game will remain balanced and regens will be a bit more dynamic than a gameplay feature.
    Wouldn't a game where people are running around jump kicking and throwing satchels all the time feel a bit refreshing? No game is going to be perfect, but these things would be easy to change and I don't think many people would disagree that jump kicks cheapen the game and satchels are beast.

    Happy hunting
    • Like Like x 1
  17. DigitalCore

    DigitalCore Generation 2

    Apr 3, 2014
    R101-C. That thing needs hitting with the nerfbat hard. I even made a whole freaking thread about it and every other weapon. G2A4 is the worst Pilot weapon by far. 3HK at long ranges is needed and recoil needs reducing.

    Satchel Charge blast radius needs toning back slightly.

    The railgun. Holy hell, the railgun. What in God's name were Respawn thinking? Charge time buff, hitscan projectile, minimum.

    Plenty of other things I can't recall of the top of my head.
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  18. shockwavezz

    shockwavezz Generation 1

    May 22, 2014
    if your close to someone a shotgun is gonna one shot you. its a shotgun. its range isn't even that bad like talkin about, you can snipe people across the map with a slug shotgun on bf4. if you get shot by a shotgun just jump and move around and run, or wall run since it increases your momentum.
  19. Chaz

    Chaz Generation 6
    Elite Pilot

    Jan 15, 2014
    That's because actually do go that far in real life. Pellets are what most games include on their shotguns, while BF4 does the option to use multiple different types of rounds. Slugs have an incredibly long range compared to flachette or regular pellets. Definitely not map-length, but pretty damn far.
  20. nelperez007

    nelperez007 Generation 2

    May 27, 2014
    Hopefully the fix the jump kick on the next patch. Too OP. Not funny anymore. It's getting old.