Bunny Hopping (Momentum preservation trick)

Discussion in 'General Titanfall discussion' started by Tony at Home, Mar 28, 2014.

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  1. Tony at Home

    Tony at Home Generation 5

    Mar 16, 2014
    Wow, can't believe I never figured this out myself.

    I was browsing Titanfall vids on youtube, and came across this one that had a very useful tip.

    Apparently, you can preserve your momentum after a wall run, even if you jump and hit the ground, if you jump immediately upon hitting the ground. It works similar to how Mario can get higher jumps if you get your timing perfect in Mario games.

    For those of you who were also unfamiliar with this tactic, as I was, check out the video. It's very useful, especially if you don't have the enhanced parkour kit/stim ability, and can't make certain jumps.

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  2. WhoIsDo

    WhoIsDo Generation 7

    Nov 15, 2013
    Interesting. I've only used the single jump once I hit the ground or just before I hit the ground. Hadn't thought of trying to chain together multiple jumps!
  3. Tony at Home

    Tony at Home Generation 5

    Mar 16, 2014
    Yeah, I had a couple of incidents where my first jump sometimes preserved momentum, but it kinda happened rarely- probably because my timing for the jump is super-bad. Never realized what exactly was happening under the hood. The momentum system in this game is so deep, and has a lot to be discovered.

    One BIG application of this is the "Spring-boards". The small rocks, dumpsters, crates etc lying around that players normally use for a single far-jump; just to get a slight speed increase for a short distance.

    These objects are now alot more useful to me now that I can keep the momentum going for multiple jumps after. A single quick-jump to wall run on a small rock can get me much farther with this.
  4. Bayz P

    Bayz P Generation 4

    Mar 17, 2014
    Trying to master this technique. I've seen people do this and get across the maps super fast:eek:
  5. Koviko

    Koviko Generation 4

    Mar 19, 2014
    It's tough continuing to bunny hop for very long, though. I practice it at the start of every match.
  6. troys702

    troys702 Generation 2

    Mar 31, 2014
  7. THE_oldy

    THE_oldy Generation 2

    Apr 24, 2014
    Opens up a bunch more possible paths for chaining wall runs, but its hard to get consistency.

    This is a hard game to master.

    Adding a jump bind to the scroll wheel might help PC players, but it would be a bit more tricky than say CS bhopping with the same trick because there is double jump timing to worry about.
  8. A.C

    A.C Generation 4

    Feb 18, 2014
    #8 A.C, Jun 6, 2014
    Last edited: Jun 6, 2014
    Just to help you guys improve the technique (not that I have completely mastered it myself) you should be aiming for minimal use of the Jet Pack when skipping (bunny hopping) - employing the afterburners/jets kills momentum.

    You will often find that a mis-timed bunny-hop ends with the burners being heard in the background - it's because you have used your jet-pack too early rather than carry your momentum.. and like afterburners they almost buffer you to a gentle cool-down.

    Afterburners can be useful in otherways... like this other cool technique that I use:

    I have learnt not get caught in the 'peeking over a ledge' animation - because you lose all momentum whislt climbing a wall. It is quicker to wall run sideways across the surface that you are trying to mount then jump/hover(with your jump jets) on to it rather than running directly up the same surface and have your progress halted as you enter the climb animation. The climb animation brings you to a complete standstill and as a result a sitting duck/target.

    I hope that made sense - it's harder to hit a moving target right? Well this is a good way to keep you on the move whilst climbing (but not actually climbing).
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  9. ParaNormanBates

    ParaNormanBates Generation 4

    May 20, 2014
    That makes more sense to me now as to why I always lose the momentum when I use the jetpack. And probably, that's one the reason I should also try to master the "Climbing" technique that you mentioned because every time I try to jump over the ledge, I land flat face-front behind. I literally stop for a sec and curse myself for that idiotic move and then climb over. And the worse thing is, I assume that I didn't curse too loud only to find out that my wife heard it and is shouting back at me.

    What's your suggestions on "Ledge catch"? I always get caught on some random object and am unable to move at all and get shot right in the face. This gets me killed a lot.
  10. The Juggernaut

    The Juggernaut Generation 7

    Apr 2, 2014
    I've been trying to master this thing myself! It seems incredibly useful but I've never gotten the timing. So the moment my gun dips down, I should jump? And jets stop your momentum... explains a lot. Now I need to master this and ledge hanging since I've always wanted to 'peak' over a ledge to survey the area but I've always just mantled over that thing and parkoured away from the enemy titan staring at me...
  11. Tony at Home

    Tony at Home Generation 5

    Mar 16, 2014
    There's something else I'm trying to work on, but I can't quite get it.

    Supposedly there's a trick that let you change direction when jumping off a wall or bunny hopping without losing as much momentum.

    Like usually, if you jump off in the direction you are wall-running, you will get more momentum than if you jump off in a direction different than where you are running, like to the side- but there's apparently a trick to make it so you get a farther jump in any direction.

    Anyone know how to do this or can describe/show exactly how? All the information I can find is too vague.,
  12. THE_oldy

    THE_oldy Generation 2

    Apr 24, 2014
    Well there is a bit of 'air strafing' in titanfall (at least thats what its called in CS:S, which also uses the source engine)
    This is done by holding your movement button( / thumbstick) perpendicular to the direction of your motion, and slowly turning your aim in that direction.

    For example: You are flying through the air, facing forward (facing towards the direction of motion).
    To turn to the left, you would let go of the foward key, then start pressing your strafe left key. Then you move your mouse at a slow constant speed to the left. This would bend your trajectory to the left a bit with out slowing down or using double jump.

    Another example: You are flying through the air facing 90deg left of the direction your moving. This time to bend to the left you would have to press the foward key (because your facing towards the left) and move your mouse left slowly. To bend right you would have to press backward (because behind you is 90deg right of the direction of motion) and move the mouse right.

    If you do it correctly you gain speed as you turn in the air. If you turn too quick you will change directions quicker, but lose speed. The faster you are flying the slower you must turn to keep gaining speed.
  13. iMpact90

    iMpact90 Generation 2

    Jun 10, 2014
    The parkour part is an very important and interesting thing , wonder if new cod can do that also ( imo i don't think and hope :) so) Titanfall rocks
  14. The Juggernaut

    The Juggernaut Generation 7

    Apr 2, 2014
    I found another strategy that I don't think a lot of people know of ( or just don't care) but if you jump the moment a titan flies into the ground, its shockwave will send you FLYING. I did this while trying to get to my titan on the other side of my teammates drop. I instantly jumped and got pushed back very quickly and had to sprint my way back to my titan... not game changing but another parkour detail we can add to the list of tricks and tips.
  15. iMpact90

    iMpact90 Generation 2

    Jun 10, 2014
    That bunnyhopping looks nice, wouldn't do that in the open field but combining with wallrun from wall to far wall, or combine with double jump.Easy words so im gonna give it a try, maybe alone in a private session when bored :p Could come in handy sometimes.
    Cheerz ;)