How to use the Kraber: Cloak vs Stim Quick strategy guide

Discussion in 'General Titanfall discussion' started by Leon Young, Jun 6, 2014.

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  1. Leon Young

    Leon Young Generation 4

    May 18, 2014

    This is a quick, simple and efficient guide on how to use the kraber based on your play style. Some people prefer a more stealthy approach while others enjoy rushing and catching off guard. Most guides I see focus on one of the two but I wanted to make a non complicated layout of both options. Like the video and subscribe if you want to see more! Thank you for watching
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  2. BOOSTkdv

    BOOSTkdv Generation 2

    Jun 4, 2014
    Your a beast with that sniper. lol. Thanks for the tips!
  3. ParaNormanBates

    ParaNormanBates Generation 4

    May 20, 2014
    I gotta give it to you, man. Even with that gun, you've outperformed the parkouring! I tried to practice parkouring in my office and my HR found and told me to stop jumping on the walls and tables. :oops:
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  4. Leon Young

    Leon Young Generation 4

    May 18, 2014
    thank you for watching, much appreciated
  5. Leon Young

    Leon Young Generation 4

    May 18, 2014
    You should prob leave a job that does not allow you to parkour from office to office. Its like titanfall homework lol
  6. The Juggernaut

    The Juggernaut Generation 7

    Apr 2, 2014
    This was a awesome video! Unlike some videos on youtube about titanfall you actually give some tips!
    I prefer Stim. I always have hated Cloak with snipers since it removes your crosshairs with ADSing leading me to always MISS. At least with stim I have the ability to know where my shots will hit!
  7. Leon Young

    Leon Young Generation 4

    May 18, 2014
    Thank you for watching. Yea the watching for the gamertag tricked helps when trying to aim cloaked but id much rather go with stim.
  8. FreakazoidPat

    FreakazoidPat Generation 2

    Apr 18, 2014
    Dope video, Mate! I actually found your Youtube page and subscribed. Two questions: When are you gonna do a video on the carbine with tips and suggestions? Two, What's your advice as far as play style for those of us who aren't quick on the trigger as these seasoned CoD Players playing Titanfall?
  9. FreakazoidPat

    FreakazoidPat Generation 2

    Apr 18, 2014
    Dope video, Mate! I actually found your Youtube page and subscribed. Two questions: When are you gonna do a video on the carbine with tips and suggestions? Two, What's your advice as far as play style for those of us who aren't quick on the trigger as these seasoned CoD Players playing Titanfall?
  10. Tony at Home

    Tony at Home Generation 5

    Mar 16, 2014
    I'd like to see a full game rather than just a bunch of clips showing awesome shots.

    Because that's the main problem with the weapon. Having a consistently good game with it. You can't really score that many points with this weapon in Attrition. Getting pilot hills, while possible, is rarer than with other weapons.

    Grunt and Spectre kills take forever. This weapon takes out 3 grunts slower than pretty much every other weapon.

    So I'd say it's not underused at all. It's just a crap weapon.
  11. Leon Young

    Leon Young Generation 4

    May 18, 2014
    I was going to reserve the carbine video for a little later but if there is interest in making a vid I will push that up. And my recommended play style would be to use active radar pulse to get the jump on opposing players and play the outsides of the map. The carbine is great for this as it will allow you to keep relative distance while you scope out your plan of attack. Use the hcog if you tend to like closer battles and the holo sight if your into long distance engagements
  12. Leon Young

    Leon Young Generation 4

    May 18, 2014
    The game play I showed was only from two games (one with stim load out 9-5 the other with cloak 11-2). I do agree with you on the inconsistencies with this weapon though as it is very hard to pull out a high k/d every time you use it. I sit at a 4.2 k/d against pilots normally and with the Kraber I'm prob more at 2. I also agree with the comment about low attrition scores (as taking down grunts is not worth giving away your position). What I do when I have the Kraber or dmr is use the wingman as my primary and switch to the sniper when I have a vantage point advantage.