Titanfall Might Not Be Fun For Much Longer-That Darn Gooser Challenge

Discussion in 'Titanfall 360 & Xbox One' started by BigDaddyHotGue, Jun 4, 2014.

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    xHOUNDISHx Generation 2

    Apr 19, 2014
    I agree the gooser is tough, Maybe really hard for some folks but its a great challenge! For anybody that is over gen 5, there is the mutual respect that they progressed past this stuff. Maybe for those who want to progress further, maybe they could add an update to introduce new gens or maybe 5 prestige generations on top which introduce more challenges or something? kinda like elite generations or something. Just depends whether that spoils things for newer players more!
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  2. BigDaddyHotGue

    BigDaddyHotGue Generation 4
    Elite Pilot

    May 17, 2014
    Excellent points all... As it turns out, I got my last gooser kill and completed the challenge last night (well... actually at 1am this morning my time!). I'm tired but VERY happy to be past this pesky challenge. Looks like Gen6 will be a breeze compared to that. I saved up a heap of double xp burn cards and I'm ripping through the levels in Gen6 really fast. Onwards and upwards!!
  3. BigDaddyHotGue

    BigDaddyHotGue Generation 4
    Elite Pilot

    May 17, 2014
    Hey SgtPan! Great advice and thanks!! I finished that pesky Gooser last night (well... 1am this morning). Looks like Gen6 is going to be a breeze. I agree with you - I'm kinda sad that it's not a bit harder from here for a while. The think about the gooser that really cranked me was that the factors necessary to even try for it are out of the pilot's control! Heaven help us if Respawn goes for something like "fly on the wall" (the one where you have to kill a pilot that is wall hanging...) or something else like the gooser. It's done now and I'm really enjoying continuing on...!!
    • Agree Agree x 1
  4. BigDaddyHotGue

    BigDaddyHotGue Generation 4
    Elite Pilot

    May 17, 2014
    That's right Paddy. You gotta kill 'em in the air. They must have ejected from their titan (can't just be getting out). They can't have touched anything at all. If they bounce off a wall or land and hop then you get 'em... it doesn't count. As for me... I've finished now thankfully. This one is super tough because pilots are not required to eject out of their titans... they can ride down in their machines and die inside having never given you the chance for the kill. Or other players going for the 'fresh squeezed' challenge will zip in at the last moment and grab the pilot out of their titan and squish them. Again no eject... no chance for the kill. And then there's those who auto eject and cloak making it nearly impossible to see them in the air at all let alone aim and shoot. Oh yeah and the good pilots will use arc grenades in the air. So they're cloaked, moving fast in the air and chucking vision blurring damage at you on their way back down - totally impossible to hit. This one is a real grind. Just imagine what it was like when it was 50 kills... no wonder Respawn reduced it to just 5! Thank heavens... I'm done with this one now! On to Gen6 and really enjoying the game again!!
    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. Sloppy2nds

    Sloppy2nds Generation 2

    Apr 20, 2014
    i posted this on the other forum , totally agree with all the above

    Sod this sodding sod of a challenge , ive been playing for many hours now trying to complete the gooser to progress to gen6 , i know the loadout and tactics but its the actual opportunity to kill an ejecting pilot rarely shows , what with autotitans , cloak, and nuclear ejections etc and bloody lag as well , one match i had a perfect chance for a gooser , aimed in with the chaingun and absolutely sprayed the pilot with bullets as he was rising and on the way down , no gooser wtf? , another good chance lost was when i done the same and ended up with a pilot assist , some sob robbed me of a gooser
    So i still have 2 goosers with 3 to go , aarggggghhh
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  6. SgtPain

    SgtPain Generation 4

    Apr 28, 2014
    Lets be honest getting a Gooser is more about luck and opportunity than it is about skill. I have quite a few under my belt now and these are some of the ways I have got them;

    1. In a Titan using the Chain gun; a) aiming a screen above the doomed titan and ambushing the pilot as he ejects into my cross hairs. b) aiming just between the upheld arms of a doomed Titan and shooting with the chain gun; pilot ejected into a hail of gun fire.
    2. In a Titan using the Arc Cannon as per a) above
    3. Rodeoing a Titan with the LMG + Slammer and hurling a satchel charge in the air
    4. In a Titan and electric smoking a doomed Titan
    5. In a Titan and punching the ejecting pilot (pure fluke)

    I remember jumping up and cheering as I got Goosers 3,4 and 5. The elation at getting those was like nothing else I've experienced in gaming. Closest I can compare it to is watching England score in the World Cup.
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  7. KeiSon

    KeiSon Generation 4
    Elite Pilot

    Apr 12, 2014
    @SgtPain I disagree to some point think it's more opportunity and skill. Tracking a cloaked pilot in the area and gunning them down is no easy feet. Made it a personal goal to get 100 gooser kills and it's a goal which I manage to complete. I basically get my kills the same way with a few altercations to your methods. Have also done it a 6th way which is for me the pure definition of fluke.

    You've won your match and in your Titan with cluster missile equipped at the evac point. If you spot someone trying to eject from there Titan into the ship. Fire your cluster at the ship. Every now and then the pilot ejecting can be hit with enough cluster bombs that it kills them and this will count as a gooser kills. I've got lucky with that on a few occasions. But like a I said that method is pure luck but very satisfying when it come up on your screen :D
  8. KeiSon

    KeiSon Generation 4
    Elite Pilot

    Apr 12, 2014
    @Sloppy2nds keep at it man it will come eventually look on the bright side at least you got 3 left and not 48 :p

    @BigDaddyHotGue when pilots eject cloaked keep an eye out if they throw a grenade or use there anti-titan weapon there cloak disappears. Also look out to see if they double jump there thrusters can be a good tell as to were they are located. Use the chain gun and spray fire if you hit them once cloaked they become visible for a split second. This can only be done on a handful of maps though such as fracture, boneyard and airbase.
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  9. KilaRoach

    KilaRoach Generation 2

    Apr 9, 2014
    That gooser challenge can put years on your life

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  10. BigDaddyHotGue

    BigDaddyHotGue Generation 4
    Elite Pilot

    May 17, 2014
    Awesome advice KeiSon! I've finished gooser thankfully!! Making really fast progress in Gen6 now. After gooser, it almost seems too easy. But at least Titanfall is FUN AGAIN! Yeah!!
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  11. KeiSon

    KeiSon Generation 4
    Elite Pilot

    Apr 12, 2014
    Well done dude, yeah it will sail thru now until Gen8 getting 100 wins is pretty hard to get done quickly lol But the plus about that is it gives you time to get used to using the gen9 weapons if your not already used to em yet.
  12. Sloppy2nds

    Sloppy2nds Generation 2

    Apr 20, 2014
    I decided to chill out and just enjoy the game and lo and behold i bagged another gooser and had a coupla good chances , only 2 to go , piece of piss ;)
  13. BigDaddyHotGue

    BigDaddyHotGue Generation 4
    Elite Pilot

    May 17, 2014
    Nice! I'm up to level 47 on Gen6 now already. It is amazing how many gooser opportunities are around now that I don't need 'em...! I actually got a totally accidental gooser kill last night. Almost fell off my chair in shock! We had won a hard point match and the opposing team were heading for their evac drop ship. I'm working on the triple-threat challenge so I'm in my titan and showering the whole area with mines... suddenly I get a gooser! Un-friggin'-believable. I'd been trying for weeks to just get 5 and last night bang... one totally by chance and with the 'wrong type' of titan weapon - and of course when I don't really need it. Huh. Go figure...!
  14. PhoenixFlier

    PhoenixFlier Generation 2

    Jun 9, 2014
    Gooser could be easier with Arc Cannon or XO-16 Chaingun.. I'm trying to get the achievements "Pull!" and "Pull Harder!" After a while, you can get used to it..
  15. rainman0211

    rainman0211 Generation 7
    Elite Pilot

    Oct 17, 2014
    I'm sure by now you are beyond that gooser challenge. Thought I'd be stuck on it until the rapture. I had to relax and find what worked for me (chaingun or arc cannon for me), start having fun again and let the magic happen. Happy hunting pilot.
  16. PAYLHORS8248

    PAYLHORS8248 Generation 5

    Jun 25, 2014
    Okay, Iiiii got this.....
    Deep calming breaths....
    I here you man, I was EXACTLY where you are a month or so ago....and was all but ready to throw in the towel. (and I had not broken my gooser cherry period!!!) Truly seemed like an impossibility.....
    There could be all sorts of demographics to support why you are not getting the "targets" right now. and I suspect it is (partially...maybe) the constant new latest & greatest games coming out and "pilots ejecting" to play those. Which I might add seems to be somewhat a fleeting (read: disappointing) endeavor, i.e. Destiny, CODAW.... as lets face it once you dance with a Titan, much pales in comparison.
    Ironically,.....these people are getting bored, being bored and coming back to the proverbial Titan teet!
    My first 5 goosers were hard won and then I had to laugh as once I regen'ed I whacked 3 in short order in the course of two days (and one of those was a dual eject with the B3 Wingman......in front of my 13 y/o son!!!!! For the day I could do no wrong in his eyes).
    Anyway, once you get it out of the way you'll laugh and then it just becomes a familiar moment of opportunity you will recognize in an instant and not a "I gotta get this frick'n-frack'n blankity-blank....WHHHHHAAAAA DU U MEANN IT DINNIT COUNT!!!! AaRGGGGH!!! (all while literally choking the life out of (another?) controller).
    Also, weighing in on the boredom aspect, that has happened to me too and a couple days away can do wonders to "I wonder whut the fella's are doing..... oh,... T-fall". Get a couple good epic runs under yur belt and your back to wall running with a vengeance and squishing pilots like taco bell salsa packets.
    Anyway, send'n out a big OGRE hug to you & my homies who need it.
    Fear not there is a light off in the distance......(no wait,....is that a ARCH rifle powering up?)........BZZZZZrrrgggT!!! (meat loaf)
    D. out
    • Agree Agree x 1
  17. PAYLHORS8248

    PAYLHORS8248 Generation 5

    Jun 25, 2014
    OOPs,......I really got to start checking the post dates,.....my bad.
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  18. rainman0211

    rainman0211 Generation 7
    Elite Pilot

    Oct 17, 2014
    yeah, I need to check the dates too. But you were right... could have used your pep talk when I was stuck there.
  19. BigDaddyHotGue

    BigDaddyHotGue Generation 4
    Elite Pilot

    May 17, 2014
    An update: Since posting this little rant 7+ months ago - I've gone way past this challenge. Happy to report that I've been a Gen10/50 pilot and up to Ranked Diamond 4 (briefly and only once!). Just for kicks, I decided to start all over again using my son's GT. And guess what... I'm on Gen5 at the moment and completed the Gooser Challenge in only 2 days. Actually made my last Gooser on the very match where I went to level 50. So in effect, this time I got all my Goosers for the regeneration challenge even before I was at level 50.

    Don't know if all the previous fuss about Goosers made Respawn quietly produce some 'tweaks' that made getting them easier?!? Or maybe after 7+ months of experience I've finally gotten better. But this time around it's taking longer to get the Titan Killer Arc Cannon challenge that the Goosers!! It's funny what a bit of time and experience will change with the game huh?!?
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  20. Bigz266

    Bigz266 Generation 4

    Aug 25, 2014
    I've done it with the chaingun and extended mags, the accelerator is too slow at first then too inaccurate afterwards. Also try marked for death. If the mark is in their titan then ejects (even if they go cloaked) you can still see them.
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