What the Smart Pistol really is...

Discussion in 'General Titanfall discussion' started by Legion, Mar 17, 2014.

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  1. Telzen

    Telzen Generation 1

    Jun 1, 2014
    Dude come on. I'll say that to you. With the smart pistol lock on all the bullets hit you at practically the same time, so you die instantly. Its not the same with the other guns. Unless you get hit in the head from something like the G2 the first bullet won't kill you, giving you time to turn to fight or try to flee. And the 1v1 thing is just fact. The guy using the smart pistol will notice the other first, because it highlights the enemies for him.
  2. cal88005

    cal88005 Generation 2

    Jun 17, 2014
    The smart pistol, when used properly, is not that bad of a weapon. It is no more cheap than someone climbing as high as they can get, staying out of combat, and picking people off with a sniper rifle. The smart pistol is horrible for 1 v 1 up close combat, but it is good for sneaking around trying to pick off people from mid range. I don't see why it is being called a "low/no skill weapon" or "OP". Anyone who is able to wait to lock on to a pilot and kill them without being detected or get killed must have some amount of skill. The smart pistol isn't a problem, but I'll tell you what is a problem... getting shot from halfway across a map with a mid-range weapon like the C.A.R. SMG (It has happened to me far too many times)... that is freeking OP.
  3. Hellblze

    Hellblze Generation 2

    Mar 17, 2014
    i don't get all the fuss. Now a gen10 pilot i have used all the guns as have most of us and all have there ups and downs. The smart pistol however is now my go to weapon. You try playing on bumper jumper running Around entire maps just picking people off. That's what this game is about. Call me a noob if you like but seriously always starting with the smart pistol, kill grunt , pick up carbine and go for gold... Main point is its a game, have some fun people.... Pump that bump jump
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  4. Sgt_rawk

    Sgt_rawk Generation 7

    Feb 4, 2014
    Said it before..and the only thing I usually say about this gun is that...I don't like to die to it. ha!