Does update 4 affect the kraber ap?

Discussion in 'Titanfall 360 & Xbox One' started by Digitalboy909, Jun 27, 2014.

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  1. Digitalboy909

    Digitalboy909 Generation 2

    Jun 27, 2014
    on xbox it me? since update four I have had a few quickscopes, but none like jumping off buildings and mid air kills and stuff . I was getting epic quickscopes like that before but ain't had one in a while? I don't know if its just in the mind??!!lol I really hope this latest update has not affected 'quickscoping' in any way??
  2. idc219

    idc219 Generation 2

    Jul 8, 2014
    I have not noticed any difference in kraber since patch. I have used it for over 24 hours in game and it is consistent. I am and aggressive sniper and I can still pull of Quickscopes close to mid range. However you do have to remember the ads time for r97 has been decreased so you have to take that into account when going against pilots with that gun.
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  3. Digitalboy909

    Digitalboy909 Generation 2

    Jun 27, 2014
    yeah thanks dude I should have come back on and posted that my quickscopes are not affected. thanks for taking the time to post your comment. if you or anyone else are on xbox one i'm looking for others with quickscope clips as I have loads but want to see other's....gamertag: TB303xDevilfish.
  4. idc219

    idc219 Generation 2

    Jul 8, 2014
    Yeah I will take a look at some. Curious to see what other people are doing with Kraber. I have a lot of clips however I "xbox record that" a lot of my snipes just to view later which some are just meh. I usually record them because on the longer shots I like to see how I "lead" some of the shots. I have yet to go through and label the great ones. Only one I have labeled is a gooser where I sniped a pilot out if mid air when he ejected. I like rushing in sniping in this game because it's not like cod you have to be actually good to do it. Last night I got some good ones that I want to view again. I came up against a guy the other day where the first time I was like this guy is good. I also like sniping people who are "camp sniping" they might get me once but then I enjoy coming back with that revenge kill. My name is idc219 on xbox live check some out if you get the chance. I will put watch all on yours and see what you are working with.
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  5. Digitalboy909

    Digitalboy909 Generation 2

    Jun 27, 2014
    #5 Digitalboy909, Jul 10, 2014
    Last edited: Jul 10, 2014
    sweet I like the sound of that..rushing ...oh that's exactly how I roll with the kraber 4.5 scope and stabiliser runnin around the map gunnin for that revenge kill not caring about enemy titans runnin right past other pilots (getting killed most times lol) but just that few times if that camper is stupid enough to still be in the same place and im lucky enough to get to him nothing better than getting that 'revenge kill' quickscope jumpin off a roof or something....I loved runnin and gunnin in cod I always wanted to use a sniper but never did so just a matter of months ago I started with the kraber my strict rule no camping its boring!! after much practise I started getting somewhere, like you I just 'xbox record that' and most get deleted, once I have 20 or so good quickscopes? I edit them in upload studio make a montage and name it then and put a skin on it and they sit in my dvr clips so any clips you see named just 'titanfall' are a work in progress the one's with the upload skin are 'montages' I will add you next time the xbox goes on looking forward to seeing your clips!!thank you once again for getting back to me... also like you got a mid air cloaked pilot eject quickscope, its in this 'kraber quickscope montage' peace!!
  6. SGT Stiglitz192

    SGT Stiglitz192 Generation 2

    Apr 25, 2014
    Ok guys help me out. So "quick scopes" are using the fact the optic automatically centers around the enemy when zoomed in correct? You don't aim? Just zoom and shoot simultaneously and you will get a kill? Digitalboy's video is so fast I can't even see who he is shooting at.
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  7. Digitalboy909

    Digitalboy909 Generation 2

    Jun 27, 2014
    oh dude if only!! lol.....
    you have to aim. people have different methods, once you have your should already have him lined up for the shot before you attempt a quickscope, some people set up the shot by lining up the end of the rifle with the target, (kinda like a how you would line up a no scope) but to me it takes to much time trying to line up and by then your dead!! so the way I do it is, have the target lined up smack bang in the middle of the screen vertically and horizontally, I tend to jump a lot but that's not to try make it look good, it just gives me more time to line up the quickscope .... long or close shot, 4/10 shots I get? Im not pressing both aim and shoot at the same time, but the shoot button comes a fraction of a second later..

    I hope this helps dude, im sure everyone has a different way?
