Game Hacks

Discussion in 'Titanfall PC' started by jamesbuck, Aug 24, 2014.

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  1. jamesbuck

    jamesbuck Generation 1

    Aug 24, 2014
    I was just curious went searching there are like 12 game hacks out already for this game. i saw around 8 websites. they say you cannot Detect them i hacker told me he a lvl 50. and can see clear across thae map. also a hack called auto stomp. where you can set it Titan to run over all enemys in auto.... also aim. bot. regen. and all that. its so said that people dont want to play with pure skill anymore. so very sad. Now most likey the people who are using them are the first to say you just suck. standerd comeback for hackers lol. anyway iam on the free game for another 10 hrs or so. Which iam happy for cause i dont want to blow my money on a game . where people dont just want to learn. have fun and use there own skills. Now iam not saying everyone cheats. cause they dont. but 60% do already and its just sad.
  2. McBrana

    McBrana Generation 3

    Apr 30, 2014
    Agree with you.And it's 100% respawn's fault.They were talking blaaaalaaaablaaaa about the cheaters lobby where all those retards will be banned.And....guess what.This cheaters lobby does not exist.GAME DEAD exactly like cod ghosts.And players with brain will never again buy a game from them.RIP.
  3. Zisha

    Zisha Generation 4

    Jan 25, 2014
    Don't hack, ever
  4. FlyingVee

    FlyingVee Generation 2

    Jul 7, 2014
    You say 60% of the people are hacking on Titanfall? I bet the real number is more like less than 1%. I'm on xbone, and literally ran into my first hacked lobby yesterday. It was rediculous, you could see from one end of the map to the other, everything was clear...which made moving 400 times tougher when you ran into a wall. I backed out after taking a few recordings for proof. But I have 10 days played on Titanfall and that was the first hacked lobby I ever ran into. So next time you think the reason you died was due to hacking just remember: very few people hack, buck up, quit whining, and get some skill! I drop 40 bombs almost every game and get accused of hacking all's stupid
  5. McBrana

    McBrana Generation 3

    Apr 30, 2014
    try to play on PC :D
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  6. Navarre84

    Navarre84 Generation 2

    Sep 7, 2014
    I play from beta on PC and i must say that i have seen quite a few aimboters.

    Never met the same one twice though...
  7. MTRebman

    MTRebman Generation 3

    Sep 21, 2014
    I see tons of cheaters on pc all the time. Killcam has killer following me through walls without the aurual implant. and they kill me and instantly aim on another enemy. You can't take their titans down, but yet 2 shots from them and your titan is gone...