The rambling advice of a rookie....(long post)

Discussion in 'General Titanfall discussion' started by PAYLHORS8248, Sep 27, 2014.

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  1. PAYLHORS8248

    PAYLHORS8248 Generation 5

    Jun 25, 2014
    Hey to all!,
    First off, Hi my names PAYLEHORSE8248 and I am a unrepentant, unapologetic, voluntarily unrecovering T-fall junkie. (Hiiiii Paylehorse8248....)
    I'll be the first to admit that I am new to online play and avoided all aspects of such for a very long time (original Xbox), as the prospect of getting my butt handed to me by a 8-12 year old (same age as my kid) was a tad ego bruising to contemplate without the ability to wrap my fingers around their neck.
    Titanfall, changed all that for me and now it is my go to stress reliever (sometimes enhancer...)
    Anywho, I've acquired some rookie insight that has really helped my (gradually) mature in this game and if I could be so bold as to impart my meager (limited) wisdom on those who have recently entered the fray with lackluster results.
    First off, DO NOT get discouraged, yur gonna die........ALOT. In that, let the learning begin.
    This is a very fast paced game and if you camp,.......yur gonna die.....ALOT!!!
    Shoot, move, shoot (and never be where they expect you to be).
    When you drop on the map, DO NOT be in the most obvious place, as you will get yur butt shot off or a grenade enema in quick order.
    Charging into the fray (match beginning) with unrefined skills will get you killed quick EVERY time.
    Do not be logical, these guys (a lot of them) are really good and will hunt you based on your actions. They will figure you out fast (even I do that now) and extrapolate your next move....accurately.
    Always stay on the move (the faster the better...)
    If your titan is ready, call it, get in it and "break the hunt" that is happening right now for you, AND still stay on the move.
    Always bring the fight (be careful) but bring it to them.
    The SMP is not the answer to everything, to those who do (with rare exception...), shame on you and you are NOT good at Titanfall and never will be. (you know who you are...).
    When caught in a DEATH LOOP (read, keep getting killed), change what yur doing completely, break off, swing wide (outer rim of map) survey, and start yur hunt.
    It never hurts to hunt the perimeter of a map, especially early on.
    If you get killed, re-spawn immediately and go look for the pilot who killed you, more than likely (if yur fast) they will be where they were when they "ended" you.
    DO NOT take the same route twice unless you want to die.
    Learn to melee, fast (you cannot out-charge a machine gun, trust me,... I've tried)
    Learn every weapon...well.
    Getting mad and frustrated is natural early on, don't let it turn you against the game, learrrrrrnnn.
    Celebrate yur enemies victories, learn from them, and summarily hunt & execute the douches unworthy of the spirit of the game with extreme relentless prejudice (never the same way).
    My fount of wisdom has (at this time) run dry.
    Hope to those who are new that it helps,
    D out.
  2. PAYLHORS8248

    PAYLHORS8248 Generation 5

    Jun 25, 2014
    (I know, for those of you "long in the tooth" to all this it may seem a given (remember when you first started?), but I wish I had some decent advice during the frustrating times)
    and on.....
    Running blindly across an open field will get you locked on by a half dozen pilots faster than you could have ever imagined. If there is not a place of purpose you've got to be and "hard cover" I would question your decision. In lieu of that suicidal urge, hug walls and perimeters and move with a purpose or goal in mind. Not unlike true hunting most prey have a tendency to look in front and not up (above eye level,...most).
    When you hear the familiar sound of loudening gunfire behind you it is better to jink, dodge, leap, parkour and wall-run out of there, then swing wide and button hook back (NOT THE WAY U CAME!!!) and see if you can find the scurvy dog.
    And if you buttonhook with intent to ambush (gamble...), swing wide through a door with the appearance of hooking it out of their and cut sharp to the inside (opposite, less obvious corner recommended). Waite..... and wait some more, (beware of airborne ordnance!!!)temptation will drive you to stick your neck out.....DON'T!!! (seems to me they always have just a little more patience than I do).
    Someone else said this and I (now) heartily agree,....NEVER OVER-PURSUE. Know when to break off the fight. To me the judge of a really good player is a high, well balanced kill count (Pilot, Titan, Minion) with a very low death count (3 or below is my current goal).
    If you want to impact your score use everything at your disposal and waste no time (i.e. respawn immediately, call in titans immediately, in the fray AND epilogue, leave yur titan and fight as a team when it works to your favor, take as many turrets as possible.)
    Always keep your gun in front of you, it's easy to run up stairs and let your crosshairs stray.
    Always save and use your tactical ability when the time favors the situation (i.e. only cloak just before you are leaving cover, stim when you engage or have to get out of there).
    okay, I'm done for now,
  3. Bruvas

    Bruvas Generation 7
    Elite Pilot

    Jul 17, 2014
    I f***ing love you PAYLE, and if you were my dog, I'd cry when I had to have you put down.

    I agree with most of your sentiment, other than when the game starts, I'm off like a crazed leopard in search of fresh meat. No ones getting that first kill apart from me!

    Also, I see a lot of lower gen pilots not using the jet pack properly. Remember it can change your direction instantly.

    Oh, and don't use the SMP because it's terrible, and any reasonable pilot will stamp all over you time and time again.
    • Like Like x 1
  4. PAYLHORS8248

    PAYLHORS8248 Generation 5

    Jun 25, 2014
    "I agree with most of your sentiment, other than when the game starts, I'm off like a crazed leopard in search of fresh meat. No ones getting that first kill apart from me!"

    "Also, I see a lot of lower gen pilots not using the jet pack properly. Remember it can change your direction instantly."

    "Oh, and don't use the SMP because it's terrible, and any reasonable pilot will stamp all over you time and time again.[/quote]"

    Nice to be loved when you get that "C'mere boy....Lets go for a ride" ride.
    I admit not ALL of my above observations can be blanketed at every pilot but I have watched time and time again me doing predictable stuff ......and here come the smoking peace offering or some guy is nice enough to illuminate my error through the back of my head...(note to self....stop doing that Dave....).
    I'm actually somewhat of a loner/ nomad and have (of late) late, really enjoyed some cogent conversation with a few (very few...) fellow T-fallers (who are stand up good guys!) whilst in the heat of battle (still would like a hatchet).
    I appreciate those who take the time to read and respond to my "rants"(then happily shoot me in the face). It's all good.
    Best to you,
    • Like Like x 1
  5. The Juggernaut

    The Juggernaut Generation 7

    Apr 2, 2014
    Basic things people have such trouble with :/
  6. Jimmah

    Jimmah Generation 5

    Mar 17, 2014
    One thing especially in Attrition is check the scorecard before calling in your Titan. If the other team has 3-4 Titans hold off calling yours in or wait until team members call theirs in.
    This will save your Titan being smashed around the map.
    • Like Like x 3
  7. Bruvas

    Bruvas Generation 7
    Elite Pilot

    Jul 17, 2014
    That's actually a really good point.

    You don't need to check the scorecard though. At the bottom left of the screen it shows friendly and enemy titan deployment and how many titanfalls are ready but not deployed.
  8. Jimmah

    Jimmah Generation 5

    Mar 17, 2014

    Saw that last night, must have been an update.
    I've away from TF playing NFS Rivals and Destiny lately. Did realise how much I missed TF.
    • Like Like x 1
  9. PAYLHORS8248

    PAYLHORS8248 Generation 5

    Jun 25, 2014
    Thanx, good advice.
  10. PAYLHORS8248

    PAYLHORS8248 Generation 5

    Jun 25, 2014
    Welcome back to the
  11. PAYLHORS8248

    PAYLHORS8248 Generation 5

    Jun 25, 2014
    Keep them coming gents. I'll happily bow to the experience of those who came before me.
    I'm listening,