Titanfall New player, cant change resolution

Discussion in 'Feedback, Issues & Suggestions' started by Irish_Guy, Feb 26, 2015.

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  1. Irish_Guy

    Irish_Guy Generation 1

    Feb 26, 2015
    I just bought and downloaded this game but have yet to play it, the game wont let me change resolution to 1080, its locked to 720, i have tried running as admin, i changed the resolution manually it videoconfig.txt making it read only (also tried without read only) i have disabled/enabled display scaling on high dpi settings in the titanfall.exe file and nothing works, im in the middle on my second chat with ea support but im getting no where, does anyone have any ideas? I really dont want to play this game at 720p :( i have bf4, dayz tf2 some other games all playing fine at 1080p just not titan fall