Xbox One Looking for serious Frontier Defense Players on Xbox One

Discussion in 'Xbox One & 360 Parties' started by akhlakejwl, May 26, 2015.

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  1. akhlakejwl

    akhlakejwl Generation 1

    May 26, 2015
    Looking for serious frontier defense players with mic who want to 3 star the maps, will gladly help 3 star maps you dont have in exchange for maps i dont have. Add me if interested (just let me know you added me for frontier defense) ill be on from 10:30-6:00 EST

    GT: Zombie Brigade
  2. A4eaTransformer

    A4eaTransformer Generation 6
    Elite Pilot

    Mar 3, 2015
    I will keep an eye out for you. I would like three stars but have not formally played as a team and do not have three stars. Maybe one, not sure. If you see me on just give a shout.
  3. vanillaraccoonYT

    vanillaraccoonYT Generation 1

    Jul 13, 2015
    Hello there, I am a YouTuber who has a Titanfall Xbox One Gameplay series that is mostly Frontier Defense content and am looking for people to assemble a team with who also record Titanfall Xbox One Gameplay or even just be down to star in these videos with me. Recording with no one to team up with is rather...lonely lol. But, even for non-YouTube relatedness, I would be down to form a team with you. This is mi first time on the forums so sorry if I don't see your response right away! is where you can check out mi Titanfall Frontier Defense videos, and to see how I perform :)