Camping ??

Discussion in 'General Titanfall discussion' started by JK0691, Jul 20, 2015.

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  1. JK0691

    JK0691 Generation 3

    May 20, 2015
    I see a lot of disgust at "campers" and can understand why if its someone that just hangs out in a particular hidden spot waiting for passerby's. BUT, how do you "know" someone is "camping" if you just see them in a spot for a little while, maybe they are just recovering from a close call, or recharging their cloak before going out into a field of enemy titans. I do that a lot, its just make basic sense. Yea sometimes I get lucky while I'm doing it and an enemy goes right by me and I can pop him, but I dont think I'm camping if I'm just there for 10-15 secs or so. Am I missing what constitutes a "Camper"?

    (ps. to me one of the worse types of "campers" are Snipers.....isnt that basically what their doing, up high and just looking for targets? How fun would THAT be if everybody just did that? not much action.) I probably think LESS of snipers than SP users, at least sp users are running around. No, I'm not a SP user, shotgun 90%. of time. Except for Front. Defense, SP all the way for them bots, lol.
  2. _CJ_

    _CJ_ Generation 2

    Jun 30, 2015
    Hey JK, I understand your dilemma and I'd like to add a little bit more and also maybe get the "barest" definition out. So of course there's the problem of people hiding in some hidden corner of a room where an objective that they need to defend lies. They could rack up a lot of basic and defense points this way as they easily takeout unknowing enemy pilots. But are these people considered campers? I wouldn't say so, as they are meerly defenders, and I have gotten the highest defense score on my team without even leaving the objective many times.
  3. _CJ_

    _CJ_ Generation 2

    Jun 30, 2015
    Soforth, I'd like to provide what I think is the "barest" definition: someone who waits in hiding at a high pilot-traffic but non-objective junction waiting to ambush and kill any passing unsuspecting pilots. For example, I admit I've done this a couple times in that underground area in the middle of Sandtrap that connects the two crevices, in other words, the center of the cross-map pilot highway (you can imagine this works phenomenally well on CTF as this is the route pilots take most often to get to the enemies flag and back).
  4. JK0691

    JK0691 Generation 3

    May 20, 2015
    #4 JK0691, Jul 20, 2015
    Last edited: Jul 20, 2015
    What your saying makes sense for Hardpoint, but I was thinking about Attrition "campers". No need to defend anything there. Just trying to get opinions on what constitutes actual camping cause I've been in games were I see people name calling (campers) in attrition but not defining WHO they are talking about. Who ME??..... Is it my fault you strolled by while I was recovering, or doing a sit-rep for 15 secs. and I popped you? As I said sometimes you NEED to park yourself somewhere to recover. ( and I know I probably hit some nerves/ruffled some feathers on my sniper comments, probably some snipers in here. Oh well. )
  5. _CJ_

    _CJ_ Generation 2

    Jun 30, 2015
    Well if you're wondering who they're calling campers, and you just popped a guy while taking a short rest break, they probably are talking about you just because you were in some corner and they didn't see you there, and even though it might be the first time they were caught off guard and killed that match, I'd imagine everyone hates getting caught off guard and killed and many are already ready to start throwing "Darn campers!" around. Hoped that helped :)
  6. Sgt_rawk

    Sgt_rawk Generation 7

    Feb 4, 2014
    Ahhh...I wish I had a dollar for every post I've responded to about campers. I don't see the really obvious campers (al la Call of Duty) campers as the maps in TF are larger and the mechanic lends itself to movement much more. I do often see the cloak/smart pistol or wall hack/smg boys every now and again and of course the kids sitting on the roof/towers with the big stick. But, most of these guys are easy kills because strangely they are still there when you come back and say "Could you hold this satchel for me?" Or simply snap their necks. But, what does piss me off is the campers who surround themselves with mines, two of suckers in a row kill you. That, that really pisses me off.

    But, but, the really hilarious guys are the ones that camp in a titan. They stand at the back of the map in an ogre in ones or twos and wait for ppl to come at them, that is funny.

    The prize for the greatest camper I ever saw goes to the guy who camped in a turret building on Training ground, he captured the turret AND dropped his titan and put it in guard mode and hung out in the turret building waiting for ppl to come. It was not a bad strat now that I think of it.
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  7. rainman0211

    rainman0211 Generation 7
    Elite Pilot

    Oct 17, 2014
    There are varied definitions of a "camper" out here in the forums. If you kill me here and when I happen back that way again and he/she is still there squatting in the same corner... like @Sgt_rawk said satchels are great campground closers and I'll even yell out where they are for others to be wary of the area. It's all good to me because everyone has their own way of playing the game as do I. "Campers" (like em or not) I assume are here to stay. Turn on your Mic and tell everyone where the are and have fun weeding them out. Or how about... when your are out of bounds during gameplay the timer runs down to zero and you die if you don't get back onto the field of play... move or die when timer reaches zero... or just warp their ass back out in the middle of everything. Sure I know this is not going to happen... Just a thought. Just my thoughts.
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  8. Bruvas

    Bruvas Generation 7
    Elite Pilot

    Jul 17, 2014
    They're are no campers. Only silly people who like bullseyes' on their backs.
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  9. RottweilerluvNZ

    RottweilerluvNZ Generation 5
    Elite Pilot

    Aug 29, 2015
    Camping is a great tactical method of the game. Unfortunately it's one of those things your happy as munching on a bag of chips, running into the hardpoint bravo and whamo!!! someone snots you from above.

    Employed well, you can whop up using this method. You gotta move each time you kill though, that pilot will be coming back for you.

    If you've got the burn cards use them, you'll see them when running around hanging off a wall through the wall,

    One thing I learned is to be kind of 'spec ops' of when moving around always scan up and down up and down, and when you run through a door or jump up into a window, always spin around quick just in case you've got a tail or you see them up on the wall or behind something.

    Like me, you'll soon learn your enemy. Many of my rivals here in NZ know my tactic like I know theirs, so it's kind of like understudying other players that are on often as well.

    Here Be Dragons - a great example, hardpoint alpha.....never run into this without scanning up high first! always someone up there!

    I do like a bit of camping. Hugely effective with Smart Pistol and satchels. It's not suited to all maps though, some maps it's a complete waste of time, great for hard point & capture the flag though.
  10. Bigz266

    Bigz266 Generation 4

    Aug 25, 2014
    If you get killed by someone in a hidden corner or rooftop, respawn and go back there and they are still there gooood chance they are a camper
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  11. Bruvas

    Bruvas Generation 7
    Elite Pilot

    Jul 17, 2014
    Exactly. A quick arc grenade to ruin their sight, then BLAMMY. Tent pole destroyed and all.
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  12. cuba305k

    cuba305k Generation 2

    Sep 17, 2015
    true bro sometimes ive been called a camper for chillin after passing close calls but i manage to kill the one that comes to try to finish me off i dont like sniping that much it does make the game a lil bit boring my main weapon is the carbine and i like to do alot of offense makes it more interesting.