No AI At all?

Discussion in 'Titanfall 2 News & Discussion' started by Jooblie, Aug 24, 2016.

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  1. Jooblie

    Jooblie Generation 2

    Mar 22, 2014
    So I'm primarily a PC player who didn't really feel like pulling out my xbox one just for the Beta, so I just had a quick question? I read up on the Beta and heard that they're no more AI in the game. Is that true? If so I guess I can cross this game off my to-buy list. I never really messed with them unless they got in my way, it just made the maps feel more alive, running past AI firefights, seeing grunts from both factions duke it out in a fist fight and just the voice lines they said when ever a pilot would run by just made playing as a Pilot really feel like I was part of some elite of the elite military faction.
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  2. Derrame

    Derrame Generation 6

    Aug 17, 2016
    there is AI in the game mode bounty hunter, there is a neutral faction commanded by the AI, at least that's what some videos on youtube say
  3. Trini Chinese

    Trini Chinese Generation 7

    Jul 1, 2016
    from the videos and the tech test the maps are empty with out the AI, i hope that it is implemented back in the game and in a big way.