Full list of known Burn Cards in Titanfall

Discussion in 'General Titanfall discussion' started by WhoIsDo, Feb 16, 2014.

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  1. WhoIsDo

    WhoIsDo Generation 7

    Nov 15, 2013
    Once you reach level 7 in Titanfall, you'll earn the ability to collect and use Burn Cards. Burn Cards last one life in a match, and allow you to have a specific "buff" to aid you in your battle against the opposing teams.

    You earn one slot at level 7, a second at level 9, and a third slot is unlocked at level 11. IGN has a pretty good database for the Burn Cards, and I've transferred that information here.
    • Active Camo: Replace Pilot Tactical Ability with longer lasting Cloak.
    • Adrenaline Transfusion: Permanently stimmed as a Pilot, in addition to having your Pilot Tactical Ability.
    • Amped Archer: Replace Anti-Titan Weapon with an Archer firing powerful Titan hammer missiles.
    • Amped DMR: Replace Primary Weapon with a sonar scope Longbow-DMR Sniper.
    • Amped Kraber: Replace Primary Weapon with a Kraber-AP Sniper that fires explosive rounds.
    • Amped Mag Launcher: Replace Anti-Titan Weapon with a high-capacity, automatic Mag Launcher.
    • Amped LMG: Replace Primary Weapon with a rapid-fire Spinfire LMG.
    • Amped P2011: Replace Sidearm Weapon with a burst-fire Hammond P2011.
    • Amped R-97: Replace Primary Weapon with a more lethal R-97 Compact SMG.
    • Amped RE-45: Replace Primary Weapon with a more lethal RE-45 Auto-Pistol.
    • Amped Sidewinder: Replace Anti-Titan weapon with a double capacity Sidewinder.
    • Amped Smart Pistol: Replace Primary Weapon with a more lethal Smart Pistol Mk5.
    • Atlus Refurb: Call in an Atlas Titan.
    • Aural Implant: Replace Pilot Tactical Ability with a longer lasting Active Radar Pulse.
    • Conscription: Nearby friendly Grunts fight for you - their kills count toward your score.
    • Decisive Action: 40 seconds off Build Time or Titan Core Charge.
    • Double Agent: Grunts, Spectres, Auto-Titans, and Turrets ignore you.
    • Echo Vision: Active Radar Pulse is permanently active, in addition to having your Pilot Tactical Ability.
    • Fast Learner: You earn Double XP.
    • Ghost Squad: Permanently cloaked as a Pilot, in addition to having your Pilot Tactical Ability.
    • Map Hack: Full minimap vision.
    • Massive Payload: Your Titan Eject causes an extended nuclear explosion.
    • Most Wanted List: Scoring hits on Pilots earns extra XP and reduces Build Time.
    • Packet Sniffer: You automatically generate Active Radar Pulses periodically.
    • Prosthetic Legs: Faster pilot movement speed.
    • Pull Rank: 80 seconds off Build Time or Titan Core Charge.
    • Rematch: Respawn where you died.
    • Reserve Ogre: Call in an Ogre Titan.
    • Satellite Uplink: Reveal all enemies on the minimap every 10 seconds.
    • Shock Rocks: Replace Ordnance Weapon with infinite, magnetic Arc Grenades.
    • Spare Stryder: Call in a Stryder Titan.
    • Spectre Camo: You are a Spectre.
    • Spider Sense: There is an audible warning when enemy players are nearby.
    • Super Charger: Your Titan has a pre-charged Titan Core ability.
    • Thin The Ranks: Scoring hits on Grunts earns extra XP and reduces Build Time.
    • Titan Salvage: Scoring hits on Titans earns extra XP and reduces Build Time.
    • Urban Renewal: Scoring hits on Spectres earns extra XP and reduces Build Time.
    • Like Like x 2
  2. Lateralus082

    Lateralus082 Generation 5
    Elite Pilot

    Jan 26, 2014
    I hope they can make cool merch of this. Would be nice collectables!
    • Like Like x 1
  3. Chaz

    Chaz Generation 6
    Elite Pilot

    Jan 15, 2014
    Adrenaline Transfustion...my goodness. :eek:
  4. Ruby

    Ruby Generation 2

    Feb 11, 2014
    Oh man, spectre camo sounds awesome.
  5. Clarkeh

    Clarkeh Post-Patch Generation 6 Pilot
    Elite Pilot

    Feb 17, 2014
    Adrenaline Transfusion and Maphack, Sounds mega OP to me, I've been on the recieving end of the Transfusion perk and its not pretty, seeing the enemy team spam melee attacks on grunts and players constantly racking up thier kill score makes me a sad panda.
  6. Monolyth

    Monolyth Generation 10
    Elite Pilot

    Feb 12, 2014
    I've run Maphack and it is absolutely amazing, even it's weaker version (Satellite Uplink aka UAV) is very useful as well.

    You might as well discard the Aural Implant, Echo Vision and Packet Sniffer they are all horribly worthless unfortunately. The "ping" image of pilots completely messes with your vision and makes it more difficult to shoot them. Trust me save those 25 burn card spots for something better. ;)

    It is both awesome and most assuredly "sounds" awesome. I'll just leave it at that.
  7. Gaming To Excess

    Gaming To Excess Generation 5

    Feb 12, 2014
    Map Hack sounds good wonder what that could be
  8. Clarkeh

    Clarkeh Post-Patch Generation 6 Pilot
    Elite Pilot

    Feb 17, 2014
    Map Hack shows everything on the mini map and i mean everything, Titans, Minions, You etc, Quite OP in my opinion.
  9. Gaming To Excess

    Gaming To Excess Generation 5

    Feb 12, 2014
    So its similar to a SAT COM or UAV on COD oh right thanks
  10. Clarkeh

    Clarkeh Post-Patch Generation 6 Pilot
    Elite Pilot

    Feb 17, 2014
    Yea but its permenant until you die.