Input Response Delay

Discussion in 'Titanfall PC' started by WanaBK8, Feb 25, 2017.

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  1. WanaBK8

    WanaBK8 Generation 1

    Feb 25, 2017
    I've been having a rediculous response delay in multiplayer that usually occurs near the end of a match, specifically in attrition, where if i were to move forward, then want to use an ability, it wouldn't stop moving me forward and the ability wouldn't be used until either A. I'm dead and it isn't used or B. the target is gone. My setup is a Athlon X4 860k, ASUS A88X-PRO Mobo, EVGA GTX 1070 FTW DT ACX 3.0, 8 GB DDR3-1866 RAM, and the game is on my 256 GB Mushkin Reactor 2.5" SSD. My setting are all on high and v-sync is off, my monitor is an 1920x1080 Acer XF240H w/ 1 ms Response time and 144 Hz refresh rate. I've suspected that my issue is with the RAM and the Processor but im not confident on that yet and have been curious if anyone else is experiencing these issues? Its seriously aggrovating since i LOVE titanfall 2 but its hard to enjoy when you are always at the bottom of the list because of this rediculous response delay. (This does not occur on any other Mode that i've played which is Amped Hardpoint and Live Fire).
  2. MaroMaro

    MaroMaro Generation 1

    Apr 1, 2017
    Hey !
    So the problem occurs only in attrition ? I my self never had problems with response delay in multi apart from hearing my processor going crazy loud sometimes. But about Your problem. Have You tryed and fixed the game files ? Or contacting Respawn ?