31% install freeze, repair not fixing

Discussion in 'Titanfall PC' started by Chukaburra, Mar 16, 2014.

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  1. Chukaburra

    Chukaburra Generation 1

    Mar 16, 2014
    I just bought a new pc to play titanfall on, it's spec'd more than well enough and im running 64bit. I have been at this all day and everytime I try to install it drops out in the audio unpack, the only guides I can find say to use the repair tool, but it's not working, and im on my 5th reinstall/repair, from both disc and download... dunno what to do.
  2. db_Aera

    db_Aera Generation 1

    Mar 17, 2014

    Origins also stopped at 31% during my installation.
    Watch for a second window that oppens, Titanfall should install arround 35GB soundfiles during a couple of minutes.
    After it finished the Sound, your progress in Origin should follow up and hit the 100% soon.

  3. zxor 1

    zxor 1 Generation 1

    Nov 25, 2016
    PROBLEM SOLVED!!! Everyone and anyone having install issues guess what i found...its not EA!!
    check your moddem or dsl or your isp hardware check for your firewall settings if there on that will block everything...
    pat installs
    the fireall setting must be off once that's done do a reset of your system and try again ...
    ohh and be sure you meet the requirements on the back of the game cace
    once i tured off the fire wall setting and reset,,,,,, it was up and working...( in the title screen on titan fall) look in the bottom right corner if it says -1 or 0 thats the firewall blocking you it should connect you to your server in your area ..but also alot more features will be added to your game once this is done...trust me ...
    if its a graphic issue it must be a graphics card higher then a 8800GT or radeon 7800, anything close to a
    up to date card will work im using a 750 TI and its working fine
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