PC Any Aussies out there?

Discussion in 'PC Parties' started by Wurl, Mar 22, 2014.

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  1. Wurl

    Wurl Generation 1

    Mar 22, 2014
    Hey guys,

    I am always looking for a good Australian crew that can:
    • Follow instructions
    • Listen attentively
    • Communicate without argument
    • Be on regularly
    • Work well as a team
    • Mainly play Capture the Flag, with a side of Hardpoint Domination.

    If you are interested, please add me, I am on weekdays 5 - 10pm (EST) and weekends, mostly all weekend.

    Origin ID: Wurl,


  2. Bardiel18

    Bardiel18 Generation 5
    Elite Pilot

    Feb 23, 2014
    Hey mate, just remembered you added me on Origin, but wasn't sure if you were from Aus so I didn't bother joining any games yet.

    I usually play with friends - not overly hardcore, but I can hold my own. Definitely hit up @Pilot_KC too for another solid Aussie player.

    Hoping to get some good sessions going this weekend. Let's hope our servers aren't conked out again though. Been having issues all week!