Anyone else having trouble connecting to the Au Server?

Discussion in 'Titanfall 360 & Xbox One' started by Oo VinFIenD oO, Feb 14, 2015.

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  1. Oo VinFIenD oO

    Oo VinFIenD oO Generation 2

    Oct 10, 2014
    I have tried everything...resetting modem/router, all the other suggestions...I can connect to the USA server INSTANTLY, but, for some arcane reason, I can't connect to the AU server on Attrition or ANY other game mode, regardless of whether there are 60+ players available or not....I just can't ALWAYS ends up on the 'cannot connect to server' screen.....frustration to the point of apoplexy. BUT, if I try the USA server...INSTANT connection...except it's a 200+ ping for me, which doesn't compare to 40 (so I prefer to play on my home server). I ALWAYS lose a close quarters shootout with 200+ ping....totally different performance stats between my home Aussie server and the US server and I bet you can guess which one I do better on. DOes anyone have ANY suggestions? I am at my wits end :/
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  2. The Gate Keeper

    The Gate Keeper Generation 2

    Feb 7, 2015
    you noticed the same things as me re: Our ping rate is very poor on AU servers the very best ive seen is a 101 ping.. Allways get a long loading time then the "connection to server" issue on any type of game mode...

    Switch over to East coast or West coast US servers with ping rates around 225/280 & its no probs loads fine, South asia server ping speeds 300+ .
    whats up with our end i couldnt say but it drove me nuts for three days not being able to get a match i've had to switch over to these just to play.
  3. Oo VinFIenD oO

    Oo VinFIenD oO Generation 2

    Oct 10, 2014
    cool, so it not just me......What IS up with the server here in it the server ir is it just SLACK operators? (I can't imagine it would be THAT difficult to run a server efficiently...looks like they need to change some IT REALLY not good enough....I bought this game to play in Australia (I have a 41 ping to the Oz server and 210 to the West US server, so having to use the US server puts me at a significant disadvantage). None of the moderators or anyone wants to make any comments, its just the deafening sound of silence coming from the Oz operators...which just isn't good enough