Anyone played Remember Me?

Discussion in 'General Gaming' started by HaydnShaw, Mar 31, 2015.

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  1. HaydnShaw

    HaydnShaw Generation 2

    Mar 26, 2015
    I've been playing it for a while alongside Titanfall, though TF has a lot more hours logged on account of it's addictive multiplayer, still, it seems like a good game. It felt to me like a spiritual successor to Beyond Good and Evil, and I know people have been calling for an official sequel for some time now, especially with a trailer teased

    (still not sure at this point if it's legit or not).

    If you haven't played Remember Me, it's basically a linear platformer, with a strong focus on story. You play a "memory hunter" (this game takes place in a dystopian future where everyone digitally indexes their memories) called Nillin, who can extract and remix (change) memories of the people she comes in contact with. Remixing has got to be the best part of this game, just because you can't help but laugh at the end results. You can make a bounty hunter (who needs money), to befriend you, and subsequently turn on the private doctor caring for their significant other (not really enough information to be a spoiler), you can make someone accept your mistake for their own, and you can make someone believe that they've done something terrible when they really haven't.

    Combat isn't bad. Much like Beyond Good and Evil, you're outnumbered most of the time and you have to "manage" your enemies (by hitting or dodging them when they're about to hit you, basically). Stealth isn't as big an element in Remember Me as it is in Beyond Good and Evil, but it's still there to a lesser extent. Boss Battles are definitely fun, but sometimes you need to wait/build up certain abilities you need to use to progress in the fight, which isn't so great. I haven't finished the game yet so I can't give my opinion of it. I feel like there's a huge twist coming.

    Anyway, if you haven't played the game, please watch some Youtube clips of it, and see if it's something you would be into. Following this game, I'm also looking to play Dreamfall Chapters, which is another sci-fi dystopian game.