Attempting connection loop

Discussion in 'Titanfall PC' started by zephyr, Jul 4, 2015.

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  1. zephyr

    zephyr Generation 1

    Jul 4, 2015

    I cant find any servers yesterday and today. I just get a loop of Attempting Connection.
    I have tried all other timezones also.

    Are the servers down??
  2. rainman0211

    rainman0211 Generation 7
    Elite Pilot

    Oct 17, 2014
    Wish I could help, but I'm not too savvy with the workings of a PC.:( I am but mere a dirty console player so I can only offer you a hearty "Welcome to the forum" and the assurance (which in this case is a definite maybe):D that if it's not too hard of a fix and someone will have you up and running in no time at all.

    Call to arms!!!o_O Can someone please help this pilot so that he too may know the enjoyment of playing one the the best games ever.;)
    Funny-Game-Quotes-Images-HD-Wallpaper-570x320.jpg ;)
  3. Pek

    Pek Generation 2

    Jul 28, 2015
    #3 Pek, Jul 28, 2015
    Last edited: Jul 28, 2015
    As far as I know, I had this problem previously after buying it and playing. After a long time of not playing, I did a re-install and I guess this is where you should resort on to get rid of it. While you're at it, make sure your firewall and anti-virus aren't fucking up. Add titanfall to your firewall exceptions and make sure the following ports are open on your modem/router:
    • TCP/HTTP: 443; 25000-25099; 30000 – 30099
    • UDP: 8125; 25000-25099; 30000 – 30099
    Link to a how-to: *****************************************************************************
    Also try switching Datacenter, It willre set your connection and might get you that one time succes in connecting!

    If that fails.. contact EA I guess. Hope they'll fix it.
    • Agree Agree x 1