Battlefield 4 Xbox One Question

Discussion in 'General Gaming' started by Dunqus, Aug 22, 2014.

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  1. Dunqus

    Dunqus Generation 2

    Aug 8, 2014
    I have a PS3, 360, and X1. Will be purchasing a Xbox 1 most likely on Black Friday but my question is this, which system is Battlefield 4 better on? I've heard many complaints about the game being buggy on Microsoft platforms, however I also heard X1 (along witgh PS4) holds more players per match.

    Another question, is there no Premium for Battlefield 4? And if not how would I buy all dlc at once to avoid paing as they come out?
  2. Bruvas

    Bruvas Generation 7
    Elite Pilot

    Jul 17, 2014
    There is a premium pack for BF4. I have it for my one and it runs fine, apart from hit recognition, sound dropping at the start of matches, rubber banding now and again, battlelog failing to load mid matches, 75% of your team camp with snipers (or shot guns with slug ammo which are more accurate and have a better range than most sniper rifles), no one plays the objective, single player campaign deletes your save all the time, aircraft are pointless due to op infantry AA weapons and 50% of the map designs are not thought about at all meaning you run for 5 minutes with no one to shoot at only to be gang raped later. Fun!