Titanfall Battlemarks NEED IMPROVEMENT

Discussion in 'Feedback, Issues & Suggestions' started by Battlemarks, Jan 8, 2015.

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  1. Battlemarks

    Battlemarks Generation 3

    Jan 8, 2015
    !It has always been hard to rank up in Diamond, however since 1.09 it has gotten WORSE!

    Since the Update I cant seem to earn a f**king battlemark and they now decay after 24 hours WTF ARE YOU ON!

    I wanna get to diamond tier 5 at least once

    Before today i was Diamond tier 4 0/5 battlemarks, I am now Diamond tier 3 3/5 battlemarks - FFS

    I played 2 matches, both true 6vs6 and both times i earnt the battlemark but before the end I lose it. WTF (happens all the time but the battlemark normally comes back, had few deaths and many attrition points 110 - 125)

    I then stop and later I decide to try it once more, I didnt lose one but i didnt gain 1

    164 ap, 21 pk, 3 tk, 65 mk, 0, deaths NO F^^KING BATTLEMARK

    IMPROVEMENT: Revert Back to the normal 7 day decay time and improve the way you earn battlemarks, I reckon you dont even know how the battlemarks are calculated - SORT THIS OUT!


    BETTER YET, make is so after you have ranked up, u cant go back down but battlemarks decay every 24 hours but cannnot go below 0/5 on the current rank e.g You are diamond tier 5 and have 5/5 but your battlemarks are decaying so you go down to Diamon tier 5 0/5 NO LOWER!
  2. rainman0211

    rainman0211 Generation 7
    Elite Pilot

    Oct 17, 2014
    I stopped playing. The ranking system seems flawed IMO.:rolleyes:
  3. Battlemarks

    Battlemarks Generation 3

    Jan 8, 2015
    Forgot to mention, I have only played 1 season and I was shocked to lose 15 battlemarks and thought that this is s**t and it couldnt get worse than this, but I was Wrong YES IT HAS, every day u can lose a battlemark and you may still lose 15 at the end of the session, fing ball s**t
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  4. Battlemarks

    Battlemarks Generation 3

    Jan 8, 2015

    BTW a day after I posted this, the decaying of a battlemark became 2 days. Better but not Great!

    7/1/15 The day before the update and was 7 days decay time
    8/1/15 became 1 day
    9/1/15 became 2 days
    9+/1/15 still 2 days decay time