Best Titan Load out For AI Titan?

Discussion in 'General Titanfall discussion' started by Barney6262, Mar 23, 2014.

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  1. Barney6262

    Barney6262 Generation 1

    Mar 23, 2014
    So i usually leave my titan in AI mode instead of piloting it myself. I was wondering what would be the best load out for this?
    For the chassis I like using the stryder when piloting it, but for auto titan i don't think the AI would use the dash's to flank another titan, so if it isn't that smart would the ogre be the best?

    For the weapon, the AI is pretty accurate so i was thinking the quad rocket? same for ordnance, if its accurate then the barrage would be best as its going to hit most of the time?

    What do you guys think? I'm pretty sure im not the only who leaves their titan in AI mode so im sure this would help others too?
  2. A.C

    A.C Generation 4

    Feb 18, 2014
    Not sure TBH, I think the 'Guardian Chip', which I am yet to unlock, is meant to improve the Auto-Titan (I don't have high hopes for it as I have been disappointed with most of the options in the Tier 1 and 2 Kits).

    Anytime I have left my Titan in Auto-mode - it gets shredded.
    • Creative Creative x 1
  3. Tony at Home

    Tony at Home Generation 5

    Mar 16, 2014
    Vortex shield is a must for an AI Titan. They aren't very adept at using Particle Wall or Electric Smoke as a defensive option- but Vortex Shield seems to work for increasing their survivability a bit.

    And survivability is everything for a Titan on guard mode. They aren't going to be taking out many enemy Titans- the best they can do is buy you time while you flank and double-team the enemy Titan with your AI Titan.
  4. Barney6262

    Barney6262 Generation 1

    Mar 23, 2014
    to be honest i just tried out a loadout with: ogre, quad rockets, salvo, vortex etc and it survived an entire round while destroying about 3 titans and killing 4 pilots
    It was a bit of a fluke but you get the idea
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  5. Koviko

    Koviko Generation 4

    Mar 19, 2014
    Guardian Chip is a must on your Pilot if you have it.

    For the Titan:
    • Chassis: Ogre, since I don't believe Auto-Titans do any dashing or use their Core ability.
    • Weapon: Plasma Railgun / Arc Cannon for killing Grunts and sloppy / aggressive Pilots.
    • Tactical: Vortex Shield is the only Tactical an Auto-Titan will use correctly.
    • Ordnance: Rocket Salvo in theory (it can hit Pilots / Grunts and doesn't require any smart aim), but I'm not entirely sure Auto-Titans use their Ordnance.
    • Tier 1 Kit: Regen Booster, as everything else is basically useless.
    • Tier 2 Kit: Survivor, since everything else is basically useless, again (Big Punch is useful against bad Titan Pilots or other Auto-Titans, but any smart Titan Pilot can bait you into wasting it with a dash in and out). Also, most people stop attacking doomed Titans, but Auto-Titans fight to their last "breath."
    • Like Like x 2
  6. Corstaad

    Corstaad Generation 2

    Mar 20, 2014
    Can anyone say if they've seen a Auto-Titan use Ordnance? Also has anyone seen them use things like Big Punch? Personally only luck I've had is the Chain-gun for the utility and Triple Threat for when I can put them on Guard in a Hardpoint without ranged LOS.
  7. Koviko

    Koviko Generation 4

    Mar 19, 2014
    They do use the Big Punch. Their AI automatically goes for a melee if their target is in melee range (including both Titans and Pilots). So a smart player can bait your Auto-Titan into wasting its punch by dashing to the Titan and then dashing away. If you use Big Punch, the punch is actually a longer animation (IIRC), so if someone does this to your Auto-Titan, then Big Punch actually reduces your Auto-Titan's effectiveness.
  8. Bardiel18

    Bardiel18 Generation 5
    Elite Pilot

    Feb 23, 2014
    This is basically one of the best loadouts you could use for a dedicated Auto-Titan. Definitely use Guardian Chip when you get it. Before unlocking that though, I usually just use Warpfall

    In most cases though, you're okay to go with any weapon, as they'll be accurate enough to get kills (barring going up against a piloted Titan). Triple Threat and Arc Cannon are my choices, especially when you have them defending objectives. Chain Gun or the 40mm when they're following me around the map.
  9. OnkelCannabia

    OnkelCannabia Generation 2

    Apr 19, 2014
    My Auto-Titan always gets plenty of kills with Triple Threat. I have no real comparison though, as I find the Triple Threat/Cluster combination extremely powerful against pilots. I can't bring myself to use anything else.
  10. The Juggernaut

    The Juggernaut Generation 7

    Apr 2, 2014
    Guardian Chip
    40mm or Instant Shot Railgun
    Vortex Shield
    Regen shield like stated above. Auto Titans use nothing else provided in the Tier 1 Kit
    Survivor or Big Punch. I do bait the punch to take less damage against a auto titan but a doomed auto-titan is basically nothing but a lump of metal that doesn't do a lot of damage. Can be good for pilots though. I would prefer Big Punch since a lot of people still dash up to punch the titan and if your auto titan gets a hit on them and pushes them back, Guardian Chip 40mm will do a lot of damage. Not many choices for auto titans so the loadouts above me will also work.
  11. ShapelessHorr0r

    ShapelessHorr0r Generation 2

    Apr 26, 2014
    Ogre w/ Virtex shield

    Let it take the damage while you rodeo the other titans or sneak up on the pilots.

    Would be perfect for defense.