Bounty Hunt.

Discussion in 'General Titanfall discussion' started by Deeszigns, Nov 11, 2016.

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  1. Deeszigns

    Deeszigns Generation 4
    Elite Pilot

    Nov 30, 2014
    This is just my own opinion but just wanted to see if anyone else felt the same?
    Respawn seems to be kind of rewarding Campers especially in "Bounty Hunt" Game Mode. So i go and play the objective and collect bounties and complete the wave.Then the Bank opens and i go to Deposit my hard earned money only to find some Ass hat Camper hiding in a corner in the Bank with Cloak and Pilot sentries that just shoots me as i come in and take my Hard earned money to bank Himself. Now don't get me wrong i have no issue with losing money when i die my issue is the fact that Respawn has rewarded some Twat for not PTFO and just being a scrub.
    I have tried a few different game modes but Bounty Hunt for me has the least amount of Campers. Where is the skill gap in titanfall 2? In TF1 it actually required skill to be successful at the game but now it seems with stuff like pilot sentries and amped wall for pilots they seems to be kind of promoting Camping. I spent last 2 years playing COD in anticipation of TF2 coming to get me away from camping and this kind of BS but for the first time ever i am actually feeling irritated playing Titanfall and never thought i would say that.
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  2. HalfCutDreamer

    HalfCutDreamer Generation 3

    Nov 5, 2016
    Can't say I've noticed someone doing nothing else but bank camp, but if the DZ's about to run dry or the bounty's are about to go down then I don't see a problem getting there first and robbing others as that's one of the main objectives , but camping all map and not earning your own money is lame
  3. Trini Chinese

    Trini Chinese Generation 7

    Jul 1, 2016

    This is why the AI is need all around the map for both teams and the waves should be a higher stronger and more populated drop of enemies a third enemy that purpose is to destroy everything on the map and loot the banks . all this combined with a higher player count such as 12 v 12 with a bit larger map , hmm the possibilities what an epic battle that would be .
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  4. RottweilerluvNZ

    RottweilerluvNZ Generation 5
    Elite Pilot

    Aug 29, 2015
    I hear ya, happens to me all the time. I must admit I 'really' like Bounty Hunt, reminds me of the hardpoint days TF1 vs Attrition I just personally like an objective other than smoking other pilots.

    Bounty hunt, keeps me on my toes - I think I must curse and swear throughout with what your talking about!!! really winds one up clocking up $500 and then WHAMMO! some pilot takes his 50% cut for smoking ya. Get's the blood pumping and like CTF on TF1 it's not a mode to play first thing in the morning if you don't want to be wound up lol.

    Hardpoint TF2 is cool too, but bounty hunt is better IMO.

    I know what you mean,and yes I do the same too but in a very aggressive way, or I'll keep hanging around to be honest I think it's half of the game, stopping others getting to the bank, in fact I'd say it's a huge part of the mode. Saying that, there is stopping others getting to the bank.................... and then what you're speaking of "CAMPERS!" the ones too scared to patrol aggressively, hiding in the corner, taking pride in a 30 - 40 pilot kill but they didn't bounce around to get it. I don't mind newbies doing this, I think it's a good way to learn TF in general, I used to camp in my early TF1 days until learning what Stim could do for a pilot. Otherwise you never kill anyone as a starter.

    Gen 5s - 10s or regen TF2 though? come on bros!! get in the fight!

    What I've found with Bounty banking - When you're coming in it's like clearing an LZ - grenades, and a quick scope of the area. Grenades seem to be the best to clear out the bank area,not to mention you take what you kill also. Otherwise, go in stimmed - and just upload your cash and hope for the best, never go where you're in view of a window or door, or with a door behind you. Or, if you are in a Titan don't get out!!!! go up to the bank area, shoot up anyone, pop smoke, then stim in there and get it done quick, jump as you finish banking and get the hell out of there.

    Otherwise if you not happy, run away.

    Also, once you've banked, you should be charging into other banks hurling grenades to try and stop enemies as harsh as it sounds.

    Sometimes I find if two or 3 of you go in it's better - safety in numbers.

    I think Bounty is a mode that lot's wont like. But like all modes it has it's bits, like when your going into a bank, at the bank, and leaving the bank - a part of the mode that requires it's own game skill.

    Hope I see you in there sometime will try join you, GT as per here.

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  5. RottweilerluvNZ

    RottweilerluvNZ Generation 5
    Elite Pilot

    Aug 29, 2015

    Agreed. It's a bit easy with the 'drops'. But if there were AI everywhere all the time, that would make it harder and more hardcore.
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  6. ensc

    ensc Generation 7
    Elite Pilot

    May 29, 2016
    Disclaimer: This is just meant to be a joke and not intended to offend anyone.
    Perhaps they could have named the mode "Government Welfare Simulation". Some do all the work and others take half of their money while sitting home doing nothing. :)

    Seriously though, I love Bounty Hunt, but I would love it a lot more if all the waves were just grunts and no titans, but non stop waves with no breaks in between and with larger, almost overwhelming numbers of grunts in each wave. I just feel like the titan waves (of just 1 or 2 titans), just slow the whole feel of the mode down.
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  7. RottweilerluvNZ

    RottweilerluvNZ Generation 5
    Elite Pilot

    Aug 29, 2015
    Not to mention if you're the lucky bugger that gets to the drop first, you can run over everyone and smash the Titan and run away with about $600 I think is a drop?

    More grunts would be awesome, I've lost lots of money to Grunts kicking me in the shins!! just class running into them smg blasting though!
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