Titanfall Brain Surgeon Regen Challenge

Discussion in 'Feedback, Issues & Suggestions' started by Branderson178, May 24, 2014.

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  1. Branderson178

    Branderson178 Generation 2

    May 24, 2014
    I'm a gen 6 level 50 player. So far, from what I can remember this is the only regen challenge I've had a problem with. For those of you who don't know or don't remember what it is, its to get rodeo titan kills. My problem with this challenge is that it seems in order for me to get credit for it I need to rodeo the titan and STAY on the titan. Jumping off and jumping back on doesn't count. Between everyone I come across using electric smoke or me getting shot off a titan by some other titan (this mostly happens during last titan standing so don't tell me to play that as I already tried that) , its taking way too long for me to finish this. If jumping off and back on counted, I could be done already as I have a lot of kills with that method. I'm at around 19/30 tier 3 or 4. Can't remember. So I don't even know how many tier 5 requires. Auto titans are problematic as its so damn obvious what I'm doing when I'm on the titan. I don't mind regen challenges that are difficult but requires skill. In fact, the regen challenges convinced me to use weapons I normally wouldn't. This particular one just requires me to be really really lucky. All I'd like to see is the jump off and jump back on method count for the challenge. That or make the required number smaller.
  2. Myl0tt

    Myl0tt Generation 3

    Feb 13, 2014
    LMG with the hammer attachment titans are doomed in half a clip
    • Like Like x 1
  3. VelocityVO2

    VelocityVO2 Generation 2

    Apr 21, 2014
    Saw a nice chart that showed a lmg with slammer dropped a titan in 3-4 seconds
  4. Branderson178

    Branderson178 Generation 2

    May 24, 2014
    I use the lmg with the slammer but the thing is if the titan has electric smoke he can use it before you even open the hatch to start shooting. Thus, forcing me to jump off or die. I'd rather not die. Or if the pilot gets out fast enough, you won't have time to finish before getting killed.
  5. VelocityVO2

    VelocityVO2 Generation 2

    Apr 21, 2014
  6. VelocityVO2

    VelocityVO2 Generation 2

    Apr 21, 2014
    I hear the frustration. Just have to keep hopping off until you get a titan w/out smoke. My biggest frustration was constantly getting stepped on.
  7. Branderson178

    Branderson178 Generation 2

    May 24, 2014
    Yea I've died from getting stepped on by titans plenty of times. A lot more then usual.
    • Like Like x 1
  8. UKCowboy74

    UKCowboy74 Generation 4

    May 9, 2014
    I Started Gen 6 lvl 5 lastnight with 0 Brain Surgeon kills and when I came off was lvl 40 with 35 got them all with either the Carbine or the SMG as I hadn't Unlocked the LMG yet all got on either Hardpoint or Attrition got stepped on a few times and got Smoked a lot but Surprisingly was MVP a lot more times than I Normally am there's 50 Total to get
    • Like Like x 1
  9. Branderson178

    Branderson178 Generation 2

    May 24, 2014
    Well I wish I would get the same players you were playing against UKCowboy74. I also wish someone from respawn would come and tell me exactly how this challenge works. It'd be great if one of them read this. Now I know for a fact, I've not been jumping off a lot of titans that I rodeo kill but then they still don't count toward the challenge. I'm assuming it was because they were already damaged by another player. If I'm right then that's total bullshit. Then when I play against players who are actually skillful, this challenge becomes an even greater pain in the ass. Normally, playing against other good players is very fun, but not when I'm worrying about stupid challenges like this that prevent me from playing at my best. (I know I don't have to focus on the challenge but I'm getting sick of still being gen 6. I like progressing.) I finally got to tier 5 at least. 30 something out of 50.
  10. SgtPain

    SgtPain Generation 4

    Apr 28, 2014
    Love Rodeoing Titans and getting the kill especially if I see the pilot just got in.

    LMG with Slammer attachment or Charge Rifle. Yeah you might get smoked occasionally, but it's worth it.

    When you anticipate the pilot has disembarked; activate cloak, jump off and either shoot him once in cover or to his side or satchel charge him. You can even hide and then jump back on when he gives in and assumes you have slinked away. That must really piss them off.

    You can start the challenge at I think level 33 as soon as you get the Charge Rifle unlocked. But it's easier when you get the LMG at level 39 (?).

    Also. Pick on Titans who are already fighting friendly mechs as they're attention is already diverted, are taking damage from hits and they are less likely to jump out. Even easier pickings if you've just seen him use his electric smoke.
  11. A.C

    A.C Generation 4

    Feb 18, 2014
    Silenced Carbine is the best way to achieve this with Satchels.

    LMG with Slammer is good against idiots - but you're going to attract alot of attention slamming a Titan unsilenced.

    Pick your targets wisely, if you know the enemy is using Particle Wall or Vortex Shield - they should be your target. If they disembark, satchel them - you don't even need to jump off the Titan. Once the pilot is no longer an issue, have your way with the Titan!
  12. Branderson178

    Branderson178 Generation 2

    May 24, 2014
    Thanks. I'll try it for the last few titan kills I need. Almost done with the challenge now.
  13. AdrianLudvik

    AdrianLudvik Generation 2

    May 19, 2014
    I did it with an LMg with the slammer no problem. Just be smart about it. Rodeo titans that are in combat with other titans.
  14. Iron Man

    Iron Man Generation 4

    Apr 13, 2014
    Rodeo kills count when; pilot is in the Titan and you doom it by shooting its core.

    On an auto Titan, you must doom it and then destroy it completely whilst in roadie.

    I believe if the pilot is in the Titan when you doom it via rodeo, it will show up in the kill list as [Rodeo] kill if you were the last to cause it damage. However if you weren't then it will still count. If you destroy it, the weapon you use will show in the kill list but it'll still add to the rodeo kill count.
  15. xHOUNDISHx

    xHOUNDISHx Generation 2

    Apr 19, 2014
    I'm not having so much fun with this either.. I mean i can get the kills but its the interupted kills or even if i just off before the titan explodes it doesnt seem to work! I think they should fix this so that if you doom the titan while rodeoing then it should always count!
  16. Iron Man

    Iron Man Generation 4

    Apr 13, 2014
    See my previous post.

    If you force the pilot to eject it will count as a rodeo kill.

    If you doom the Titan with a pilot inside, it will count as a rodeo kill when they eject.

    If you doom an auto Titan you will need to take it passed doom and completely destroy it whilst in rodeo to get it to count. It may not show up as a [Rodeo] kill in the action list but it will count in your stats post game.

    Hope that helps.
  17. Achmed is here

    Achmed is here Generation 4

    May 5, 2014
    tips if ya never really wanna leave your titan while someone is redeoing you use eletric smoke on all ya titans
  18. Iron Man

    Iron Man Generation 4

    Apr 13, 2014
    The thread is about getting rodeo kills in Gen6 for the requirement.

    That is a real captain obvious comment lol so everyone should know that by now ;)

    Guaranteed anyone going for rodeo kills will encounter noobs using electric smoke. Great as a smoke screen to cover a retreat but that's all it's useful for. The other "benefits" are only used by people who can't hold their own in a fight.
  19. boise

    boise Generation 4

    May 1, 2014
    I'm at Gen 5 so I haven't done this as a Regen challenge yet, but I enjoy to rodeo titans and completed that challenge just for fun at Gen 2 or 3 - after I got to level 50 and had completed my regen challenges I just noticed that I only needed three or four more rodeo kills so I completed it before regeneration.

    I have to say that I don't really understand the fuss here. I suck at this game, but getting a couple of rodeo kills per match is not even a bother. Of course, I die a lot in the process but dying means nothing to me. Is perhaps that why you are having problems? I mean do you feel that you need to avoid dying in the game? Otherwise I don't really see why you should find this challenge that hard.

    When I killed those last titans for the challenge, I think I used the LMG, but without the Slammer (I didn't even know about it then). When I worked on the Critically Wounded challenge for the Charge Rifle I realized that it was pretty good for rodeo kills, but I seldom use that weapon.

    The easiest way is to jump on a sufficiently wounded titan that is already in a fight (though that will of course make it a dice throw for if it is you or comrade that gets the kill), empty a couple of clips of whatever you have as primary weapon on it to get it doomed, switch to your sidearm (faster than reloading, remember) and kill it off just to be sure you get the kill. Though I usually don't bother with trying to be smart about it :) When I feel like killing a titan I usually just jump up on any enemy titan that passes by and keep firing on it until either it or I is dead. I know, I know, that is not a smart thing to do, but it's fun, and that is the reason why I play this game - to have fun :)
  20. xHOUNDISHx

    xHOUNDISHx Generation 2

    Apr 19, 2014
    Thanks a lot for the tips, just finished this last nigh :]