Codename Cygnus - An Interactive Audio Drama for iOS (Shameless Plug?)

Discussion in 'General Gaming' started by angryfacing, Jan 29, 2014.

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  1. angryfacing

    angryfacing Generation 2

    Jan 28, 2014
    Hey everyone!
    Since this is a general gaming category, I thought it'd be cool to let you know of a game I have been working on, Codename Cygnus. It's an interactive radio drama for iOS where you take the role of a secret agent in a fictional world inspired by old time radio dramas. The game uses speech-recognition technology for a voice operated experience. Think of an interactive audiobook!

    What's great about it is that we have an awesome voice acting cast including some people you may have heard before. We have Rob Wiethoff, who played John Marston from Red Dead Redemption. On top of him, we have Logan Cunningham (Rucks in Bastion), Sarah Elmaleh (Katie in Gone Home & is also in Skulls of the Shogun), plus countless others.

    Right now, the game is available for a free download (and includes the Prologue episode for free too!) on the iOS App Store and we have plans on coming to many other platforms in the near future. You can download it by clicking here, and find tons of more info at our website at *************************.

    Sorry if this seems like a straight up advertisement, but I thought at least a few of you would be interested in at least trying out. Hopefully it's alright with you all since this is a general gaming forum category. If not, feel free to remove it, I won't be offended. :)

    Of course if you have any other questions or comments, please let me know and I'll reply as quickly as I can.
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