Determining Direction Pilots/Titans Are Facing

Discussion in 'Titanfall 2 News & Discussion' started by ensc, Nov 24, 2016.

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  1. ensc

    ensc Generation 7
    Elite Pilot

    May 29, 2016
    I was just wondering if anyone else noticed this, but I have a very hard time sometimes telling if a pilot or titan is looking at me or looking the other direction. This especially happens with the stim pilots that look like robots and also the large titans that look like a big blob. I see them and think they are looking away and feel like I can take my time positioning myself perfectly for the kill and BLAM!, I get shot in the face because they were looking at me the whole time. :)

    I find this kind of ironic, because I know they really wanted to dumb the game down and make it so you could tell more about a titan or pilot by how they looked. However, with some of the new designs you can't tell which way they are looking, which to me seems to be the more critically important piece of information.

    I mean, what do I care if I can tell if a guy has Stim or Cloak after he blows my face off because I thought he was looking the other way?
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  2. KernelClamjuice

    KernelClamjuice Generation 6
    Elite Pilot

    May 4, 2014
    I will agree with you.

    The problem is the large orange glow.

    The game would be sooooo much better without the orange glow and the streaming green acrossed the screen when u grab a battery.

    It's just too easy to get killed in this game.....and the big bright neon HERE I AM colors certainly contribute to this.....

    The orange glow prevents you from knowing from afar if the Titans are looking at you...same with Pilots.

    I'd like to see it completely gone.

    The IRONY here is Respawn spent so much time and effort into Pilot and Titan Camos you can't even see them on the battlefield. What the hell is the point? Nobody can see them except the owner and that's in the home screen.....

    It would be awesome to see the opposite teams Camos......both pilot and Titan.
  3. A4eaTransformer

    A4eaTransformer Generation 6
    Elite Pilot

    Mar 3, 2015
    I do not know about the stim and glow aspects but there is no question that I have been shooting a Titan from his side and after I die in the replay he is facing me shooting. WTF!?!? This was actually noted on TF 1 but it is much more obvious on this game. It really makes strategic battling somewhat fruitless and adds tremendously to the brainlessness of TF2. Zzzzzz
    • Funny Funny x 1
  4. rainman0211

    rainman0211 Generation 7
    Elite Pilot

    Oct 17, 2014
    I have to admit that I have not noticed that. My guess is that the majority of my time is spent with my head on a swivel trying my best not to get killed. Damn I really miss those little red dots on my radar.:(