
Discussion in 'Titanfall 2 News & Discussion' started by Autumn Wind, Aug 20, 2016.

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  1. Autumn Wind

    Autumn Wind Generation 2

    Aug 19, 2016
    The dramatic changes to the Titans has severely dimished the essence that made the first one so special. The first Titanfall had a perfect foundation and although it didn't have a lasting community on a grand scale it still created a lot of hope and excitement for the inevitable sequel. After playing for three days it's obvious the changes, such as the removal of Titan shields and the inclusion of Titan classes, has dimished the identity the first one created. This game does not feel like Titanfall at all but something else entirely. This is puzzling considering the first Titanfall created industry trends and was mostly received well. It's even more confusing when I look at the games Respawn and Infinity Ward (the real Infinity Ward) created and they always had a distinct feel as well as a sense of polish that Titanfall 2 doesn't possess. The problems lie in the conceptual changes not the minor changes. I can go on all day about the specifics of the changes but the uproar of the fans speaks loud enough. At the end of the day we just wanted more of what the first game had, no one wanted something drastically different.
    I'm a die hard fan of this organization and I hope there is enough wisdom to recognize the changes are a huge mistake that will set you back.
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  2. RangerIXXI

    RangerIXXI Generation 2

    Jun 30, 2016
    Cancelled my pre-order last night. There is a reason Vince was canned from IW and we are beginning to see why. He is lazy and the game from everything i am seeing is horrible.

    Last time the PC players made the game what it was and it was PC players who helped make it what it was. Then Vince and his team decided that having it work great and do good things was not enough so he threw a wrench into the well working machine and completely screwed it up.

    Good post
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